The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Hi All--

I'd love to get your opinion on promoting your books through book giveaways. We do a lot on my site, For example, right now you can see our Halloween Giveaway, which ends Saturday.

Obviously, our readers love these contests... The are great for getting sign ups to the site, and they do get exposure for the book being promoted. My question is do feel the exposure is valuable?

Has anyone participated in a book giveaway?

What did you think of the results?

Thanks for any insight.


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I am curious. What is the theory? How does a book giveaway drive sales? Educate me please.
I'm not entirely sure it does drive sales. That was the question I was presenting above.

In theory, however, it does promote awareness. Our book giveaway pages gets thousands of page views every month, from people just seeking to find promotional opportunities. Some of them are just looking for freebies, but others are genuinely interested in learning about new books.

For the second group, the ones interested in learning about new books, they might be presented with an opportunity to learn about books they've never heard of before.

Or at least that's the thinking...

hi I am a new author and will like to try it out how does it work, but I did read something that say book giveaway makes a great ad campaign??


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