Martha Jette




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Something About Me and My Book:
Since my regular publisher is closing her doors, I am in the process of converting all of my books to ebooks for placement on, Kobo and other sites.

1) Playing With The Devil
This book is a novel based on the true story of the horrid abuses suffered by 12 children in one Canadian family. To this day, the perpetrators, many of whom are high profile citizens, have not been brought to justice. For more info go to:

2) "Glimpses" True Stories of the Paranormal
Features strange, but true tales of the paranormal. For more info go to:

3)"Glimpses 2" It Could Happen To You!
Presents countless true tales of the paranormal from around the world on everything from ghosts and hauntings, to angels, demons, ESP, past lives, near death experiences, reincarnation, premonitions and lots more. For more info go to:

4) Talking To My Angel
A lovely children's book for little ones who experience angel visitors and/or invisible friends. For more info go to

5) The Man With The Magic Spectacles
This spy/adventure novel features a young nuclear scientist who is thrown into the dangerous world of espionage after he invents a most unusual pair of glasses. For more info go to:

6) Blood Vengeance: (Case #4-183) Not of this World
Now Available! This book tells the story of FBI agent Jeremy Jones, who along with his female partner attempt to solve a string of kidnappings/murder/suicides, while at the same time experiencing a series of visions that somehow seem related to the crimes. For more info go to:

7) Totally Scared: The Complete Book On Haunted Houses co-written with Dawn Colclasure. For more information, please visit our promo site at

8) Phenomenal Paul - An Incredible True Tale of Insect-like Creatures & UFO Sightings. This one is available now on Amazon Kindle and Kobo.

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  • Fran Lewis

    I would love you to review my two books on your blog page. It would really help to let more people know about them. I hope that some teachers, administrators and other school personnel will see the blog and anyone else that has kids of any age. Thanks for your help so far.
  • Fran Lewis

    I have created a blog on google but I would love to have my books on your site. Fran
  • Bert Martinez

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