The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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and Barbara- I have previously seen the cover for your book "Outcome." Now that I've visited your web site, and interacted with you here, I'm much more likely to remember you, your books, and maybe buy (money is always tight with me). However, I'm very much interested in the medical suspense/drama genre (without a big emphasis on romance), so you've got my attention.

It's important to know whether the blog is followed by a lot of people or not. I use the Alexa tool bar to give me an indication as to how popular a blog is.

I go to places like (choose "blogs" rather than "posts" in their search) to search for the top blogs in the field. There's all the difference in the world between a blog that hardly anyone reads and one that has thousands a week coming to.

But often I do interviews even if the blog has a small readership. If I read the blogger's profile and discover she's a home schooler, I might ask if she could recommend my book to fellow home schoolers.  Typically, those who win at this game seem to be those who do something rather than nothing, then narrow down over time what's truly effective for them.

Yes, I use Alexa to help me decide, but it's not always a good indicator of readership or interaction of the readers with the content. Sometimes a small group of intense followers comment and act on a writer's content enthusiastically.

Hmmm. I should check Technorati again. I gave it up because my primary blog has no category at all into which it fits well, dooming it to low scores. But I haven't checked for mystery stories.

Here's something I just discovered. When someone you don't know gives one of your books a nice review. ADD a comment. Thank them. But don't just THANK them, include in your post your other books, put in the PRODUCT insert for your other books. Be sure to check the "get notification when there are replies." 

I've done this recently in US and UK sites. Two readers responded and said they were buying my other books in the series. Moreover, it's a great way to interact with your readers. And create fans. 

Mixed opinions about whether this is good on Amazon- some say it makes an author look like they are really small potatoes.

I couldn't disagree more. Readers want to interact with authors. If someone took the time and trouble to give a positive review of one of my books, I'm happy to interact with them. Others visit my website and email me asking when my next book is coming out. If this is small potatoes, I'm all for it.

It's always a surprise and enjoyable when an unknown reader makes a contact response throught the website.

May not have told you all here, but I had a terrible trauma last week, was in the hospital, and had my face put back together with titanium plates.  I lost a third or more of my blood volume and I am super wiped out.  I really thought I would be getting some book catch up done now that I'm home and can't go out in public for quite awhile....but sure enough, I have to sleep on and off all day.

It's always something, isn't it?

Susan, that's nice feedback about readers getting the subsequent books in your series.  :)

Joan, I actually recently changed the book cover to Outcome:  You may have seen the one with the dog on the cover which had to do with the subplot.


Good night everyone!

For Barbara,
Sorry about what you went through. My prayers are with you.

Thank you Alice. Warm wishes appreciated.

Barbara- High hopes and a prayer for a good recovery. Sorry to hear you have had this happen.

I like the actions you are taking, Susan. Readers love it when authors respond to them. No small potatoes here.

Thanks, John. That's how I feel about it. In fact I just got a 5-star review for my latest book, Natalie's Revenge, today and emailed her right away.

Link to review

Have a great weekend!



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