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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Don't feel bad. I had to give my mother a copy I paid for to even get her to read it and then I had to ask her several times before she would tell me what she thought about it. Don't let your family get you down. They will either support you or they won't. Don't focus on them. Put your focus on the positive things--you're published. You did something not every writer has.

Put your attention to making sales and writing that next book. Who cares what they think. All that matters is what you think and those who are really close to you. I'm talking about those good friends who were always there supporting you, pushing you toward your dreams, helping you along the way with positive feedback. And your fans matter the most. Listen to them and hold it close to your heart.

Hi Amber and Linda,

WOW, I thought I was the only author who had family members who never read their book! My memoir was published November 2006. It's about our father and our family life; long story! My brother said he gets depressed reading about our father while he was dying of cancer. I've asked y sister at least 3Xs if she read it to get no answer. My other two brothers have not said a word.

Amber is right. Put the attention to the people who are excited about it. My friends and strangers loved it. So, that's what I'm going by. Although, my family is showing excitement with my next memoir.

Hang in and believe in your writing. If authors worried about all the negative things people say or don't, we wouldn't write. We will never please everyone. Write for yourself.

There is some interest in learning more about book fairs, based on my blog entry about the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. I hope this is useful.

There are several types of book festivals: consumer, trade and literary. Consumer book fairs sell directly to the consumer. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is a consumer book festival which means publishers are there to sell books directly to readers. It is sponsored by the Los Angeles Times (among many other sponsors), hence the name. There were over 200 booths at this year's festival. There were many consumers attending the show, but not many buying books, from what I saw.

Trade book fairs sell to book retailers and distributors, not directly to consumers. The largest trade book fair in the United States happens this week in New York; the Book Expo of America. It is impressive. Thousands of book publishers are selling to independent, chain and specialty book stores. There is also an active market at the BEA selling international publishing rights to foreign publishers.

The final type of book fair is a literary book fair. Such book fairs are primarily for writers and authors. Speakers at these fairs focus on the art of writing. Exhibitors offer writing and publishing products. Some books are sold at these fairs, but they are mostly books by experts on the subject of writing or publishing.

If you plan to attend a book fair, the first thing to determine is what type of book fair it is. That will determine how you approach the fair. It is always a good idea to have a plan for any book fair you attend. The larger the book fair, the more detailed your plan must be. The reason is larger book fairs have more booths to visit, more speakers to hear and more contacts to make.

If anyone is attending Book Expo of America this year, I'd be interested in your impressions. I am unable to attend this year's BEA. To learn more, go to
My biggest challenge is trying to convince prospective buyers that my book is really good. I have had so many wonderful comments from readers, and I truly believe I have crafted one of the most interesting and intriguing characters in vampire lore. Check it out at
HI Larry,

I read once that authors spend too much time trying to tell people what their books are about. I do myself.

They said what people want to know is why "they" will benefit from reading your book. Everyone wants something free so offer an item that has to do with your story.

Hope it helps.

The positive comments from readers is quite a testament to your book. Congratulations! To make others take notice, however, you'll want to focus on the WIIFM factor. WIIFM is an acronym for What's In It For Me. Readers aren't going to belive you have a better vampire story. It's better if you try to convince them of what your story will do for them. What will the reader receive from reading your book.
You've learned a valuable lesson about advertising in the newspaper—it rarely works. You're on the right track, though. Newspapers are a great medium to promote books through book reviews. Book reviews sell books.

Have you tried sending review copies of your books to local newspapers? Your titles may be of interest to the readers of those newspapers. You are news because you've written several books. Newspapers may want to write about you.
I never thought about using my reviews for my books on the newspaper level. Thank you!!!

My biggest challenge with my book in marketing. The people who read it says that is a very interesting story. A nurse who worked in an ER said that I am on the right track.
Dear Freya,

Thanks for letting us know about this great solution! The flip book technology looks beautiful. I have a couple of suggestions for improvement. It is currently much easier to zoom in on a page than to turn it! It requires real hunting to find the corner to click; I found myself zooming in instead. I couldn't zoom out, and had to close the window and return to your website to relaunch the demo. Most readers aren't this motivated. I haven't noticed this problem in other flip books online. I would suggest you rework the display so that the hot area is proportionate to what most readers want to do.

Thanks again for making this available free of charge to authors.

Best wishes,

H Marta,

I actually got aggravated with the process you had to flip the pages. Every time I went back to turn a page it closed.

Will do, Freva. You have a nice site. Visit mine at

Talk soon


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