Julius Thompson’s journey to compose a trilogy began in 1995. The fourteen year fictional journey of character Andy Michael Pilgrim from Brooklyn, to Philadelphia and finally Atlanta is now complete. In this pilgrimage, readers experience places that are filled with hopes, dreams, challenges and fears that make us human
The novels that make up the trilogy are A brownstone in Brooklyn which was published in 2001, Philly Style and Philly Profile in 2007 and The Ghost of Atlanta in 2010. Julius Thompson received the Georgia Author Of The Year nomination for Philly Style and Philly Profile, from the Georgia Writer’s Association, in 2007.
Mr. Thompson is writing his fourth novel, Purple Phantoms, which is a story about the haunting of a mythical high school basketball team. He is currently a Creative Writing/Publishing Instructor at Evening at Emory’s Writers Studio.
Mr. Thompson has signed copies of his novels at the 2010 Virginia Festival of the book, 2009 AJC-Decatur Book Festival, National Black Arts Festival in Atlanta, Georgia, the AJC-Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, Georgia, the Gwinnett Reading Festival in Lawrenceville, Georgia and at the Miami Book Fair International in Miami, Florida.
He’s had book signings at Barnes & Nobles, Borders, Chapter 11, Books-A-Million, Nubian bookstore, the African Spectrum bookstore and Philadelphia's Robins Bookstore.
He’s also been a moderator of author panels at the AJC-Decatur Book Festival, featured speaker at the Bedford-Stuyvesant Creative Arts Fair in Brooklyn, New York and on the panel of authors at the Auburn Avenue Research Library and the Gwinnett Reading Festival.
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