The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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If you want to learn how to use Twitter effectively, check out and download the free Word document: Twitter Mania Manual. 82 pages of free advice on how to use Twitter to build the audience for you and your book.
Hi John;

I joined Twitter a while back and you know I can't figure out what it is all about. On my first view days I received invitations to join groups and then these stopped and to be honest until I now read your post I'd forgotten that I had joined Twitter. I find LInkedIn a much better tool to get known and to get to know people. Unfortunately I just do not have the time right now to download and read the 84-page Twitter Mania Manual so I will remain 'in the dark'
It ain't that hard! Just start slowly. I recently got a great interview with Christian Science Monitor because of twitter. LinkedIn is great too, but seems to take a lot more time. I agree that twitter can be sort of intimidating at firs.t
im opposite... im finding twitter useful, but i havent gotten into linkedin yet... im just not sure how to use it! lol
Isn't John the greatest? He IS a good model. I've been trying to really follow his suggestions on relationship building and it is working. Twitter has made a big difference, too. I just need to spend more time following the RULES. ;>)
Thanks for the link! I'm also trying to figure out Twitter, but like others here have said, I'm just not seeing how it's so different than Facebook (minus the pics & stuff). Unless you spend hours on it (how do these people find the time?) you're just skimming through and not really getting out of it what I hear it's good for.
It would be great to know about some Twitter pages that are important for writers. I've found WeFollow, but you can't customize what comes up, so again, you're swimming through a lot to find the nuggets. Recommendations would be welcome! And of course, I'll read the article. ;-)
Hi Dr. Mani, I have over 5,000 followers on Twitter and it continues to grow. While it has helped me practice promoting myself and my books, I agree with your comments about the importance of finding a target audience. I welcome any suggestions you have. Right now my focus is on promoting an Ebook version of a book on understanding death and coping with grief. Blessings, Kira
You create such alerts using or Those are two services I use for this purpose.
I've found that sending out updates when I post to me book blog has made a difference. Daught the eye of an international reporter..
Might try this, if my blog site will 'allow' it, ie, if it has that function. I blog a lot and get a lot of hits. What a shame you can't physically force someone to buy your book!

I love your comment that it's a shame we can't physically force someone to buy our books. This marketing thing is sooooo time consuming. I blog, use Twitter, and Goodreads, but I find my best results are personally contacting book clubs, senior centers (they're always looking for someone to entertain them) and writing classes. I always sell a few books too after my presentation. Jeanette

Hi Simone,

Maybe you should look into Continuing Educational Classes at schools, colleges and universities. Some don't pay, but you can sell your books.


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