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How many out there have used Book Awards to gain recognition for your books? Seems they have to be newly published to qualify. There are so many to choose from and submitting your book to several can be costly. Good idea or not? Do they really help elevate your promotion status to retailers or prospective customers? I'd love your comments...

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I think you have to walk a fine line with awards. My awards came in my days as a screenwriter and my agent, publicist and publisher used those for introductions, but they don't really translate to fiction.


I have been asked about submitting my books to contests to garner recognition, but that seems self-serving. Yes, I know all of marketing in some way is self-serving, but can be done in an impersonal way from afar and not endorsing myself. If it's nominated by someone else fine, great, I'm flattered. But the most important aspect to me is the merit of the message in my stories rather than any award on the cover. 


Authors can do more to influence people to buy their book than a book jacket blurb or award sticker. This year I visited schools, attend book festivals, convention and fairs and found I loved the personal interaction to the point I'm expanding personal appearances next year.  Therein lies an author's greatest asset - themselves- giving generously to the public.


Shawn Lamb

author of Allon



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