I am on a steep learning curve because I have not written a book before but am enjoying the experience. I also write poetry and my first foray into competitions has landed me on a shortlist in a National competition; this has surprised and pleased me because many of my poems have a message and some would be considered controversial.
I am writing about my own spiritual experiences, including, Astral travel, Ghostly visitations, Near Death Experience and a miracle healing that has stunned my medical consultant and I give the reasons why I think the way I do.
My whole life has been one of learning and I am at a crossroads in my life. I have a message, and the purpose of my writing is to give my own explanation to the age old question of 'Who are we, where did we came from and what is the purpose of life? Importantly, I believe our fear of death needs to be addressed because there really is no death; only a transition. I have been beyond death and returned to tell of what I experienced.
I have many answers that resonate with me and I hope will be appreciated by the reader who may be impressed to search for their own truth. In essence we have truth inside of us, we just need to awaken it.
My mind has always been open and I have questioned life ever since I was a child. When my Gran died, it opened up a whole new train of thought fo me and my experiences began there.
'THE BIG PICTURE' is half finished and I believe is necessary in a word where we have created our own cultural an religious separation and have manufactured life of such complexity that we are losing our capacity to be happy. I believe the world is looking for answers, and the answers I have found are basically simple. The spiritual way requires a leap of faith and this is quite easy for those who are on a spiritual pathway or who have had paranormal experience, but not so easy for those who maintain the status quo or who are closed minded and the world is full of these.
Ah well into the lions den..
Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.
David, you have had an amazing experience, and what a blessing for you to share that with others and give them hope! In my inspirational poetry, I try to point people to the source of hope. Thank you for accepting my friend invitation.
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David B. McLaughlin