Family, I'm in tears as I type these few lines. My co-worker recently lost her mother who was only 54 years old. She died of cancer in October 2008. My co-worker and friend is currently reading Somebody Prayed for Me, and she just called me in tears after reading the story "One Moment With You" and the poem "Always In My Heart." These are pieces dedicated to the memory of my maternal grandmother who raised me, nurtured me, loved me, and taught me about being a strong woman. She died at the age of 64 in January 2006 and my life was forever changed that day because she was my grandmother, mother, and best friend. I wrote those pieces for my own self-healing and today I learned that my words are helping someone else who is going through the same experience of losing a loved one. I've been tired along this journey. There have been times when I wanted to throw in the towel and give up on writing. But God always finds a way to show me how my gift of writing can be a gift to others. Family, be inspired....never give up.
Linda R. Herman, Founder of ASA
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