The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Authors Working Together to Sell More Books

"Your life changes when you meet people." - Sterling Valentine

I want to encourage the authors and publishers on this Book Marketing Network to work together to help each other to sell more books. That's the main reason I created this network in the first place.

There are so many ways that you can help each other. For example, I wrote an article on 30 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love - Most of those ways apply not only to your friends but also to authors helping each other.

In addition, you can do joint ventures, Amazon Bestseller Campaigns, blog tours, and more.

Please use this forum right here to list your requests for partners as well as your responses or offers to help other authors.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you work together rather than alone.

For example, I'd love to see a fiction writers co-op promotion where each novelist promotes the other members in the co-op on their blog or website or social network. Tweet about each other. Like each others' Facebook page. Do joint blog tours.

Poets can do the same thing. So can business book authors. Spiritual authors. Christian authors. Cookbook authors. Etc.

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I've just published a book 'How Too Get To the Top Without Working Too Hard. Its a satirical/funny look at how offices work in the real world and I would like to link up with other authors who are into non fiction/humour/business etc. I have a website and I would be very happy to provide a PDF if you would like to review the book. I am more than happy to return the favour!

btw Dick is a pen name and a character, I'm Kevin 

Hi there.

In order to sell more books, I am looking to get more reviews posted up on Amazon Kindle. Please follow the link below to read my latest blog:

Thank you!

Okay, I love the idea of networking with other authors, writers, and bloggers. So here is a specific way that we can work together. Please consider placing a comment on my blog and I will do the same for you. If enough of us do this and we get to know each other better, then maybe we could organize a virtual blog tour?  What do you think? Peace and Light: Gary Eby, author of The Eby Way.

I've posted a comment on your blog, Gary.  I really liked the post about your writer's secret place.  Even though I am a Buddhist and an atheist, I was able to relate to it and I found it inspiring.

I have a Facebook group called Writers' Secrets and I shall share your blog post there. 

I'll post you some links to my blog soon.  You may find something useful there. 

Gary, I love the colors of this graphic, very uplifting. I don't see a place to leave a comment on your blog. Perhaps you could point to a way to do that for me - I probably overlooked it?

I could not agree more.  I am looking for authors and bloggers on the subject of Peace and Nonviolence. 

I am also seeking authors and bloggers on the subject of Black health/African American health. 

Please contact me if you are interested in submitting a blog post or being interviewed. 

In my new, FREE (for now), ebook, BOOK MARKETING GENIUS, John Kremer very kindly gave me his list of 51 ways to help an author.  Click here to download BOOK MARKETING GENIUS now.   

See also:  What Are You Doing to Help Other Authors

Hot new cookbook! Get yours now!

Hi,great idea Aileen!



Check out my blog post, which links to an article by John Kremer, as well as other resources: 

Self-Publishing Tips: How to Become a Bestselling Author


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