"This is the story of the author's life, written with vigour and remarkable condour. His thought-provoking reflections reveal that he has a remarkable insight into human nature, with all its weaknesses and strengths, and that he has given matters on 'life, love and everything else' some deep thought. He captures various events in his life that were particularly relevant to him and might even help to prevent readers from making the same kind of mistake, or give them some valuable and much-needed advice. Each event is a lesson or story in itself, and put together, they make an absorbing whole. This is like a fiction version of 'how to win in life, and in the workplace'." Editor's note
Good and bad things happen in life and we will always find ourselves blaming various people and events, as it is after all human nature to justify the cause. "After the author was attacked during the night by a two-man gang he allowed himself to become miserable, fearful and lose trust in everyone around him. He was angry at the world and himself for not avoiding the situation...that was until Ms Mara de Melker took him aside and gave him the lesson of his life. She made him see things in a new light and he realised that it was how he allowed what happened to him in life to affect him that was important. She said, "Remember they may rob you, beat you up, take away your money or belongings but one thing that they will never take away from you is the 'BRAINS' in your head. Use them and use them wisely. So when you fall down don't look to see who saw you hitting the ground so they can laugh at you, but look up to see that you don't make the same mistake of stepping in the hole or tripping again. Look if there's a hand to pick you up and if it isn't there pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep going. Rise up, put one foot forward and another and soon you will be running once more. And don't look back things all things in life happen for a purpose and rather say 'I'm still standing' and 'keep walking' too."
"In 2005, certain elders in my family, after a 'disgraced' traditional ritual ceremony encouraged us youngsters to write our own family history and three years later i heard a voice saying to me 'as for the rest believe it or not, it is 'HISTORY' and you're the 'AUTHOR' of your actions and your life, tell it, and tell it right." Kiddy
I Did, I Heard, I Saw And At Times It Hurt Quite A Lot, But Somehow I Managed To Smile Anyway: The Journey Through THE BOOK OF ME - The CHRONICLES. 'was born'
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