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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Thank you for offering these titles. I'm eager to take a look at them.
I really must check out Amazon.
The trick is persistance, and also market saturation. You have to make your name starting in your home area is everywhere. Do events, signings, premiere parties etc...
My biggest challenge is simply finding time to write. Just when I think I have carved out a span of time that will allow me to dig in and put in a good block, something intrudes, and I'm right back at one step forward, two steps back. It never fails.
It was nice to retire many years ago and begin doing what I always wanted to do. WRITE. Books are just flying out of my computer and I love every one of them.

This picture is a combination of a picture of the family home back in Ireland taken by my sister in law and my front yard where I now live. The O'Bannon Castle is somewhere around my fifteen book since retiring and I think I should have retired seventy-five years ago. I would have had more fun.
Getting the blasted thing published!!! I've rewritten my query letter at least EIGHTEEN times!! But I think this one is a winner!!!! Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with all the Social Networks. I've joined a lot of them and I see now why pros say you need at least one day to do all the marketing. Gesh!!!
Yes, but look at how much fun your having. I can't imagine why I waited so long to begin writing. I am on book number twenty and I have just published my first Kindle for a test run. I have always said that I didn't like Kindle and have to say it again, but my readers keep begging me to put my books on Kindle. You can see the Kindle version of O'Bannon Castle either by going directly to Amazon or a Google search of my name, Dr Robert E McGinnis. I will have to say again, I have never had so much enjoyment as I get from my readers. Another great benefit is hearing from my old students who are in the thousands as I was responsible for 1,500 a year. This kind of email will melt your heart, at least it does this old man. I retired from teaching after thirty years and you can multiply that times the number of students/year and factor about ten percent of those and you will see how heavy my email is.

Angelia Lawson-Thomas commented on your link:

"Are you kidding! He speaks of you often and when I saw your friend request and shared it with him, he was excited to know that you remembered us. You took the two of to dinner the last time we saw you in Tampa. Walter has since retired from the military and oversees the transportation motor pools at FT Benning. He still has much respect for you as do I.
HI Kim,

Did you ever consider self publishing? I didn't go the conventional publisher route with my first book. It's published but as you say, marketing is definitely time consuming.
Penny, I just wrote a chapter about current options in publishing for a book I'm working on. I'd be glad to send you the chapter if it would help.

It seems to me that the odds are stacked against small time authors (without a huge following, without a big platform) getting published these days by the major traditional publishers. Does anyone know decent, recent stats for:

1) How many authors who send proposals to literary agents get accepted?
2) How many proposals sent by literary agents to publishers get accepted?
3) How many traditionally published books actually get into any given local bookstore?

Back when Tyndale House published one of my books in 1993, authors were submitting directly to publishers, and I think about 1 in 30 manuscripts were getting published. People in the know are saying it's much more difficult now, especially for new authors, because of changes in the industry.

J. Steve Miller
President, Legacy Educational Resources
Author of Enjoy Your Money! How to Make It, Save It, Invest It and Give It
"The money book for people who hate money books."
Time changes most everything, and the publishing world is no exception. The successful people of life have always dealt with change head on and made change work for them. You can't ignore what you can't control and what affects your own life so much. The real estate business is a good example of many people who were involved with change and had no idea where it was taking them. Fortunately, I got out of the real estate business at the exact perfect time. It was not that I knew, it was that i was ready and wanted to stop the things I did and switch to something I like more and that was writing. Speaking of that, I have said here that I am not in favor of ebooks for my mode of delivery, Now, here is where change comes in, Even though I am not interested in ebooks, some of my readers are. OK, I am testing the ebook market with my latest book to see if I really want to be there. You can check out the cover on the link below, The background building is sitting in Ireland, the foreground is my home. Hmmm how did he do that? My daughter designed this cover. By the way, I have four maybe five books coming out in this six month period.
This question is a little off topic but as a new writer I find it fascinating that you are able to come our with four to five books in a six month period. How do you do that? Thanks in advance for your reply?

Also, the cover on your book is beautiful.
Penny Haider

If I hurry, my books take me two or three days to write. My editors, six months to clean up. ha ha, Now you know why they charge so much. I usually have about ten or so books ahead of my editors, I like to keep them busy. The list below does not include books from the prior three years or those that are sitting ahead of the edit stack. My professor son says he can't read my books as fast as I write them.

Last week O'Bannon Castle came out in Kindle and is due out in paperback any day now. I have three books with the publisher now just waiting for various things to be done. Little Eagle Saves a Spy, Golden Cross, White Panther's legacy. All my books are around 200 pages.
Prior books in this year since Jan, In Search of Paradise 191 pages ISBN 978-1450590235 cw 2010
Indian Summer 195 pages ISBN 978-1450555814 cw 2010
Christmas with Little Eagle ISBN 978-1450555838 due in a few weeks.
excerpt for Christmas with Little Eagle
Life felt a little dull to Robert Justice as he returned to his teaching profession, especially after his experiences during the past summer. So when Little Eagle invites him and his friends Mirakeem and Becky to visit him in his hometown of Paradise, Robert Justice jumps at the opportunity. He knows that wherever Little Eagle is, adventure and excitement can’t be far behind. The three friends discover that Little Eagle’s family includes two separate tribes: the Wisnooks, a group of sheepherders; and a second lost tribe, who in times past found shelter in an extinct volcano and remain hidden there to this day. Robert, Mirakeem, and Becky are given the honor of joining the annual pilgrimage of the Wisnooks to Spirit Mountain. What begins as a relaxing vacation soon leads into the depths of Spirit Mountain, and to an unexpected discovery of a long-lost secret. The three friends must combine their wits with Little Eagle’s talents to uncover the mystery of what lies beneath the mountain.

Thanks for asking, Dr Robert E McGinnis


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