The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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I love seeing this kind of interaction between book authors here.

Glad you enjoying things here at The Book Marketing Network, Ken!


We're a friendly bunch :)

Ken, if you have not already done so, please stop by Joleene's page and check out her Amaranthine series. 

I have read the first book in the series, Shades of Gray, and it is awesome!

I have it downloaded too and am looking forward to it as soon as I finish Caitlin's book. sadly I am a slow reader :(

S'ok-you are quite busy with your new book :-)

You will get to it eventually... :-0

Or, is it the other way around :-D

My challenge right now is finding time to write. Being a mom of now active 13 month old twins, and a 9 year old it's hard sometimes to squeeze in time to write.

My biggest challenge is getting reviews.

Mine is, and always has been, the marketing. I just want to write...sigh. I've got a new website for my three published books and a Facebook page. And LOTS of excuses for not doing more!

Yes add marketing to my list too. I'm not much of a people person so going out and marketing my book and myself is hard.

I do ll my marketing online because I am no good in person, but even so, yeah, it has taken me years to get to where I am now and I am still so far behind a lot of writers. Like I don;t cold mail people about reviews or anything else because I am not brave enough. I organized my own blog tour this time and was proud because I emailed four people I didn't already know about hosting spots (three responded favorably and the fourth never answered either way) so huge step there, LOL! I think we just have to take our little victories where we can :)

Marketing is the toughest of all for writers. Writing and publishing compared to marketing is a breeze. For example, even Borders and B&N, to name two, have had or is having trouble getting it right and they are in the business. My only advice is to approach it as a mystery, which it is to help you understand it. The process involves finding and reaching out to the ones who want a story or book like yours. If I had had any success, such as in a monetary way, I would have posted it before now. And hope you will do the same. Good Luck. 


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