Hello my Fantastic friends :) My name is Mike Ludens. For those who don't know me, I am a Law of Attraction Life Coach & Motivational and Inspirational Teacher.
This profile is designed to give you more info on the Law of Attraction. If you are like me, once you found out about this amazing power we never realized we have, you are probably trying to research more about it as possible. This and my other profiles are here to help you not only find out more, but to help you stay inspired and on track to attracting your desires. Inspiration Creations provides graphic images of some of the most beautiful pictures on the net with inspirational messages on them. Affirmation Creations provide you with beautiful little images with affirmations for you to repeat to yourself to stay aligned. Channeled Inspirations provides incredible teachings of higher beings and guides who teach us the principles of the law of attraction and spirituality, and those incredible people who dedicate their lives to channeling these guides and helping to awaken our souls. The Holosync Method provides you with a method of meditation which will make your meditation sessions much more successful. And my latest creation: Law of Attraction Creators Social Network This network is a culmination of most of my creations all in one site, with many high energy members to share in your spiritual/law of attraction experience. We would Love to have you there.
It is my desire to help as many of you wonderful creators as possible to fulfill your fondest desires while on this planet. There is great Love for you here always. Love and God Bless, Mike Ludens
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John Kremer, book marketing expert