The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Thanks, Ken.

Yes, please check out some of the books I have reviewed on my blog.

I am focusing on authors that are members of this site :-)

Hi Folks,

What works best for me are the Amazon Freebees. I'm running one this week, first time free for my crime thriller, Jackpot. Prior to the giveaway I set up posting about it on various free internet blogs, newsletters and such. Marketing is all about visibility. This is the first day of the giveaway and I invite you to check out how the book is doing. If you go to the page and scroll down to Amazon Bestseller Rank, you will see that the book is already #3,910 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store)

I expect all the rankings to be much higher in a day or so.  In my experience, sales of other books in the series will bump up, and once Jackpot returns to its regular price, sales will continue because of the high visibility, especially on the Amazon "popular list."

Hope this is helpful.


How absurd. Don't make statements about other people's business. I have already made back the money I spent on the advert and all the books in my mystery series are selling very well. Further, I have gotten 20+ very positive reader reviews since the freebee began.

FYI: I have done MANY such freebees, and they ALWAYS result in increased sales. If you tried this and it didn't work out for you, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF not others.

Hi John,

I am trying something today for a fellow writer and friend here on The Book Marketing Network.

I am promoting Joleene Naylor all over your site as well as on Twitter.

I am asking everyone here to join me in giving a shout out for Ms. Naylor's book launch today.

Children of Shadow marks her 6th book in her Amaranthine series and we are all very excited for her and wish her all the best today.

Please, the next time you or anyone else who is reading this, go on one of your social networks-give Joleene some support by plugging her latest book in her series.

Also, I have reposted my book review blog of Shades of Gray, which is book 1 in her series.

Hope you all will join me in my effort to help promote one of our own :-)

Remember, when you help others it will come back to you 7 fold.

So what are you waiting for?

Just takes one little Tweet, plus one or Like.

Thanks everybody!

I was out of town and unwebbed. I hope this promotion went well.


It is good to get away sometimes.

Having a break from the internet also is necessary-otherwise you end up working even when you are on vacation :-)

I will let Joleene know that you inquired about her book launch and have her fill you in on how it went.

Thanks John,


Thanks John! Well, it went ;) Probably could be better if I hadn't decided to get pneumonia at the same time, ha ha!

Amazon sales were a little slow so far and won't know B&N until Smashwords updates the numbers. I'm doing a three week tour, so hopefully that will help some, though I have to admit I've never seen a blog tour do a lot, but there are people who swear by them, so we'll see. 

Thanks so much! :D


hope you are feeling better today :-)

The book sales will happen. We will keep brainstorming and come up with something.

John, maybe you can help her out?

I was thinking maybe you could add her new book cover to the ones you post at the top of all our pages?

I think that would be a big help for her :-)

Thanks John!

Kindle owners, my southern California mystery, NO GOOD DEED,  is free on Kindle now through Monday March 17.  If you like a suspenseful story that's not bloody or violent, then NO GOOD DEED is for you.  You can find it at:

Thanks so much for this :)

Hi John :-)

It is amazing all the positive feedback and friends you can make when you help to promote another author besides yourself.

Please check out the latest edition of What I Am Reading.

This week I am featuring The Dogs Don't Bark in Brooklyn Any More by Eric Robert Nolan.

You can view Mr. Nolan's page here on TBMN and then follow his link to his website to find his own blog, short stories and, of course-his novel, which lives on Amazon and Smashwords.

Thanks John!



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