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I recently contacted 5 local bookstores and 3 have agreed to sell some of my books. One of them will take the book on consignment. Has anyone had any problems with this type of there any other way? The other two stores are owned by friends so there isn't an issue.

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No!!!!! don't go to Lulu! The don't discount their books for bookstores. They are over priced and are not returnable. An act of God wouldn't get a Lulu book on brick and mortar shelves because they also don't have a distributor. It cost 99.00 to get listed on Amazon.

For less than 200.00 you can self publish through Lightning Source, which includes the 12.00 fee to get listed with Ingram and Baker & Taylor---and on on Amazon. You books will cost less, you can make them returnable and you set the cover discount. The standard is 50%; I chose 55%. Do it yourself and control the content and the profits.

Avoid Publish American and Pagefree--both have issues with paying royalties and have bad reputations.

Why shouldn't you get the lion share of the profits? The author created the work and does all the promotions.
I'm just dropping by to say I like lulu and have been with for
3 years and three books later, I'm enjoying it.

Hardest part is? Doing all the work to get it out. I'm doing all the work myself. press releases and getting out on the word wide web. I've came a very long way.
been on T.V, and radio, right now things have slowed way down, but should pick back up soon. have a great day
I have to agree with you, William. I am also very pleased with Lulu. I also do everything myself. I do all of the work because, put simply, I can't afford an editor, a PR person, a marketer, a cover designer, formatting, etc, etc.

I'm glad to see you have been on TV and radio-- that is something I hope to one day achieve. It's hard balancing my writing AND my marketing. Sometimes marketing in the form of TV and radio take a back seat with me.

I do get out there on the net by writing articles, joining groups, writing press releases and things. But that's been about it.

I haven't done anything local-- including book signings because traveling has been out of the question due to family and health issues.

I'd love to hear more about your PR work on your book and I hope you share some more.

This sounds like a good opportunity from what you write: "For less than 200.00 you can self publish through Lightning Source, which includes the 12.00 fee to get listed with Ingram and Baker & Taylor---and on on Amazon. You books will cost less, you can make them returnable and you set the cover discount. The standard is 50%; I chose 55%. Do it yourself and control the content and the profits." Can you or anyone else out there reading this reply share more details on this e.g. has it been a good wat to go? Thanks.
If you are interested in mainting profits, go with a company that offers author's services. You market, keep the the proceeds.
I have a friend that is traditionally published, St. Martins, he needs to have more than 100,000 books sell to cover his $40,000 advance. The book will be hardcover and sell for $28 to $30.00. What percentage is that?
I am not good with math but man I'd like to be in your friend's shoes! Congratulations to your friend!
actually if you are determined to self publish..self publish...DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!

self publishing-write your manuscript, have it copywritten, begin promo and marketing, have it professionally edited, research book printers ( and 48hrbooks are awesome), get book printed, sell books.

This is the process in a nutshell
I had good luck with Outskirts Press. They published my book "In Her Dreams" last year. I was very pleased with the results.

Actually Feon I would say by this being my first book and Publish America is carrying the entire burden of producing the royalities are fair.

It's up to you to set goals and market yourself. My book just entered into production today yet I have been working on marketing plans and promotional outlines for at least 2 months now.

There are so many ways. The royalities increase as your sales increase.

You cant expect to go from unknown author to millionaire author over night.
Before going to or publishamerica consider starting your own company. In the long run the costs are the same but the dollars made are yours.
Most definitely DON'T GO TO PUBLISH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!! Start your own company. You can get a book in print and distributed for about $300.00. If you intend to write more than two books get the block of ISBN for 280.00. However if this isn't an option you can buy individual numbers for 55.00. This has the benefit of the number staying the same no matter who publishes or distributes. This is not the case with Lulu. If you contact me at I can help you.


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