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Started by Susan James Jun 21, 2012.

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Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on November 2, 2018 at 6:10pm
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 25, 2018 at 2:25pm

Everyday Christian Living - Authors for Christ. In today's world, life comes with challenges, whirlwinds, tornadoes, raging seas and simply bad hair days. Is there a perfect day? Many times life deals us some very nasty cards. Other times our actions, words and the decisions that we make invite fire flies that can make life miserable. Then there are those days when people rub us the wrong way. Everyday Christian Living is filled with short stories and fun and humorous sayings that you will find fun to read and easy to apply in your daily life that will help you to put the fires out, calm the waters and find victory over many of life's situations.

Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on October 25, 2018 at 6:49am


Cupid’s Schemes - A Collection of Sweet Romances

In these 16 flash fiction vignettes, Cupid’s arrow hits the mark and ignites a spark between two strangers—whether or not they’re looking for romance. Their unusual meetings lead to new beginnings and new chances at love.

Sweet stories of couples falling under Cupid’s spell include:

* a Medieval knight courting a pretty lady
* two neighbors discover that romance can happen when you least expect it
* a dehydrated mermaid rescued by a handsome stranger

These lighthearted mini-romances are perfect reads for a quick lunchtime escape or an after-work indulgence.

Order your copy here:


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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 24, 2018 at 1:15pm

The Promise Land Principle: Possessing God’s Provisions and Possibilities by Faith
The book of Exodus provides us with one of the most dramatic adventures of faith found in the Bible.  
During its forty fantastic chapters, we read about the enslavement of an entire race; a baby set afloat on the Nile River; a speaking shrub; a shepherd’s staff becoming a venomous snake; water transformed into blood; miraculous frogs; gnats, flies, and locus infestations; a death angel; a sea selectively parting for the good guys and swallowing up the bad guys; a seemingly unlimited supply of flat bread on the ground in the desert every morning; birds dropping in for dinner; water flowing out of a rock; and much, much more. 
The stuff God pulls off in Exodus is way better than anything Indiana Jones, Iron Man, or even a Jedi relying upon the force could possibly accomplish. Seriously, someone should consider negotiating a film deal with God. I really believe the story that unfolds in Exodus would be a blockbuster success. Wait, has someone already done that movie?

Read more about The Promise Land Principle at Amazon
You may visit the author at Author Richard Christenson

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 18, 2018 at 7:40pm

God Is Faithful - Stories That Inspireis filled with short stories, testimonies, teachings, encouragement and hope that will inspire you in your daily walk with God.

Wonderfully penned by Pastors, Bible teachers, ministers, multi-published authors and award winning authors. God Is Faithful is filled with wisdom, heavenly pearls and life changing applications that will bless you. Available in paperback or in Kindle.
God Is Faithful - Stories That Inspire in Kindle

Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on June 21, 2018 at 6:29am


I’m pleased to announce the release of my historical romance, REDEMPTION FROM A DARK PAST. This full-length Gothic novel is set in the kingdom of Hungary in 1723 and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense.


Lord Sebestyen Adrik has an unsavory reputation as a madman, murderer… and worse. Lonely and searching for love, he seeks the companionship of local young women, hoping one of them will ease his torment and bring him the happiness he longs for. Katarina is his last chance—but will she fear him like all the others? Or is she the one who can lift his curse?

Desperate to avoid a forced marriage, Katarina agrees to become Lord Adrik’s latest companion, despite the rumors she has heard about him. She discovers the “Dark Lord’s” secret past and realizes he’s not the monster everyone thinks he is.

As their love blossoms, she renews his passion for life—yet they cannot escape the ghosts of the past.

When a meeting of the nobility goes horribly wrong, Sebestyen’s world unravels, and his enemies plot to destroy him. As all seems lost, a mysterious stranger arrives at the castle. Sebestyen must decide if he is a friend or a foe…and if he can find redemption in his love for Katarina, or lose her and everything else that he holds dear.




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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 15, 2018 at 8:08am

False Impressions: Michelli Family Ties by Sherry Crandell is a Christian fiction novel filled with mystery, temptation, and unexpected endings with love that shatters false impressions. In this opposites attract novel, the author takes readers on a journey, capturing the life of Tabitha, “TJ” Jennings.
TJ has fled to Texas to take another job; she left home escaping heartbreak after a break-up with her then fiancé.  Encountering what she does not expect, she comes to find out that her new job is something she would have never imagined. Learning that she is now employed by the infamous Michelli Mob family, her life is not what she though it would be. Playing tiptoe and fighting an irresistible attraction to the grandson of the Michelli family (Dominic), her thoughts and mind are centered on just getting through, until she can quietly leave.
Set in modern day Texas, this book speaks of unexpected circumstances that surround TJ and her group of friends. Revealing surprising similarities in individuals despite false impressions, this book is a page-turner and fast-paced read as the author walks out TJ through her ordeal with Dominic, the Michelli family and what to do.Testing the waters, TJ is tempted, but knows better to involve herself with someone who not only is a non-believer, but a actual real-life mobster. 
This story focuses on a wonderful love story at the end with Jesus’ redemptive plan at the center. Readers will be pleasantly surprised. Refreshing, this story instills the great love God has for all those who are lonely, tired and looking to belong.
You may get your copy of False Impressions: Michelli Family Ties Book 1 in Kindle.

Title: False Impressions: Michelli Family Ties Book 1
By: Sherry Crandell
ISBN #9781545619209
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 23, 2018 at 5:10pm

This book is a Last Days’ warning to the Church. Stating that the return of Jesus is near, the author asks a poignant question, “Will Jesus be coming for you? Or, will you hear him say, ‘Depart from Me. I never knew you.’ ”
This is a stern warning against complacency perpetuated by wrong doctrine. In this book, the author presents fundamental teachings that will help one discern the Kingdom of God, and what is required to enter. Digging deep into Scripture, the author journeys, records and comments through a resounding amount of teachings and scripture verses, offering an overview of the main elements of salvation and the Kingdom of God. Sound Biblical doctrine remains the focus to include the parables of Jesus. Developed through much study, one would do well to read this book and discern for themselves and ask, Are they going to Heaven or have they been deceived either by self, the world or both?
With discernment and insight, this book has 64 chapters explaining who goes to hell with many other teachings explaining the temporal and the eternal. While that may sound daunting, the book is laid out well, giving each chapter its own subject title. Making each subject easily understandable, the reader will understand what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, understand Who Jesus is and why we need to be re-born into the Kingdom of God, understand who goes to hell, and so much more, while offering fresh revelation, insight and inspiration into our inheritance as believers in Christ. One will come away knowing the paradigm of the two co-existing realities: the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on the Earth. Additionally, both the New and Old Covenant teachings are also included within the book, which gives readers a firm grasp of the curse of death that Adam brought and the new life Jesus offers through His death on the cross.
Influential, powerful and most importantly Biblical, this book is full of wisdom for these Last Days to becoming a pure and spotless Bride that Jesus is returning for.
Highly Recommended For Every Person, Believer Or Not, To Review And Consider ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews. 
This is a highly recommended read for every Christian, unbeliever and skeptic. Get your copy of Who Goes to Hell: The Lie Christians Believe as a download in Kindle. .99 cent Kindle Special.
A CBM Christian Book Review

10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 21, 2018 at 12:32pm

Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church by Tiza Joseph Nyirenda speaks of doctrinal and Biblical error that the Church is participating in and writes to correct these errors. His hopes are that the Church will rise up in effectiveness and power through the Holy Spirit.
Beginning with a statement from Kathryn Kuhlman, “A little knowledge and an over-abundance of zeal always tend to be harmful. In the area involving religions truths, it can be disastrous.” With that said, the author writes to educate and equip the Body of Christ in the area of misconceptions in regards to healings, and gives inspiration to be witnesses of the great miracles and blessings of God.
Stating that, “People are zealous for God, but zeal without a deeper understanding of the Word of God can lead down destructive paths.” Additionally stating that there is a need for the Body of Christ to differentiate truth from error. He writes his book with candor and bases his book on Biblical wisdom. He speaks of fanaticism that has taken over the Church and has largely included examples from Africa, although fanaticism is taking place worldwide within the Church. He makes sure that readers understand that his book is not an attack on healing evangelists, but states we must learn from our mistakes, the past and from Scripture.
His book is written to give a deeper understanding of the ways Jesus heals, performs miracles and the blessings of God. Addressing such questions as medical interventions, work ethic, and the power of prayer, the author has also included a synopsis of some of the great healing evangelists such as William Branham, Oral Roberts and Gordon Lindsay, to include Kathryn Kuhlman. Scripture interpretation, common sense and Biblical wisdom make his book an informative read that disputes error in the Church.
This is a must-read for every Christian to consider as they look to God for the healing miracles in their lives and the lives of others.
Get your copy of Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church at ... or as a download in Kindle.

Title: Misconceptions of Healing, Blessings and Miracles in the Church By: Tiza Joseph Nyirenda
Christian Book Reviews by CBM - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 18, 2018 at 7:19pm

The First Seed by David Witman is a colorful and beautifully illustrated children’s book depicting an old oak tree (as modern academia) and a little boy who have an interesting conversation. The little boy is able to look up to this big oak tree and ask, “Where did you come from and how did you get to be so big?” The old oak tree answers cordially, and has the same answer back to the boy every time with the exception of different seeds the tree came from. Question after question, the little boy asks and asks, until he finds out where the original seed came from.

With a series of answers, the last question that the little boy asks cannot be answered. Parents can answer for the book to dispel naturalistic views and introduce that the first seed came from a eternal being, namely God, who created the very first seed by intelligent design.
Helping children recognize the systematic problem with “conjecture,” this book makes children think. Pointing children to God as the Creator of everything contained in the Universe, the author dispels evolution (and naturalistic views) brought forth by Academia’s as the ultimate and true fact.

With wit and a curious little boy, the author teaches children that we didn’t just “magically evolve” from one thing into the next thing as our science books are teaching our children as fact. The author has given children just enough knowledge of plant life and DNA to help them understand God and Science, and that God created all DNA and plants.
This is a wonderful story to share with children to make them think about our world, and help them understand that God created all things. Beautifully written.
You may get your copy of The First Seed at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

A CBM Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars


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