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Pickles, Sci FY, CWG, Strange Noises, World News, Twittering Madness

1) Pickles are nearly a stable around my house which is why my motto for the cucumber patch is “plant ‘em early, pick ‘em quick.”  This year my three youngest daughters decided that they wanted to learn the art of pickling and since I had just picked up the pickling packets (say THAT three times fast!) I was already for the adventure.  We made over six quart jars which Ancestor Artswill last us say, three months. Luckily the cucumber vines are still going strong. I’m just hoping their interest hold out till the salsa starts.

2) I’ve been reading quite a bit of science fiction lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that science fiction writers are reincarnated philosophers.  They have an uncanny ability to ask questions with out actually asking a question. In one, I’m wondering if it would really be OK to replace human actors with imitation representatives. In another, I’m wondering if my table is really an alien in disguise, and in another I am wondering when medical technology become moral tomfoolery.  I love questions – I don’t have all the answers, but I still love the questions.

3) CWG – CWC live is going to be in Chicago late July. I will be meeting people and trying to soak in as much of the rampant enthusiasm as possible. There is nothing quite as exhilarating as being in a room full of people who spend a great deal of their time making things up.

4) It might just be that the windows are naturally open in the summer, but it seems to mefrog at nightthat wild animals like to be extra noisy this time of the year – especially about one o’clock in the morning.  I have been awoken to what sounds very much like someone screaming, (screech owl?) a strange scratching over my head, (squirrels in the eves?) the loudest blame frogs in the UNIVERSE, and a host of sounds I can’t rightly describe. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind these sounds.  I think they are part of the charming reality of country living.  But I can do the St. Michael Prayer in my sleep now.

5) The world news has been rather dismal lately and sometimes I wonder at the incongruity of my peaceful little world and places where bombs are dropping andprayerschildren are being killed.  It’s beyond lame to simply say, “Well, I can’t do anything about it”. That might be true in some fashion – but I hold to the belief that every prayer is heard and that every prayer matters.  Sacrifices can make a difference too.  Problem is, we can’t tally the score and we think if we can’t see the effect, there is no effect.  But as far as I am concerned, it’s prayer that really holds the world together.  When things get bad, more prayer is needed. I suspect we need some extra prayers these days.

6) I recently learned to twitter. I should more accurately say, I just entered the Twitter Zone – like something out of the science fiction books I’ve been reading. I can’t believe how many people twitter, and how often they twitter, and what variety of topics people manage to twitter about. Twittering used to be something birds did for fun. Now we’re doing it.  Questions is – Do we know why we are doing it?

7) Ah, yes, for your information, ARAM is still on sale for 99 cents.  Lest you confuseCover for ARAM 2013the value of a book, imagine you’re living in the far flung future where ARAM is suddenly a relic of the past.  An ancient e-book could be worth millions! Now, doesn’t 99 cents seem like a steal? Check ARAM out on Amazon:

Happy Friday to All!


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