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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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I put out a press release of my book (co-written w/ my publicist) and sent it out through four free press release distributors. I didn't get any response at all.

Then, I paid Bostick Communications to send out the exact same press release. They talked to me by phone, answering my questions. After they sent it out to their targeted list, within an hour or two I had responses from two radio stations (I did a program with one of them) and about 20 other people from TV to blogs to magazines.

Although I can't afford paying $175 regularly, if something big's in the news that relates to my topic, or it's a time of year when the press is looking for something related to my book, I'll probably use them in the future. It was a good experience.

That's terrific information. Many of these press release companies do not deliver on their promises, so finding a reputable source for distribution is really worthwhile. Thanks.
We just used Bostick again for my wife's gaming dictionary, BackWords - a word list arranged alphabetically by the last letter of each word, and grouped by 2-letter, 3-letter, etc. words. Good for when you need a three-letter word that ends in "R", for example.

Anyway, she sent out the media release Tuesday and has gotten about 15 responses so far. I think it would make a good gift book for a word gamer for Christmas. I suppose that's interesting for newspapers and journalists - since they're all into words.

Since we sent it out, copies are selling each day on Amazon, whereas before none were selling. Just keeping you up with press releases! Here's some info and the press release we sent out:
Thank you so much Steve for being so honest about the company. I think I'll try them. My memoir is Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis with a sequel Please, God, Not Two; This Killer Called Alcoholism. They are about losing my husband and daughter from this demon.

I've been on radio shows, three local TV shows and lots of newspaper articles, including talking at libraries, halfway homes and rehabs. HOPEFULLY, that will help.
If you use it, let us know how it goes for you. The more experiences we gather, the better.
I'll call them next week, unless I get time this week.
Steve, has this resulted in sales?
I'm not certain that sales resulted from the press release for my book through Bostick (although they were good media opportunities and good exposure), but these recent sales (see above reply) of my wife's book were almost certainly from the Bostick release for her book.
Dear Alberta, I think that you are wise to question before moving forward. Kudos for not leaping into something. So many groups offer exposure that does not lead to conversions (sales). All the bet to you. ~Jean
Authors all take a chance investing into a promotional company to help us get a voice. I spent $175 with Bostick Communications and right "now" I can't say I got anything out of it. If the three bookstores order my book than it will all be worth it.

I'm starting to think Paradise is right. A lot of these reviewers put their name on their list to ge extra books. It seems everyone makes out but the poor author.

If I had money, I would jump into Steve Harrison's program without blinking an eye, but I don't have $5,000 to blow. I'd like to have that in my saving from sales! I read from someone who went into his program and got nothing out of it. Wow, big money.
I do, give books for review to this site and you can see my "Secrets of Paradise" about the second or third article down. After you and the audience has had a chance to discuss your book or books, the book is used as a giveaway and a chance for another review.
From the cover of the first page at the ID that I posted.
begin quote
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I have enjoyed the conversations with those who were interested in my books and the follow up discussions.
Dr Robert E McGinnis
I hope this helps.


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