The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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It should be possible to import your Linkedin contacts into FB, I'll check. 


Also, you may consider starting to keep an FB fan page which is separate from your personal FB page.  Invite everyone from the personal page to the other, then reset security settings on the personal page to "only friends."  (That way, you can post family pictures and stuff like that.)


Finally, the goal with all this social networking stuff is to get it all linked up.  Have you imported email contacts into FB or from FB to email?


My head is swimming with this also.  I'll be back after I check out the import settings on Linkedin and FB.



OK, here it is.  I hope this is helpful:


To export a CSV file from LinkedIn:
  1. Sign into LinkedIn
  2. Visit the Address Book Export page
  3. Select "Microsoft Outlook (.CSV file)" and click "Export"
  4. Choose a filename and a place to save the exported file (for instance, "Contacts.csv" on the Desktop)

Thank, David,


I'll try this. I'm ashamed to say, I need to be held by the hand and led on steps with things. I'm not one to understand the computer. 

You might get a returned email asking, "You want me to do what, where? Ha ha


I don't see the address book export page?

For linkedin?


We can instant message if you'd like?  I'm happy to help.

yes, I was in Linkedin.  Like I said, I'm on my way to the hospital to see my husband.  I'll try this and contact you again, David. Thank you.

Hi Alberta,


I just imported my Linkedin .csv file to my Facebook page and wanted to share the "how to" here.


After you've imported the .csv file from linkedin, importing a .csv file is buried in FB.


Go to your wall.

Click "friends"

Now click "edit friends" (tip: if you have the "new" profile page, it is in top right corner.  Also, you can find "edit friends" under the account button on the top right of your wall.

On the left, click "Find friends"

Scroll down to "other tools"  Click it.

Now click "upload contact file"

Next you can choose which contacts you'd like to upload.  If you're doing a .csv file, there is a "browse" button that will enable you to find where you've saved it on your computer. 


Hope this is helpful, Alberta!



David, I copied all your info in my document.  My husband is at a hospital and I am on my way to visit. I'll try this and connect back.

When I first started web writing about a year and a half ago, I was going nuts trying to load my articles to all the popular social medial sites.  The last 6 months or so, I've approached things differently and it has been much easier to manage.

I created a wordpress blog ( and I joined Facebook's networked blogs.  Anything I post on my blog goes to the following accounts:  twitter, facebook, linked in,, and goodreads automatically.  So for each post I hit 6 audiences through RSS feeds.


Some of my fans/friends are duplicated on some of the sites but the majority are not because I use each of these media outlets a bit differently.  I have been trying to post something helpful or inspirational on my blog everyday and I have gone from 5,000,000 in Alexa ranking to just around 400K as of this morning - in about 4 months. 


I am not monetizing my website properly so this is on my list of things to do.  I have been trying to be consistent using SEO and key words in my posts to draw the right kind of traffic that will convert to sales on my book, T-Shirts and CD compilation. The good news is that my traffic numbers are trending positively.


I don't know if this is helpful to anyone, but I thought I would throw it out there for what it is worth.

I've done the same thing with wordpress -- although I gather that some templates aren't equipped to do what you're talking about.


Can you shine some light on Alexa ranking and this mysterious SEO (search engine optimization) technique?  I add tags to all my blog posts, and make sure to keep the title of my first novel littered throughout the website.  But good SEO is obviously more than that? 





Search Engine Optimization means different things to different people. To me, it means I use keywords and long-tail words (category and niche) words to help build traffic.


I do this by writing blog posts and web articles that use these keywords in specific places. The recommended average is to use a keyword every 100 words or so.


So for example, let's take my book Bad Girl Gone Mom.  Let's pick a chapter -  virginity. 


My article or blog post would start out with the word virginity, and maybe include bad girl or mom and virginity. In the sub heading, I might do another keyword such as innocence, morals, sex, trust...whatever.  It should reflect what will be contained within the article or posting.


Then I start writing. My first paragraph has my keywords in it.  My second through fourth paragraphs have synonymous words, or related words that drill into the content. I use headings, bullets, make it simple to read, offer valuable information or positive thoughts.  I give people a way to participate and I refer them to other links that are relative.


This helps me in a number of ways. It builds content on my site, it offers readers various things to learn from, which makes my site more valuable to them.  By linking to others, I not only provide my readers with more info, I get back links from those sites (the more reputable the better) and that builds my google/alexa ranking. 


Ultimately a lot of it is a matter of numbers. The more targeted traffic that comes your way, the better chance you have of converting them to sales, and the more traffic that comes your way, the better paying ads you will get, that might pay you an affiliate commission.

If I have done it right, when someone searches for the topics bad girl and virginity, my blog post comes up and then it links them to my book and buy page. 

Even if they do not buy, I have planted a seed for name reconition. If I am working it right, they join and comment and might even become a member of my site. That means I have built up a fan base with potential to sell/share something else with them in the future.


Adding tags is another piece of the puzzle. Search engines such as google, alexa, yahoo look for tags to steer traffic. Think of a tag as a street sign if you will and the keywords as landmarks along the way.  Just like the bigger highways on the freeway, get more play on maps and signs, the same is true of the internet highway. The more backlinks, the more friends, the more traffic, the better your value.


The biggest/most popular sights draw people to them, such as google, facebook, paypal, twitter. They have a social benefit on some level to others. They are not out selling themselves, everyone else is selling their virtues.  Even John's site here brings people together. He benefits because the people in his niche want to know how to market their books. Offering a community, classes and support makes perfect sense.


Hope this helps.


Wow -- this is the best explanation I've yet read on this topic.  I've had no trouble wrapping my head around the value of sharing information and community building, but my stumbling block has been how to "work the language of SEO."  Building the words, "virginity" "sex" "trust" etc. in order to boost SEO has always struck me as a bit of a mysterious witch's brew.  Until now.  Thank you very much for sharing.




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