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Am I creating the next generation of Elliot Rodgers?

"Why are you glamorizing murder and torture, violence and rape and serial killers?" I'm constantly being asked these questions from critics, no scratch that, people that absolutely hate my books--Madson in particular. Some of them even hate me. Why do you think these subjects are funny? Killing women, dissecting babies. Hurting elders. Why--why--why??? What kind of role model or example are you setting for younger kids? They've even brought my own kid into it--he's all of four months old (he's the cutie on the cover of FIGHT PSYCHO BOY--well his ultrasound is.) The honest answer is I don't know! I don't know why I don't think Madson is inappropriate, I just don't! I'm not even sure I care. And then something like this happens:

...and I feel like shit. It's like wait maybe all this shit isn't funny at all. Maybe I shouldn't be making Robert Madson appear so fucking cool. Is this my purpose on earth? Is this what I'm offering the universe? What if kids start emulating him? Am I totally in the wrong and out of my mind for putting this shit out there? And this feeling isn't ephemeral, the shit actually effects me and I get so down I find myself on my Amazon page, full of self-doubt just staring at the screen with my mouse hovering over the UNPUBLISH button. It sucks, putting a year into your work only to feel culpable/responsible for someone else's actions. Something i had nothing to do with. I wonder how Brett (Easton Ellis) feels? But I didn't push the button because I'm not in the wrong. It's not my fault this fucking kid went on a rampage and killed 6 innocent people. This shit happens everyday, the mass killings, triple murder suicides, drive-by shootings (I mean fuck, I know all about that firsthand). Just turn on the news and you'll see but there's way crazier shit happening all over the world that you never know about like soldiers (yes US) raping children or Exxon Mobil raping an entire country for profit which invariably leads to much more deaths. Or GM not recalling their defective pieces of shit vehicles because Cost of Recall>Settlement. I don't know about this Rodger kid's upbringing or the specifics of what pushed him to the brink of insanity but not getting girls is not an adequate enough reason. I'm sorry it's not--there's something wrong here...some kind of chemical imbalance. Maybe we should look at prescription medication a little closer, you know talk to a couple war vets about PTSD. This shit gets way deeper. And Madson is just a satire. But there are overtones like mental disease. It's a reflection of our society and the new generation's interpretation of it. Everyone's over inflated sense of entitlement. And I'm no different, I try to be but I'm not. I'm far from Oprah but at least I can acknowledge that.

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