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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 18, 2018 at 6:45pm

David R. Stokes invites readers on a delightful road of forgiveness to thriving in every way. Connecting the dots, the author leads readers through the art of storytelling, as Jesus did, to the discovery of grace (through Christ) and relates what that means for us.
He offers help through the application of forgiveness, mercy, love, patience, the Bible and God’s ways that challenges readers to make an inner-self survey. Dealing with such subjects as: anger, bitterness and unforgiveness, he shows readers the only way to having true and lasting inner peace – through reliance on God and complete forgiveness. Knowing that we all get hurt, even when trying to do “good” things – and even by those who are within the church walls, he begins with the story of the Good Samaritan as a backdrop to the question: What do you do when you receive hurt and/or pain either physically, emotionally, or spiritually from other believers (and others in the world)? Offering true scriptural and Biblical answers, this book offers hope for the journey into forgiveness, the grace of God and a renewing of the mind that leads to maturity in Christ.
Using such Biblical examples as “Saul of Tarsus” who was later converted to the Apostle Paul and also Joseph’s story, the author also relates a number of compelling true-life stories that add intrigue and captivate one’s intellect and heart. Teaching and instructing along the way, the author advocates Scripture memorization as way to build the inner man and faith – as one learns to “take every thought captive”- and tend to your thoughts as you would a garden – plucking out the weeds. 
Truthfully, there is not a person on this Earth who can say, “I’ve had a pain free life.” With that in mind, inevitably this book will touch you in some profound way. I have to say this is the only  book, (that I read in only two sessions and wanted to read straight through). I could literally not put the book down! 
This book is a highly  recommended read for the Church, the Body of Christ, for pastors to hand out or for anyone looking to move forward and get better – not bitter.
When Good Samaritans Get Mugged at Amazon or Kindle. Visit David at David R. Stokes. For additional books visit Expectation Church Resources.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 16, 2018 at 6:14pm

Living Through Troubled Times: Witnessing the Rainbow is an Inspirational Journey by Dianne Tolliver.  It captures the true-life testimonies of twenty-one individuals and the storms, tribulations, and heartbreaks they endured. Through God’s triumphant care to find new beginnings for these people, the author records God’s faithfulness as He carried these individuals through their storms to reveal God’s rainbow of hope.  
Her book begins with a miraculous intervention by God that saved her from a terrible car accident and death, not once, but twice in a matter of minutes. Inspired by our Heavenly Father, His Word, and promises, the author was compelled to write this book for the empowerment of others. The book shares the heart of God.  It reveals how each person learned to overcome their challenges through their faith, remembering that God is a shield to those who put their trust in Him (Paraphrase of Psalm 91:4). Offering hope as we see His promises fulfilled through a wide-array of individual stories, her book sheds light on God’s grace which offers wisdom, inspiration, and hope in a troubled world.
“Thank God for the Rainbow!” This statement reflects her book of hope – helping others to believe that God hears, cares, and provides help. Each personal story shares the person’s heart during their challenges along with God’s encouragement and guidance. Providing insight into Scripture, and His promises, these endearing testimonies relate the emotions and reactions to trauma while revealing how hope in God carried them through tough times. These strong testimonies will bring tears to your eyes as you watch our Heavenly Father in action. He provided for, cared for, and brought what each person needed.  With this in mind, this book shares powerful reflection tools for learning to trust God and helps readers overcome despite adversity in their own lives.
Living Through Troubled Times: Witnessing the Rainbow will resonate as we live in perilous times. Life is not without tribulation. Many have faced overwhelming circumstances with layoffs, financial challenges, sicknesses, near-death experiences, loss of loved ones, and troubling events. This book provides powerful, true testimonies that will encourage the body of Christ.  It also reaches out to those who need to turn to God, not only for their salvation but also as protection for their daily lives. The author has included a 3-step salvation guide in hopes that those who feel the call of God upon their lives, will come to Him in their time of need.
Title: Living Through Troubled Times
Witnessing the Rainbow
By: Dianne Tolliver
ISBN #978-1-5456-0735-0
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars 

A Great Inspirational Book! Get your copy of Living Through Troubled Times at Amazon or in Kindle.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 16, 2018 at 12:15pm

A Highly recommended read - World War S: The Silence Begins (Book 1) and The Servants of the Dragon (Book 2) by Stephen Paul Thomas combine elements of a science fiction thriller novel with a religious twist that is an intense page turner ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.


Set sometime in the near future, the world has become a place of darkness. On the edge of economic and social collapse, key elements of society have changed: no Christianity allowed and the pursuit of seeking the divine through other means is elevated to a worldwide phenomenon. 


Seeking diviners and fortunetellers offer an escape for those upon the Earth, an escape tailored to meet their fleshly desires, leading them away from truth and into deception.


Two key characters, Josh and Julie, are the mainstay characters, along with other side events simultaneously occurring. Josh is a lighthearted boy with an amazing prophetic and revelatory ability. Julie is an ER doctor and physiologist whose focus has become more of an experiment to understand the nature of her clients’ Near Death Experiences (NDE). Her inquires are rooted in explaining the connection of the mind, soul and afterworld upon the cessation of life.


Heart pounding, riveting, and full of suspense, this novel is fast-paced and although a fiction novel, the scenarios depicted seem to be a plausible future considering world events, i.e., persecution of the Saints and a false religion that explodes. What would the world look like without the truth of God’s Word? Being a Christian is outlawed and it seems the world is on the edge of collapse. The author paints a vivid picture that blends elements of science fiction, demonic entanglement and the spiritual world that shed light into World War S.


Intriguing, this spiritual world war sounds vaguely familiar - What if the world was really like this?  And we are already living in this time or on the brink of total economic and social collapse, which brings such deception, demonic oppression and anarchy? All questions you can explore within this “brutally good,” “The reality of the demonic,” “Prophetic,” and “Genious” book.


A highly recommended author and series to follow! Quite unique.


ISBN #978-1978271616

A CBM Christian Book Review

10.0 out of 10.0 stars


Get your copy of World War S at Amazon.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 7, 2017 at 6:52pm

From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible by Stanley D. Rasberry offers to readers a “short handbook of the Bible” to assist readers in understanding the Bible, from beginning to end. 
Rightly named, From Alpha to Omega, (in Greek meaning “the beginning” and “the end”) the author begins with the book of Genesis through the book of Revelation, 66 books covered in all. Grouped into 15 separate sections and a List of Tables, the author has made the Bible easy to understand. His purpose is to help readers know time periods, meanings and messages, the authors of the relevant sections and how this intertwines with us today in this modern-day age. Readers will come to understand the Bible as a book of prophecy that has told the beginning and the end of the human race, giving instructions on how to live, the origin of sin, man and the many centuries that have passed since the beginning of time. The author states, “With it in hand, the reader can see the Bible with fresh eyes.”(p.v).

This is a must-read and complimentary to anyone wanting to understand the meaning of life, their purpose with focus on The Old and New Covenants, the Gospels, Jesus, and God’s divine plans for humanity and the future End Time scenario. With such sections as: Alpha: Jesus and the Eons, Two Men: Job and Mel, Chosen People, Escape from Egypt, Covenants, Laws and Sacrifices, Promised Land, Three Kings, Wisdom and Songs, Six Empires, Two Captivities, One Restoration, The Gospels, The New Church, Instructions to the Growing Church, Omega: The Revelation of Jesus, with discussions on the Early Church years and study group sessions, the author has given a complete overview. Additional Tables give valuable information such as: The Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Ten Commandments, the Feasts and Festivals, The Judges, Psalms Themes, Abbreviated Timelines, The Kings after Solomon, and so much more that add to the scope of the book.

With the inclusion of the original Greek in sections the author begins with Scripture and introduces succinctly and concisely each historical event in the corresponding book of the Bible. Suggested reading is to read each section. Then, if desired, read the referenced Bible material covered in the Bible (i.e., Genesis, and so on). Designed for the mature and new Christian alike, this handbook is an excellent resource that makes understanding the Bible, easy, convenient and fascinating.

Highly, highly recommended for all Christians, pastors, Bible instructors, lay teachers and counselors, Bible study groups or individuals seeking to better understand the Bible and God’s divine blueprint for planet Earth and all of humanity. Condensed and concise (only 222 pages), this book would also be a good book for professors to add to their list of required reading in Bible schools and degree programs. - Get your copy of  From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible at Amazon.


From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible

By: Stanley Rasberry


A CBM Christian Book Review

10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 28, 2017 at 7:39pm
Words can be profound ~ Diamante’s Lavendar’s powerful book, Poetry & Ponderingsoffers hope and healing in a transformational and beautiful work of non-fictional poetry and prose. Dedicated to her daughter, and also to those who have been wounded by abuse, this book comes highly recommended for those that desire to understand themselves, their circumstances and has been developed to lead one into a practice of faith in God, giving peace and hope for the future. Forgiveness and acceptance are also a teaching that is weaved into her poems. 
For those that appreciate the art of language through poems, expressions and acronyms, and those who also relate to a Christian perspective, this book offers hope in finding new life in God that will instill a deep appreciation for those who choose triumph over tragedy. Hope and encouragement is a common thread throughout as the healing journey is depicted. The author’s deep faith in God displays how God carried her through to the other side of healing, letting others know that He is our help.
The author displays great compassion and a deep love for her beloved child, and for others, that have suffered through years of abuse. Her hopes are to help them find healing through a journey of healing to find God as her ponderings and poems present to readers the temporal state of all who dwell on Earth. Further, advocating a process of healing (one step at a time), the author gives encouragement to sufferers of abuse that the pain can heal. The author sheds light into the hope available through letting go, forgiveness and focusing on the Lord’s providence, plans, dreams and God’s Word.
Prophetic, insightful and uplifting, the book is framed from a series of “Affirmations” that shed light into the healing process. (Isaiah 61 comes to mind). Within her book are beautifully inspired acronyms for words such as “I Love You” and “Faith” that go straight to the heart. Her book flows, like the ebbing of ocean waves, that speak of life-lessons learned from laying all aside, only to accept what is lovely, pure, holy and true.
Biblical in nature, the author leads readers on a journey to healing and to having a positive outlook on life. The poems help one to live a God-breathed life to the fullest and to live in a state of forgiveness. This book addresses such issues as: anger, self-esteem, sexual abuse, forgiveness, grief, despair and turns those “ashes” into “beauty.” 
Poetry & Ponderings: A Journey of Abuse and Healing Through Poetry comes highly recommended to those who have been sexually abused, as a way to calm, express and bring clarity, giving hope and affirmation in God that bring healing (and a smile) to a wounded soul.
Title: Poetry & Ponderings
A Journey of Abuse and Healing Through Poetry
Diamante Lavendar
A CBM Christin Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 28, 2017 at 6:13pm
Science Deepens Faith: Jesse’s Miracle (expanded edition) by Thomas McAvoy describes his challenge through to victory upon the diagnosis of his wife, Jesse, with Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP) - a little known cancer. His journey not only changed his life, but also changed others by the beginning of research to propagate the cure for this little-known cancer. Triumphantly, this book relates how a few dedicated people can make a difference in this world! Thomas McAvoy honors his wife’s passing by embarking on this unbelievable journey to find a cure for this cancer that is usually fatal. In his endearing autobiography, he shares his grief, his wife’s legacy and life, their love story (married for 41 years), and the author’s firm commitment to finding a cure. Within this, he also makes a resounding discovery: faith and science can co-exist together!
Upon receiving the diagnosis of PMP, four sections explain first the search, and later detail the research and what is known and unknown about the disease PMP. His findings relate to readers an intersection of a spiritual, philosophical and medical investigation. In concise manner, the author further relates to readers how his loss triggered faith. He also answers many perplexing questions such as: Why does God allow disease and evil? How does science prove or disprove his findings about faith in God, explain disease and sickness? All the answers led him to understand that God created the Earth that we live in. In fact, science and faith, do not disprove each other, they compliment each other. His book relates this and that religion and science speaks of a Creator who designed our universe with such precision, that this precision and design, comes from none other than God Himself.
In his book he researches such theories as the: Big Bang Theory, astronomy, evolution, physics, to include Scripture that reveal answers to questions we all have had. His research and hard work culminate into a twelve year long research of the disease, along with many noted doctors, scientists and research specialists. It’s this kind of persevering spirit despite tragedy where people’s lives are changed for the better and new inventions and discoveries are made to save the next person suffering. Inspiring and educational, this in-depth look at PMP, and Jesse’s miracle, make this a memorable autobiography.
In particular, this book may have a powerful impact on those who have experienced grief and loss from disease; written from a man who lost his wife, and instead found that “science deepens faith!” 10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 21, 2017 at 12:14pm
The Red Letter Parables: 
Introducing Jesus as the Master Storyteller 
By: Bob Palumbo 
A CBM Book Review 10.0 out of 10.0 stars + 
The Red Letter Parables: Introducing Jesus as the Master Storyteller by Bob Palumbo reveals 40 stories told by Jesus, some well-known and some not so well-known, that present the Kingdom of God. These stories begin at the Wedding of Cana and continue on through the New Testament. Each story is unique, captivating, and announce a new beginning of a New Covenant with the life and ministry of Jesus. As a photographer would “zoom in” for a close up and “zoom out” for a panoramic view, the author zooms in and zooms out, to give deeper understanding of each teaching from each view. Focusing on the words in red, just as the red letter edition of the Bible, the author bunches some of the stories not normally considered parables contained in the books of Matthew and John to bring readers a fun and fascinating read through the parables of Jesus as Master Storyteller.   
Within each parable, the author paints a picture that brings great understanding of what Jesus was saying in His parables. Jesus often spoke in parables, but also revealed to His Disciples the plain truths of what He was speaking. The author has done an excellent job in researching not only the historical and cultural aspects, but also includes keen interpretations based on various commentaries and Biblical wisdom on how these stories impact us just as much today as they did when Jesus graced this Earth.   
With each story revealed, readers will see that Jesus is announcing the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand, this new Kingdom is offered to the entire world as forgiveness and grace. Shedding light on some fresh insights, readers will also discover thought-provoking teachings that present scriptural truths in a practical way.  For instance, have you ever wondered what a Tare really is?  This book speaks to those common questions with ease and adds a little humor on the side. Bob Palumbo’s writing style is like talking to an old friend wrapped around witty phrases, comments and references to T.V. shows that we can all remember as kids!   
Encouraging and incredibly enjoyable read, this practical journey through the “words in red” as Bob Palumbo puts it gives hope and sheds new light on the teachings and parables of Jesus.    
Highly recommended as one of those book you will not soon forget.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 20, 2017 at 8:09pm

Life With Christ: How Faithful He Is - A collection of life-changing teachings, testimonies, short stories and miracles that share the goodness of God, His faithfulness, the Word of God, encouragement and hope.


With testimonies from Pastors, Bible teachers, Ministers, Christian counselors, scholars, businessmen and women, Life With Christ is full of wisdom, heavenly pearls and daily bread for the reader.


May you be abundantly blessed as you read Life With Christ and the wonderful testimonies highlighting the faithfulness of God captured within the pages.


CBM Christian Book Publishing assistance, helping Christian authors self publish to the Glory of God.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 13, 2017 at 5:38pm
Caught in a Cycle by Amy B. Crowe tells a delightful and humorous story of a young boy named JJ and his cycle that led him to the “wrong side of the bars.” With a smile, it is my pleasure to recommend this book as the author has addressed relevant issues that children face everyday in a memorable and funny way. Filled with witty humor, readers will love Amy B. Crowe’s writing style as she combines life-lessons of always telling the truth instead of lying as JJ finds out and that bullying is never a good idea. This is a fantastic, fun and memorable children’s book that is filled with wholesome life-lessons that reflect a Christian perspective, brought to life through vivid illustrations. Children and parents alike will adore this little children’s book.
JJ begins by telling one little lie just to get out of being bullied by the school bully, Bo. Finding himself spouting off one lie after another just to get out of the first lie, he was finally “caught” by his mom. Explaining that his first lie was only to get out of being bullied (which seemed like a good idea at the time), JJ then realizes that each lie just led to a bigger lie; until he had weaved an unbelievable story of his talents and his dad as a policeman! Caught in a Cycle is certainly an appropriate name!
Cute and funny, the author weaves the innocence of little JJ with humor kids and parents alike will love that teach them that there is only one way – tell the truth, all the time. And that being a bully also bears punishment as both kids will never forget the punishment, from the “wrong side of the bars!” Read on and you will see what that means.  
This book comes highly recommended for Christian parents with young children that want to teach them good morals that telling lies and bullying is never acceptable behavior and that there is only one way to be, truthful and kind.
As an added note, this author writes with such simplicity and childlike humor, fully develops scenarios and characters that are to the point, but downright laughable … Perhaps, the book will bring back some of your own “hilarious childhood moments and memories.”
Highly recommended as it addresses the issues children often deal with in a funny and light manner that also relay, choices have consequences.
Get your copy of Caught In A Cycle at Amazon.
Title: Caught in a Cycle
By: Amy B. Crowe
ISBN #978-1-4575-5152-9
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Visit Amy B. Crowe at Caught In A Cycle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 6, 2017 at 6:25pm

There is a problem in our Churches today and it’s called, Biblical illiteracy! According to a recent ABC poll, up to 94% of high school students stop attending church after graduating because of Biblical challenges and stagnation of their faith. Additionally, over 50% of all weekly churchgoers are not Christian! Christians are not mature in their faith because many professing Christians do not even know the basics of their faith.


According to the results of a survey conducted recently by LifeWay Research, over 3,000 participants were asked a set of 47 questions about foundational Christian beliefs. Most of the answers revealed a mishmash of heresy and confusion about Christianity’s most basic doctrines. It’s not just the departures from these historic doctrines that should concern us, but the contradictory answers. It shows that Americans in general, and evangelicals in particular, are clueless on basic Christian doctrine.

This is the basis for Christian Basic Training (CBT).

Every year professional athletes attend training camp to get back to the basics of their particular sport. Regardless of their previous successes, they review the fundamentals (hitting, fielding, base-running, blocking, tackling, special teams, etc.) of their profession to insure that they have a solid foundation in which to excel. Most games are won or lost because of a lapse in a basic skill. These are professional athletes making millions of dollars, yet they go back to the basics each and every year and before every game. They hone their skills to insure that they are foundationally sound, so that the game to them becomes second nature.


This is what God is asking each of us to do as well; get back to the basics of the Christian faith to be sure that we are Biblically sound. Most parents and churches are failing in this area!


Christian Author and Speaker, Craig T. Feigh, has compiled a list of the 42 most basic Christian foundational principles in an easy-to-understand “workbook” format that allows both the new and mature Christian the ability to understand and articulate the basics of the Christian faith.


For more information about Christian Basic Training, visit Author Craig T. Feigh. You may order your copy of Christian Basic Training at Amazon.


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