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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Excellent job, Steve. Very professional. How did this release do for you?

You can also keep re-writing the release for use with different markets, to make it even more like the copy the particular group of periodicals usually publishes. That is, if you make it read _exactly_ like one of their own stories, it's much more likely to get used.

I sent it out through several free press release services and got no response. Then I sent it through Bostick and got over 20 responses within a couple of hours. One was a radio program that interviewed me that same week. I was pleased with the response, but don't think it would typically be cost effective for me to send out regular press releases.

This release was the first I sent out, announcing my book. I assume it got a response because the news is all about the economy, and they're looking for new angles. Typically, announcing a new book, unless it's by a celebrity, isn't news.

I tend to write my releases, then send to my publicist to rewrite. She's a good writer and knows the types of releases that the media will respond positively to.
My biggest challenge writing is run-on sentences. I tend to overuse commas and dashes instead of simply having two separate sentences.
Just received notice from my publishing contact at BookSurge: those published through BookSurge/CreateSpace will now be available through Ingram as well as Baker & Taylor:

"I apologize for the delayed response, but I could not say anything until it was official. It is now official and now you have the option to have this expanded distribution through Ingram. This will make the book available on many more channels and make it much easier for bookstores to order the book. The only downside is that you will not make as much in royalties as you will on sales. When you migrate over you can sign up for this expanded distribution option if you would like."
There's a blog post by Aaron Shepard on this today at his website, effectively CreateSpace (Amazon) is now partnering with Lightning Source to get this Ingram distribution. Strange, eh?
I think my replies from Bostick is over. I had six request for copies of my book. I think they are all book review sites. Like I said, they are from all different states so I hope they get seen.

I had wished for a few radio or television shows but they must get a lot with the issue of substance abuse.

Thanks for the info. I'll try other channels once I get money ahead.
Six requests from book reviewers doesn't sound like a very good return for $175. It's two days for me and I got 12 but that may be it. A couple were from reviewers who listed Amazon as where they post reviews. It's something of a risk to get Amazon reviews. I am debating whether to send review copies to some, all, or none. I would not advise other authors to do this. Being a guest blogger or doing a blog tour is more work but I think it would pay off better.
Sara and Steve,
Did you get any replies to your Press Release after one day?
Yes book promotion is frustrating and difficult. All the more reason to try new approaches that can be fun too. i finished my second Twitter interview with author Stephanie Frank: Here is a little summary:

(I'm Stephanie Frank, author of The Accidental Millionaire and President of Success IQ University.

The book is about the entrepreneurial journey, the happy times, the tough times and what it takes to really be an entrepreneur.

You know how sometimes entrepreneurs feel isolated, fearful and not knowing where to turn for help?

People need to understand how to expertly navigate the roller coaster of life. Ups and downs happen every day - it's what you do.

I wrote the book because I've been very successful as an entrepreneur, and wanted to show others how to "be" and "Think" )

So, again, why don't we work together? Have a great weekend...Gary
I would love to do this with you. I have a busy schedule next week with book signings and a speaking engagement with a Woman's Catholic Ministry.
Maybe you can walk me through this next week.
That sounds great. I have a couple of interviews set for next week. Please consider checking my Hub Page for more info: And feel free to visit my Twitter page for announcements about the interviews:
I signed up on your twitter site. How do you get into the chat rooms?


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