The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Hi Everyone. I am looking for ideas on book marketing. I have a book that is a memoir,
I have self published it and edited with another published author. I need some direction on marketing, marketing for non -fiction story

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hI there, Nice to meet you I am new to all this myself, However I have also just completed my first memoir, I have contacted a few publishers and agents , and 3 have asked to see the full manuscriped,hope this is a good sign,I think it depends on what your memoir is about as to where you market myself.but as you self published I would love to chat to you more about that.or you on facebook? I advertise on there, love to hear from you suzy
Great, I would love to chat. I looked at facebook there are a few people by that name, but if you received my message then I found you!! Svetlana
Thanks, I got this copy and will be looking forward using the tips for my book marketing / I am published with POD - createspace.
Hi, I am a ·Freelance editor, writer, and columnist – for website content, ghost writing, individual projects. I have been publishing my work in several online publications in collaboration with other well-known writers since 2001. I would like to mention the name of a website that has allowed me to reach a large readers base with a very minimal fee. The website is named as Combined Book Exhibit - a world wide book promotion and book marketing company. They are very respected and well-known in the publishing community. I really appreciate their reach which allowed me to showcase my work at national and international book fairs and expos.
Thanks , Brad. I will check more into this. I have seen this website before, but did not go further. Did you have to travel to show your books?
I am also a non-fiction author and I personally feel that non-fiction is easier to market than fiction as it is something that is factual. The facts in your memoir can be used to establish a connection between current events and your book. This can be done by writing articles related to the topic or timeline of your book and participating in forums such as this site. It gets your name more exposure. I also have a web site ( with marketing information and opportunities and I even provide some through my web site. I have made my web site a resource for other authors through the information and opportunities I provide. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Oh, My!

This is a treasured website for me: there is so much stuff, I found a few free book review services and many book and author promotional services - all in one place. Having spend a few hours looking at it, I am going there again after I take a much needed brake...

Dennis, thanks you for your input, so is this Your website? It is a great resource for me and for other authors, for sure.

I am planning to get more book reviews and then do the radio podcast, I also write for Ezines about Russian American marriages and international relationships as this related to my book. Please feel free to give me your ideas.

Great thanks for the above references!
Skeeze Whitlow
4317 N. 16th Street
Arl. VA 22207
240 – 271 - 7569

Dear Svetlana,
As a former U.S. Capitol attendant, I offer you Senate Parking. A 90 K word novel about a multicultural crew of parking lot attendants who operate an escort service from the Senate lots. A good look at the underbelly of our law making process. Senate Parking can be listened to at
“Hill Intros” is the brainstorm of attendants unable to obtain employment within the confines of the Capitol. Senate Parking is the story of power structures, on a personal and national level. Done from the perspective of workers who see themselves without much chance of ‘making it’ in a culture of power drivers, Washington’s backdrop provides a tension all its own.
This book concerns every kind of shady deal for which the political arena is famous. Senate Parking is full of anecdotes which let freedom ring. I can provide you with a synopsis or with the complete manuscript – whatever you like. Either way, I’ll be in touch.

Skeeze Whitlow
This is a great website. It is funny but just a few days ago I tried to record my audio book but I did not like the way it sounded. I am not a professional in audio recordings after all... I listened to a few samples on your given website, they do sound so great

You did publish your audio book there. I do not know if I want to do that - I am a first time writer. I d like to record mine and sell the book as audio format, on my website.

Thanks for this source, I am looking forward to listening to your book.
The best marketing website for your book is DragonCub. This site offers marketing and advertising services for authors and publishers. You can visit the site by using following link:
Thanks I will look more at marketing and advertising services
Hi Svetlana;

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Pages: 130
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