The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Authors Working Together to Sell More Books

"Your life changes when you meet people." - Sterling Valentine

I want to encourage the authors and publishers on this Book Marketing Network to work together to help each other to sell more books. That's the main reason I created this network in the first place.

There are so many ways that you can help each other. For example, I wrote an article on 30 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love - Most of those ways apply not only to your friends but also to authors helping each other.

In addition, you can do joint ventures, Amazon Bestseller Campaigns, blog tours, and more.

Please use this forum right here to list your requests for partners as well as your responses or offers to help other authors.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you work together rather than alone.

For example, I'd love to see a fiction writers co-op promotion where each novelist promotes the other members in the co-op on their blog or website or social network. Tweet about each other. Like each others' Facebook page. Do joint blog tours.

Poets can do the same thing. So can business book authors. Spiritual authors. Christian authors. Cookbook authors. Etc.

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I couldn't agree more.  I have tried some good but free services.

Help support fellow author and member of The Book Marketing Network, E.G. Manetti, as she prepares for her book signing event this weekend.

This is amazing! Best of luck to you!

I have read and reviewed several of Kurt Kamm's Firefighter Mystery Novels.  I love them and am happy to help any author's in any way I can on my blog and socials.  Kurt asked me to let everyone know that he is having a sale of all his books and they will be signed by him too!

So for all those who love an action packed mystery and an actual book in their hands, and a signed is the link to my post and Kurt's:

Hi there, I love this idea of helping each other. I have just discovered thunderclap and it seems great. If you like my message, please take a sec to vote. Of course, I will return the favor.

Here is the cover reveal of my new book I Don't Believe God Wrote The Bible- coming out Jan 2015

thanks for listening



I added support for it ;) I actually recently stumbled on thunderclap myself but haven't managed to come up with a compelling tweet to share... I tend to be too no nonsense and straight to the point which never catches people's attention *sigh*

Oh dear, well I will have problems, too then lol. Thank you so much for the support. If u need a RT or a vote, please let me know


This is great. I would do that. :)

I love the idea of authors helping authors. My first book was just published and I can use all the help that I can get. i'm also a voracious reader. My goal for my book now is to increase the number of reviews. Currently I have eleven. All are 4 and 5 star so it's a good start. I have been attempting to read more independent author's works and adding reviews to Amazon and Goodreads. Any ideas for me.

That's a good start, Wayne. Now start building relationships with other authors. Let them know when you do a review of their works on Amazon or GoodReads.

Also, start commenting on their blog posts, sharing their Facebook Posts, retweeting their tweets, repinning their pins. They will start to notice and want to connect with you in a bigger way.

That's my short response. Read more about my recommendations at

Thanks John. I appreciate the thoughts. I have started down that road and will continue and go farther.

Thanks Again


You;re doing good with 11 reviews ;) I'm a bit piled under right now, but after the new year starts I;d be happy to do a review exchange if you're interested. I write vampires (which I know is not everyone;s cup of tea) - here's the link so you can see if it's anything you'd be interested in. -


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