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****************************Bag of Books**********************************
by Valerie Hunter
Just because of the three words you said
I stuck a nickname on the top of your head
Only knew you by the sound of your voice
And was impressed by what you do by choice
The name BOB or B.O.B. - is short
But the meaning is deep and filled with thought
You mentioned that you always carry a Bag of Books …wherever you go
This you often encourage on your radio show
I understood immediately what you were trying to say
Never waste any part of any given day
Time passes so fast, it is hard to keep precious moments that mount
Time doesn’t remain idle, so make every moment count
Seconds turn into minutes, and minutes into hours
Always keep your mind busy, knowledge is power
Always be prepared to have something to do
Open yourself to different opinions, and other points of view
Everyone has a viewpoint and though we may not agree
Reading nourishes the mind - this is a definite guarantee
Let’s take a moment just to look
At the meaning, value and contents contained within a book
We have numerous sheets of paper that are bound
Ensuring that a lasting experience will be found
It is any matter that is expressive in thought
A discipline to relax will be self taught
A book is a written entry of words
It may be fiction or non fiction depending if the events occurred
A book comes in different prints and can be any size
Because of a distinguished front and back cover it is universally recognized
When you enjoy and love to read
Words become food and your mind you will feed
Just never say there is nothing to do
When you can read a book, pass judgment and review
When you want to fulfill your dreams and succeed
Pick up a book and begin to read
Never say there is nothing to do
Read a mystery and figure out who is who
Want your imagination to go places that’s hard to normally believe
Pickup that novel and begin to read
Never say there is nothing to do
You can read about murder and crime and teach your kids what not to do
You will find in life people you love may someday leave
Pick up a book, that will help you cope when you grieve
Never say there is nothing to do
Read the book of Genesis and count the animals two by two
If you like fairy tales and the land of make believe
Pick up Peter Pan again and begin to read
Never say there is nothing to do
Pick up a fix-it book and learn how to
We have all heard it is better to give then to receive
To find it go to Acts 20:35 and begin to read
Only 26 letters and words do not stop
You get another word by moving one letter and making a swap
When you read it is an awesome journey and time you spend
You’ll discover in the world of reading … there is no end
******************************READER'S OATH*********************************
I promise to read
Each day and each night.
I know it's the key
To growing up right
I'll read to myself,
I'll read to a crowd
It makes no difference
If silent or loud.
I'll read at my desk,
At home and at school,
On my bean bag or bed,
By the fire or pool.
Each book that I read
Puts smarts in my head,
'Cause brains grow more thoughts
The more they are fed.
So I take this oath
To make reading my way
Of feeding my brain
What it needs every day.
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This network is a great resource. Thanks for the recommendation.
Minister Tonya
John Kremer, Book Marketing Expert