The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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The biggest challenge for me is learning how to market my books and brand myself based on three books that have three different topics and were all written and published within a two year time span.
Donald, the good thing is that your books are tightly focused within your niche. They will sell together and cross-promote each other. From the covers it looks like you've done a lovely job on the books. Do you sell mostly from your website?
First let me say thank you for the compliment. As for the question as to where my books are sold, the answer is anywhere Christian books are sold. I rarely sell books from my website but they are available. When you mention that the books are within my niche, are you referring to my coaching or the practical Christian living that I promote?
Hi, Donald

I wonder if the three books on three topics, unless in the same general genre, is a mixed bag. How do you spread your attention? Can they be connected in some way and sold together as a package?
Each book can stand-alone, however I have sold them as a set during seminars and social gatherings. The books are connected by the fact that they all deal with life issues, from a Christian perspective. I agree that the bag is somewhat mixed but as a Christian Living coach a mixed bag is what you have to deal with. I do however find myself leaning towards discussion in relations to debt awareness and overall money issues.
Dear Donald, it sounds as though you are on the right track. If you have social or business or faith gathering exposure to convince people that your input and resources are valuable and needed, then you have a good base, in my view. I am not able at this time to be in public often, due to situation of illness of one at home, but I think that the main challenge, in person or on Internet or in stores, is to convince others of the value of what you offer and are selling. ~Jean
Hi, Bill
My most difficult part, personally, is meeting booksellers and trying to "sell" them on ideas for book signings. It wears me out! I'd rather be vacuuming, for meeting those who hold the keys and can open doors is stressful for me. They are often skeptical about unknown writers or publishers.
I am also a publisher and I deal with a lot of writers through a newsletter and other venues. I have not yet "cracked" my own marketing code, but continue to work hard at it. The attached book cover is our 2007 book. I publish select, nonfiction titles as president of Opine Publishing. I look for a marketing plan, fully developed and showing knowledge, with every book proposal I agree to read. The first marketing step is to the editor, in a well-written query.
Terrific cover, Jean, very effective. I would think that the quality of your products ought to give you a leg up with booksellers. The name of the game in retail is self-interest. If you can demonstrate your ability to bring people into the store, you should be able to get the stores to open up to you. Good luck!
Dear Joel,
I appreciate your expertise and this venue for sharing ideas and questions. Thanks for the feedback! It means a lot! Glad we have networked! ~Jean
Great publishing company name and great cover artwork!

Getting booksellers' attention is an uphill battle. Instead of contacting them to arrange a book signing (which is passé), change the perspective to give them something they want. What does a bookseller want? Customers—foot traffic. What can you provide the bookseller? Foot traffic. Instead of offering to do a book signing, offer to do a mini-seminar on a subject closely related to the book. The mini-seminar must offer content of value to people. Go to the bookseller and tell them you will advertise the mini-seminar to your mailing list. You will advertise the mini-seminar in different places to drive foot traffic to the store. In return, you ask them for the space to conduct the mini-seminar and advertising to their mailing list. Don't expect too much else from the bookseller because you won't get it.

Talking about in-store events with a local Barnes & Noble Event Coordinator, she told me her hands are tightly tied by corporate about the type of event she can host in the store. She acknowledged the same is true for the other chain stores: Borders and Books-a-Million. Independent book stores may be a better alternative for mini-seminars.

Better still, is a blog tour. Coordinate with one fo the many blog tour operators to reach readers about your book. I use for blog tours. They are one of the originators of blog tours and they are reasonably priced.
Dear Bill, Thanks for commenting. This idea of a mini-seminar is new to me. I can see bookstore opportunities and other venues as well. I am going to think this through and may come back to you later for reaction...but will not overdo it! Thanks!~Jean
Can anyone tell me about the promotional company Bostick Communications. Has anyone used them and were you pleased spending $175 for the services? What did they actually do for you with that fee?
It sound unreal that they would reach as many newspapers and editors that they list for that small price.

Thanks. I'm debating but would like some testimonials on them.


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