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My name is Matthew Moses and I currently reside in Louisville, KY. I am a graduate of Indiana University and currently attend clinicals at Jewish Hospital. I am well traveled having lived throughout the United States as well as abroad in such countries as South Africa, Ireland, and the UK. I am an unabashed sci-fi fanatic and technophile (my geek credentials are extensive), though I am also partial to classical history and mythology. I am also the author of two novels, Anti-Christ: A Satirical End of Days and Proxies of Fate.

Most people tend to label me an outsider. I prefer to sit back and simply observe the world around me. Human interaction and motivation greatly interest me (enough so that I minored in psychology) and one of the best thrills is writing and seeing a character develop throughout the story. Seeing how intricate a web human civilization and the importance of interaction and the ripples that flow from those moments…that is what largely drives my writing. To me, a story is a journey; for the characters on the page, for the readers poring over it, and for me writing it. If a story fails to make you stop and think, then what was the point?

Author Interview with Matthew Moses:
It's rare today to find an author who does nothing but write for a living. Do you have a 'real' job other than writing, and if so, what is it? What are some other jobs you've had in your life?
Author Matthew Moses: I currently work in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY. As for my list of prior jobs, it can be extensive. I was an assistant librarian, a public relations officer, a cinematographer for various low budget productions, and an actor (good luck finding any of my work).
What compelled you to write your first book?
Author Matthew Moses: I wrote my first novel, Anti-Christ: A Satirical End of Days, simply to prove to myself that I could do it. There were a lot of bumps along the way, but writing that first novel helped me to find my style. It was also fun as hell. I gave my imagination full reign. Dangerous thing to do.
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Author Matthew Moses: I’ve wanted to be a writer ever since I was a child. I was a true cinemophile and it didn’t take long before I began writing my own screenplays, the first when I was six years old. When I was introduced to the local public library and discovered the vast number of books within, I fell in love with the written word and wanted to produce something of my own to contribute to that literary bounty.
What compels you to be a writer?
Author Matthew Moses: The little boy inside me screaming, ‘I want to be heard.’ He can be quite persistent.
Tell us a little bit about your book/s. What are their titles; which is your favorite if you have more than one, and briefly let us know what they are about. Pay particular attention to your most recent book and/or your first book:
Author Matthew Moses: I have two novels, Anti-Christ: A Satirical End of Days and Proxies of Fate. My first novel was a critique on philosophy and organized religion. To my surprise it became a minor young adult sensation in Tyler, TX. I still don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
My second and most recent novel, Proxies of Fate, is best described as modern myth. Set during the Great Depression, it focuses on two men chosen by alien forces to decide the fate of humanity. The two protagonists are Chris Donner, veteran of WWI suffering in the Dust Bowl, and Li Chen, an idealistic Chinese teenager living in Japanese occupied Manchuria. The story follows these two men as they are granted great power and set out to change the world altering history. It’s a fascinating study in culture and psychology and an homage to the pulp of the Thirties as well as to graphic novels.
Are you currently working on any writing projects our readers should watch for release soon?
Author Matthew Moses: I am currently revising another novel that I have been clutching far too tightly to my proverbial chest. The title of the novel is Twilight of Souls and it is a dark, mythological tale in the Lovecraftian mold. There are ancient, inhuman beings, the world on the verge of collapse, and intense character studies dealing with the breakdown of human sanity and an investigation into what evil is.
What inspires you and motivates you to write the very most?
Author Matthew Moses: I’m a dreamer, sometimes at the expense of other important matters. The thought of sharing these dreams with others and seeing my audience get as much of a thrill out of my ethereal worlds as I do…that is the very reason I write.
What one thing are you the most proud of in your life?
Author Matthew Moses: Finally graduating college. I was one semester away from graduation and suffered through a complete loss of motivation. I dropped out, traveled the world, got married, got divorced, but I could never get over the fact that I had quit one semester shy of my BA. I suppose I was running away from maturity. Eventually I grew up, though the prices were severe. But going back and finishing what I started, I realized that nothing was impossible.
The main characters of your stories - do you find that you put a little of yourself into each of them or do you create them to be completely different from you?
Author Matthew Moses: My characters are either parts of me or people I know. I fully endorse the maxim ‘write what you know.’ Sit there, ask yourself how you would react in these situations, and let the familiar figures guide your story. Too many writers create these two dimensional characters that they cram into a pre-developed story. Motivations make little sense, the plot is clunky, and the climax fails to pay off. As an author, you want people to care about these characters, become invested in the story so that the final pay off is rich and rewarding. An audience hates to have their time wasted.
When growing up, did you have a favorite author, book series, or book?
Author Matthew Moses: Growing up, I was absolutely obsessed with Greek mythology. I would either buy or borrow any book on the subject. My fascination with Greek myth is probably what drew me to classical history as well and the study of numerous cultures.
Hey, let's get morbid. When they write your obituary, what do you hope they will say about your book/s and writing? What do you hope they will say about you?
Author Matthew Moses: Not to be narcissistic, but I hope I they call me a successful author. Sure, Robert Howard and H.P. Lovecraft are beloved today, but they both died penniless and largely unnoticed by the world. I’d love to receive at least a glimpse of my work’s effect on people.
Location and life experience can sprinkle their influence in your writing. Tell us about where you grew up and a little about where you live now. If you could live anywhere you want to live, where would that be?
Author Matthew Moses: My family moved around a lot. Tennessee, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, Connecticut. I moved roughly ten or fifteen times before I was eighteen. I lived in big cities (Houston, Muncie, Ft. Wayne, Nashville) and small towns (Middlefield, Henryville, Yankeetown). That is probably part of the reason I hate to stay in any one place for too long. If I had to settle down, it would have to be on the frontier. Alaska simply calls to me with its wandering caribou and wide open spaces.
Do you watch movies? If so, what are your favorite movies? Does cinema influence of inspire your writing?
Author Matthew Moses: I absolutely love cinema. Sitting in a dark, crowded theater, feeling the pulse of the crowd as you share a moment in time; that is the epitome of entertainment.
As for my tastes, I love epic storytelling and search it out religiously. I am also drawn to horror and comedy. Some of my faves include Fight Club, Let the Right One In, Superman, and Night of the Creeps.

I would have to confess that some of my fave flicks have influenced my writing. I love wackiness and the absurd, and my characters and the situations they find themselves in are a literal testament to that. As long as you can get the audience to suspend disbelief, then anything is possible.
How long did it take you to write your most recent (or first) book? When you started writing, did you think it would take that long (or short)?
Author Matthew Moses: This novel took me roughly a year to write. I’d written various drafts for years before. I even put together a screenplay that I attempted to sell to various publishers. When that proved fruitless, I went back, edited that screenplay, and gradually expanded it into the novel I published. This is the longest it has ever taken me to write a novel, but I believe that is partly due to my investment in the project. I’ve been fixated on this character and his story for nearly twenty years, so finally being able to tell his story was exciting.
Is there anyone you'd like to specifically acknowledge who has inspired, motivated, encouraged or supported your writing?
Author Matthew Moses: The two Geoffs, Oldham and Schroeder. They were important teachers who guided my writing and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
Thinking about your writing career, is there anything you'd go back and do differently now that you have been published?
Author Matthew Moses: Start earlier. I didn’t attempt to publish any of my material until my late twenties and even then my initial attempts were half-hearted. I could have been a millionaire by now!
What is your main goal or purpose you would like to see accomplished by or with your writing?
Author Matthew Moses: I want my material to make it to the big screen. I’d love to see how others would interpret my stories and whether what I wrote on paper would actually work onscreen.
Have you ever had a character take over a story and move it in a different direction than you had originally intended? How did you handle it?
Author Matthew Moses: In everything I write, I have a beginning and an end with vague ideas of what comes between. I try not to hash out a complete outline because the characters tend to develop in ways even I am never completely sure of. I plop these fictional figures into literary land and then my subconscious takes over. It’s kind of like fracturing one’s psyche and watching the personalities that develop.

In this novel, the teenage character, Li Chen, was a last minute decision and I was never completely sure how I was going to frame his part of the story. Of course I wanted him to be young and idealistic and for that idealism to eventually evolve into cynicism, but how I was going to accomplish was difficult at first. Eventually it became apparent that I needed a love interest, a symbol of his hope and his anchor, and to use that as the starting point for his tale. Watching that character develop from a boy into a man, being forced to make hard decisions and to see that the world outside his village was not as heavenly as he had originally dreamed, that was fun to follow.
Is there any lesson or moral you hope your story might reveal to those who read it?
Author Matthew Moses: My story comes down to whether one should give in to fear. The world is in a dark place and one can either surrender to those shadowy impulses and give up or one can rekindle hope and be a beacon for their fellow man. I hope I inspire people, especially in these modern times, to keep hope alive.
It's said that the editing process of publishing a novel with a publisher is can be grueling and often more difficult than actually writing the story. Do you think this is true for you? How did you feel about editing your masterpiece?
Author Matthew Moses: My novels are my babies and an extension of me. Having to let a stranger come in, judge it, and then start making changes…that is difficult. You put yourself into it, and then you are told ‘this paragraph is redundant’ or ‘you should delete this scene,’ that is difficult. Luckily my editor on this novel was easy to work with. I was stubborn in certain parts, but she was also very understanding and tolerant (thank goodness).
Now that you are a published author, does it feel differently than you had imagined?
Author Matthew Moses: It’s been odd having friends, family, and strangers coming up and asking me about my novel. The attention can be a bit…overwhelming at times. Should my novel become a movie, ask me again. I’ll probably be egotistical beyond belief by then.
Anything you want your readers to know?

There very little left to say about me unless we want to get into the odd stuff, but I don’t want to disturb readers. That’s what my stories are for, veiled confessions of an odd man.

You can find my novels at most online retailers and catch the occasional blog from my author page on go out there and buy a book! I need support for my odd writing habit.

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