The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Keith, don't see where to mail you that info.

Here's some books - can u add them, please?

Operation Neurosurgeon: You never know...who's in the OR.

Outcome, A Novel: There's more than a hurricane coming...

Younger Next Decade: After Fifty, the Transitional Decade, and What You Need to Know.


Hi Barbara,

I've added your books to the USA store, good luck. You can use the link if you a mail anyone about your book.  That will take them to the store


Hi, Keith,

  What a nice offer and in this day and age where people are totally out for themselves. Could you please list my e-book, The Folksinger, which is listed on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, I believe?I need your address for mailing. Anyway,it's ASIN is BOO4MYFR28.   Gratefully, Alice DiNizo

Hi Alice,

Your book is in my US store but I'll also put it in the UK store - good luck. Anyone can mail me direct. Just go on the site and use the contact me.


Thanks so much and happy holidays!

I'm trying the 99 cent experiment during the holidays with my latest novel - The Huguenot Sword - Christian historical fiction.

I also started a FB page for the book where I post snippets about "real" Musketeers and 17th century French history leading up to The Huguenot Sword story.

For faith, for friendship, for freedom they will defy the most powerful man in France - Cardinal Richelieu.

Hi everyone, I just published an article last night about strategies used by unknown author Darcie Chan, that pushed her book to best-seller's status. She's now sold over 400 thousand copies! (Chan just joined Twitter so it wasn't part of her amazing growth)

Essentially what this author did was:

1. Self publish as a digital book through Smashwords, B&N & Amazon.

1. Buy strategically placed banner ads and promotional advertising on a few targeted websites and blogs.

2. Pay to have the book reviewed on Kirkus Reviews and others.

3. Lower the price of the book to 99 cents to attract new readers.

This strategy may not guarantee your book turns into a best seller but, it couldn't hurt either.

All my best to all,


I have no idea how to use Twitter. I go on my page and can't see how to contact others.

Hi Alberta, You must follow others in order to contact them on Twitter. If you read a Tweet that you want to comment on, slide your mouse under until you see "reply", then click on it and do so. My problem is, I can't seem to get anyone to reply to my tweets!!  It has to be a two-way street to get anything accomplished, and I do have a lot of followers.

I'll try that.  Thank you.


To Jeanette,

I beg to disagree with the necessity of having people reply to your tweets to get anything accomplished. My blog gets over 150 hits per day from Twitter, and hardly any of my tweets are replied to, though lots are retweeted.

Tip: I now have about 4700 followers, more than half of them gained since I began to use TweetAdder (20% off with coupon come PAT20) about 6 weeks ago, so I highly recommend that program.

Here's something that didn't work and why - Lesson Learned - my latest blog post and what it felt like.


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