The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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David, I am always glad to help if I can. 


Another option is once you define those "key words" and "niche" topics you are going after for your "tribe" go to google alerts, and set up a google alert for each one of these. Anytime anyone on the web publishes an article or blog with those topics you will get a list.


Then find the most applicable ones to your audience and post something relative in the comments area with a back link. I have drawn traffic in this way, and converted book sales of "like minded" folk.  I am selling a book a day, not a lot yet, but if I can build the momentum....I am getting 5 star reviews. I am trying to get others to talk about my stuff, and refer people to my blog and it is slowly, slowly happening. 


Feel free to check out my site and let me know what you think.  (  Next month I am doing a blog post for another A-Z challenge but this time it will be a daily post (Mon - Sat) starting on May 1st for the letter z, and going backwards every day.  This activity has brought me new readership and forced me to focus on topics that are relative to my business and book.  It is open to all writers, if anyone is interested, just let me know.



If anyone wants to sign up for that Z-A blogging challenge, here is the link, just go and paste the html code on your website in the side bar (use a free text) and save, and then the code and links to other blog rolls will be included. You will get traffic, particularly if you use the twitter tag #ztoablogging.


Marie Anne is a fellow writer at AC/Yahoo that I have known for about a year and a half. She has great information on her site for those that want to learn more about blogging.  I have learned a lot from her and others that are in this group.  Feel free to join and if you want a formal introduction, just let me know.




Thank You KC.  I entered the site.

Fantastic advice. I'm off to do this now. You really need to start charging, Kay. ;)


Thanks for taking the time to throw a bone my way. Let me know if I can ever return the favor.



I am learning new things everyday. I am fortunate that others have helped me - the least I can do is pay it forward.


If you don't do article writing, that is another avenue to get some more traffic / potential readers.  I like Yahoo but I write for AOL and Demand Media as well as a bunch of others as well. I am doing less of this these days because I am doing other things, but if you can get an article on Yahoo front page you might get a hit of 30K viewers that might want to learn more about you and your topics (key words).

It doesn't cost anything to join and there is a great community there where I have found you can learn a lot. I do not get a referral on that just as disclosure.  They pay for articles and sometimes if you have a topic that could be easily 400-600 words, and you use SEO - it is worth going there rather than directly on your blog.  Then link your published article to your blog with a paragraph and you will a) create a back link to your site from a more reputable one - depending upon the topic, other people will share your articles, bringing you more get the picture.


I did this. Anything that is free and helps to promote my writing is worth the effort.  Thanks for the tip.

Hi Lorilyn,  There are so many options available sometimes it makes my head spin. I try to spend my time wisely but taking on new things also requires an investment of time on a learning curve.  It is tricky to find what works the best but I keep telling myself, the next book will be a lot easier!

David I see you and Alberta there.  Great, I will be checking in as I can and participating as well.  If you need help or get stuck, feel free to ping me.  Adding the code to your own website (with the surprise me buttons) will allow people to see your blog and also go to the next one in the blog roll.


There are a bunch of us on Facebook too that will be participating in this blog. Feel free to stop in and share your links to get some more link love.!/home.php?sk=group_105110279573560&notif_t=group_activity  - Plus loads of help too.

Thanks Karen,


I followed the link above, should I post the link on your FB wall?  (I'm thinking you intended to share a group link, but couldn't find it.)


Thanks again, and good luck with Z-A!



Hi David, I added you to the Z-A blogging challenge for May in the Facebook group this morning.   You should see the invite now.


See you there!


You are right with the blog in wordpress going to all the other sites you mentioned. Mine does too.

I wanted a professional section other than the personal one.

The key to Internet marketing is very simple: Create relationships with the top-rated, most-visited websites that target your key topic and reach your key audience.

Give them some good content, and they will give you a credit line with a link back to your website or sales page.

This is the highest priority in marketing on the Internet - or it should be. The rest of Internet marketing is simply extra icing on the cake.


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