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I recently contacted 5 local bookstores and 3 have agreed to sell some of my books. One of them will take the book on consignment. Has anyone had any problems with this type of there any other way? The other two stores are owned by friends so there isn't an issue.

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I've found in Iowa that some of the smaller bookstores are looking for books written by Iowa authors. Maybe there are stores like that in other states.
Two of my books I published with Lightning Source and paid the fee to have them put in Ingram's catalog. Recently, a cousin let me know that a bookstore in her town a hundred and fifty miles from me had those two books for sale. The owner had spotted the books in the catalog and ordered some of each because I set my stories in Iowa.
Also, I filled out a form on a website for Iowa authors so if other bookstores are looking, they can contact me.
Hi Cindy,

If they purchase a smaller quantity like say 10 books then the risk to them is minimal.If you can talk to them about getting my book in their stores i can work out a commision structure for you.

Since im in Australia i want some one on that side of the world who will promote my books to book stores.Books being in the book store wont sell themselves a stand is required.

I dont know much about your book contents so i cant say what the benefit is to the reader?

Talk to me if your interested in joining me in marketing books world wide.


Tom Karevski
Hello Mr. TOM Karevski!
I am interested in selling books world wide my email address is: ANDREANORWOOD2008@LIVE.COM
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear Ms. Jost:

As a recently independent self-published author, I believe you are on the right track. In fact, for me, approaching local bookstores has become a goal. I'm not only interested in the big retailers such as Barnes&Noble, Borders Bookstores, and Amazon, but my attentions sway toward the samller stores. Those that one sees while touring/visiting a state or city; others that are family-owned; still others that have been in existence for decades.

As a supporter of small-business-entrepreneurs, the underdogs so to speak, my succes rate when approaching such retailers has been most welcoming. Sure, the "consignment" stigma is a necessity. No one knows if my book, my story, will inspire the areas' town folk to read it.

I do not depend on knowing "who" to enable my tasks. I muster up the courage to present myself and ask "Can I hold a book signing here?"

This routine has been my main marketing factor. Keep up the good work, especially if it's only to get your name out there in this big world of over one hundred billion books. Market, market, market. A. K. Buckroth.
Back to Cindy's question, make sure you get a signed consignment agreement, so that if payment never comes you can bug the bookstore about it. Check periodically to see if they still have your book in stock, if they want any signed, if they are open for a book signing, etc. I actually like doing consignment, which is often the only way a self-published author can get in. One bookstore doesn't pay anything until all books are sold -- and then I have another signing and add more books! I have no idea at this point whether I should have a check or not, so it is important to keep good records and to check your agreement so you know how they pay. I do have a good relationship with the bookstore (something to work on) so I'll get it sorted out soon.
I think combinedbook is a good option for you.
Hi Cindy!
I have found a wonderful website called kidlitbooktrailers, it's a site for kids. I have sent an email to you as a
friend, I hope you don't mind, but there's another way also-cos productions they do book trailers, and that's a
great way to get your book noticed. I also know of another one you can go to called, two rock media inc, and the lowest price you can get in their book trailer is $349.
One of my best selling bookstores only takes my books on consignment. That is their policy, in fact they only take everyone's books on consignment. BUT they display all local authors separately which is great for sales. Borders hides my books so no one will find them, then they refuse to buy any more because they don't sell. Good, support the local stores! Good luck!
Ok I have made a marketing promotional list for my book but realized there are not that many places to put it. I was wondering if anyone have any more ideas. I have bookstaores some online forums that sell the book like ebay and amazon and more. But offline is my problem. My website took off immediately but the avenues for offline seem limited. I know its the nature of the book but europe seem to have a good grip on it. USA seem to be slow at buying. Advice? Also, My publishing company has stated they will take care of the media and bookstores. But I wanted more creative avenues.
Hi Kiesha, I am new to this as well but book signings and festivals have been effective for me.
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John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books
Don't limit your sales to bookstores. Quite frankly bookstores suck. My best selling location is a restaurant. My books are in boutiques, even a meadery (winery), toy stores, green stores, museums and dive shops. Gotta think outside the box!


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