Yolanda Marshall

50, Female

Birmingham, Alabama

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm a debut author of a book entitled: From Victim to Virtuous. This book was written to help broken girls and women navigate their way through brokenness so that they can become whole, walk in virtue, and fulfill their ultimate purpose in life. I share my story of how I was abused on many levels--from conception up to adulthood. God had a plan for my life. He allowed me to identify with the many negative cycles I had so freely repeated, due to a mind infested with brokenness. He in turn, offered me wholeness, whereby I could be an effective being. And my belief is that someday you'll experience the wholeness that I have. You can visit my website to order this dynamic book at victimtovirtuous.com

"“When I think of a broken person, I tend to think of a shattered glass. The purpose of a glass is to drink liquid from; however, if that glass is shattered, then it is non-effective. And we’re the same way—if shattered, we cannot be effective"~Yolanda Marshall

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  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Thanks for the invite. There are many broken people, been there many times myself. Best of luck with the book.
  • Angela Joseph

    Hi Yolanda,
    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. I'm going to check out your website real soon.
  • Angela Joseph

    Thanks, Yolanda. I plan to keep on writing for Him.