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Does anyone know of any web-based tv/radio talk shows willing to interview authors?

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There are a number of web-based tv/radio talk shows. Log on to to contact Don McCauley.
His interview with me airs Monday, Sept. 28th.

All the best,
Hi Alison,

The question should be, "Are there any out there worthy of an author's time?"

Your best bet is to Google. Alison, be selective with the Blog Talk shows. Many of them do not get any listeners at all and you'll be wasting your time if you get on a dead show. What you should do is check out the show first and try to find out how big the audience is. Promoting where people won't tune in is no help. If you can, try to get on a live radio show in your hometown. It's hard to do but a lot of them let authors do snippets, or they might interview you.

Now web-based tv, this is the first time I've heard an author try to promote through these but it's the same as the talk shows, make sure they are worth your time. You can waste a lot of value promotion time by doing unnecessary things and not focusing on what will get you exposure. I don't know of any web tv shows and especially any worth mentioning. Remember, that the general public haven't even heard of online radio and online television. There are millions who haven't and don't forget those who know about it but never listen. I've been on Blog Talk radio shows before for interviews, hated doing them and now don't do them simply because most of them do not have an audience. There are way more effective things. Another problem with online radio shows is that most of them don't have the life span of a month and most of the hosts have no idea how to properly host a show, no experience and certainly know nothing about promoting an author who is on there. Let's not forget that the audience (if any) that they have must fit people who would be interested in your work.

What really works is getting reviews. Seek out literary blogs where they interview authors and do book reviews. Many of them get TONS of traffic and are the gospel of today's readers.

Online radio is a huge gamble that most times doesn't pay off unless maybe you can hook up with a successful show, and there aren't many. Also, avoid those online shows where hosts try to make you pay for time. There are plenty of shows that will interview people for free. If these shows got millions of viewers or listeners then paying would be worth it, but most of them do not even have ten unless the host is dedicated and works hard. It has to be taken seriously.

Best Wishes!

My BlogTV show, Seekers Journey probably fits the category of shows described by Stacy since it is newly launched and currently has a small audience, however one of the advantages of being featured is that we give you a recording of the show which you can use on your website in your media clips or "buzz" section. We feature interviews with people who have used the hero's journey model to improve their lives or writing. If your situation fits that model, you will have a targeted audience of viewers who will ask questions via the chat room. You are also allowed to promote your book in the comment section of the show page. The show airs weekly on Tuesdays at 7pm MT at: If you'd like to be a guest, sign up at the bottom of that page in the left-hand column.


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