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Debra Purdy Kong
  • Female
  • Port Moody, British Columbia
  • Canada
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Debra Purdy Kong's Friends

  • EA McKenzie
  • The Redhead Riter
  • Joyce Rothman
  • Jennifer Lynn Knox
  • Philip Nork
  • Crown Media & Printing
  • Vanessa Morgan
  • D. C. Jennings
  • Anthony S. Policastro
  • David Stanley
  • Nicholas Grabowsky
  • Martha A. Cheves
  • Fran Lewis
  • Ann B. Keller
  • Yvonne Mason

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Profile Information

Something About Me and My Book:
I've been writing and publishing mystery novels, short stories, personal essays, and articles for almost 30 years. I guess the most well-known publication I've been published in is Chicken Soup for the Bride's Soul.

Both books in my Alex Bellamy mysteries centre around white collar crime and take place in Vancouver, and other areas of the Lower Mainland that I don't think anyone's ever written about.

I've worked at a variety of clerical jobs over the years, raised a family, then returned to work in retail for five years. Right now, I'm spending most of my time writing.

I live with my husband, our two kids, and a menagerie of pets, including our new black lab pup named Baily.

My newly released mystery, FATAL ENCRYPTION is available from Excerpts can be read at my website.

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At 8:07am on December 7, 2011, Fernando Sobenes said…

Hello Debra. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

Also you can watch the book trailer.

Best regards,


At 10:15am on February 23, 2009, Bert Martinez said…
Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

You Were Created to Succeed!

Bert Martinez

For Email Marketing you can trust
At 7:23pm on November 14, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Cool. I just ran into another writer on ning from there.
It's part of the Vancouver area, right?
At 3:03pm on November 13, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Port Moody sounds like a good place for writer.
At 10:10am on November 13, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Thanks for you vote, Debra. If I win, I promise pot in every chicken and a garage in every car.
At 12:27pm on August 31, 2008, Debra Purdy Kong said…
One of the most satisfying things about being a writer, especially one who's been writing nearly thirty years, is sharing and encouraging and appreciating the work of others. Where would I be without you all?
At 10:41am on August 31, 2008, Rai Aren said…
Hi Debra,

Thank-you very much for your kind comments about Secret of the Sands! I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the story :) As you know, that kind of thing always makes an author's day!! Your support & friendship means a lot to me...

Your book, Fatal Encryption, sounds like such a great read too, it is in my TBR pile, and I will be happily diving into its pages soon...

I hope you are having a good weekend. Let's keep writing, sharing, promoting, learning...I look forward to the day when we become bestselling authors!!

Your friend,

Rai Aren, co-author of Secret of the Sands

At 5:04am on May 26, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
I've gone the other way and found it to be torture, actually.

It's almost (not quite) like my current model is write the script first, then make a novel out of it.

Another advantage is that this forces a tight story structure. Of course, that can also be a disadvantage.

The first one I did drew a lot of "this is too stark, reads like a screenplay" remarks from agents and pubcos.
My latest doesn't have that problem.
(It's problem is being a romance that most romance readers would decidedly not see as such)
At 11:54am on May 25, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Actually, the project I just finished was a novel based on my TV series scripts, not the other way around. :-)
It's the third script I've "novelized"

(A LOT easier and more fun than chopping novels down into screenplays, lemme tell ya.)
At 11:54am on May 25, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Actually, the project I just finished was a novel based on my TV series scripts, not the other way around. :-)
It's the third script I've "novelized"

(A LOT easier and more fun than chopping novels down into screenplays, lemme tell ya.)

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