I'd love to discuss with folks who have done an Amazon Best Seller campaign how it went. I'm setting up mine for July 23rd, and while I was able to get them to do a stock up request before, they aren't willing to do another one. So that means having the book available through Fullfillment by Amazon, as a backup. I'd love experiences with that, and with Amazon in general.
Also, if anyone out there has a kick butt Virtual Assistant who rocks at this kind of book fullfillment management kind of thing, you'd be saving me HOURS trying to manage it all myself.
BTW, this is for my book "Every Single Girl's Guide to Her Future Husband's Last Divorce" which won an IPPY Award this year! :) If you're going to the IPPY Awards on the 30th, I"ll see you there and at BEA that day! :)
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.
Warm Regards,
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