P. Marie

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Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Pamela Marie Hof, and I am from a small town in Eastern S. Dakota. Born in Fairbanks, Alaska, my parents and I, with my three sisters moved back to S. Dakota when I was a toddler. I have no recollection of my place of birth. And I've yet to be back to Alaska to see it. We lived a short while out by Rapid City, S. Dakota before moving to the Eastern side of the state where I was raised, and have been living since--Eastern South Dakota, where the sky of the day is bright blue, and where the night skies are vast. This is a place where a bored teenager can look up at the night sky, and wonder about what kind of life is going on out there-a topic my dad and I spoke about upon occasion in my early years. My pen name, P. Marie, actually came from my dad. It was used as a term of endearment and still is.

Currently, I am working for a healthcare facility here in this small town with some wonderfully unpredictable people, and that includes the staff too. More precisely, I work in an Alzheimer's Unit and find the job to be both challenging as well as fulfilling. I live with my significant other and two teenage daughters. If anyone has any questions, comments or what have you, please email me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I didn't actually set out to be a writer. The idea for this story simply started out of those bored teenage years here on the Great Plains and my fascination with things found in the universe. Actually the true story started with a song, a poster and with four girls I considered to be my closest friends at the time (Joan Funk, Sue Camollocci(God I hope I spelled that right. If not, Sorry Sis!), Michelle Larson, and Bonita Hutchinson). Three of which I'm still real close to to this day. I began penning the story around the age of 17. Using my like of fairy tales, of castles, of stories of unconditional and forbidden love, star ships, spiritual and mystical things, and music as inspirations. Throughout the years, I've written on off and on it as a hobby. The tone of the story changing as I grew and matured, until finally it morphed into the story you read now. The first section only delves into a small portion of the actual saga. Only giving the reader a small taste of the characters personalities and lives. Each section a mere building block of the saga. Each chapter an essential element of the entire story. Each section as equally important as the rest.

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