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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 7, 2019 at 3:54pm

Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green
Craig T. Feigh, Illustrated by: Patrick Carlson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green by Craig T. Feigh delights children with colorful illustration and fun learning on how to “Go Green.” The Romie family learns that it’s a good thing to save the environment and recycle.  Going green is great in the month of March too! In March one may wear green for St. Patrick’s Day.  Green is a good color and is their favorite color in “Saving the Environment.” See how all the fun ways one can “Go Green” with the Romie family.
In this cute little children’s book, going green means you can recycle all different types of products – mainly three are recycled – paper, plastic & aluminium. One can save energy to help save our planet by going green too. There are many ways to conserve energy and go green as well. Conserving water and using less electricity is a way the Romie family learns to be a part of the going green community which helps our planet and conserves the Earth’s natural resources like: water and electricity. In this way, we can give back in our daily lives. Even using public transportation helps conserve and save our planet. Find out how that works.
Intertwining science and education, Craig T. Feigh has created a wonderfully fun and easy way to teach children to conserve energy, save natural resources, recycle and go green for a better environment. In this way, children understand that conservation is necessary not only for those who live now, but for the Earth to be protected for future generations. Children and parents alike will adore the Romie family that live in our everyday modern-lives through our computers and phones.
A great educational series for young children!
I had my daughter read Craig’s book and here is what she said;
“Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green is very colorful and teaches children what to do to help our environment, it also gives examples of what not to do which is very important. I think it is a very cute book that will teach youngsters how to help the environment in their daily lives as they grow up and that is something that we all should do.” 
Get your copy of Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green at Amazon.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 4, 2019 at 3:22pm

Title: Abduction Chronicles
By: Folarin Philip Banigbe
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
“It is in moments of trouble that we know the value of true friendships.” Folarin Philip Banigbe
Abduction Chronicles by Folarin Philip Banigbe relates a touching, spine-tingling, non-fiction account of his own abduction experience. Touching, this novel will captivate you as the author relates each encounter as he was abducted from his home in the middle of the night in his home country, Nigeria. 
He narrates the book and speaks of the events and his thoughts during the ordeal that paint a vivid picture, giving readers an inside view of the home invasion that quickly became life-threatening. Taken by thugs, forced to endure and overcome exposure to elements, lack of food and harsh weather, his abduction shares how God encountered him in his darkest moments. Triumphant, he came back from the evil of perpetrators seeking money to re-tell the truth of what really happened during his days gone missing.
Beginning his narrative of the moments when robbers cut into iron bars to get into the home, the author’s account is a minute-by-minute thrill ride. Readers will find themselves asking, what would I do in such a situation, faced with a Ak-47 and no weapons for defense? The author’s quick thinking throughout his abduction makes for a fast-paced and compelling read. In a unique fashion, he blends his prayers and thoughts to God, coupled with the Holy Spirit’s workings within the ordeal.
Author quote; "Spiritual insights into this abduction include: core values of The Full Gospel - Jesus and the salvation He brings, the Holy Ghost, the Voice of God, visions and dreams, and the Power of God to save and deliver."
As an added bonus, the author’s wife and daughter give their own accounts of the home invasion and days waiting for the author’s return. Intense moments are captured as the wife shares dialogue through phone calls and demands for ransom money that made each day’s dealings with Folarin’s captor’s delicate. Despite the raging emotions, Folarin’s wife gives thanks to God who gave her the peace and strength to survive the barrage of emotions a wife might have for her husband. 
Folarin Philip Banigbe has come out of the ordeal a better man, teaching others to help abduction victims through his foundation. A wonderful read.

You may get your copy of Abduction Chronicles at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.

Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on March 1, 2019 at 2:37pm

I need support. Specifically votes and 194 of them. My book cover has been nominated by allauthor

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 28, 2019 at 1:03am
René Harkins born and raised in Germany shares in his autobiography "I AM better than you think" how he experiences deep voids in his heart as a child, caused by an unhealthy family environment. Trying to find satisfaction in drugs he gets caught in the vicious cycle of Heroin for almost 20 years. Crime, police and prison are part of it.
Believing that there is more to life than what you can see, he goes on a spiritual journey which takes him all over the world. He comes in contact with different religions, philosophies, and new age movements where he meets Gurus and Priests, practicing Yoga, Buddhistic Meditation and prayer.
The result of his search is so overwhelming, he experiences a complete transformation, discovers the reason for life, and his true identity. As the healing takes place on the inside, restoration is visible on the outside. He finds a wonderful wife, has children, leads a private language school, teaches at the public school, experiences financial overflow and ... so much more. 
Amazed about the true identity of who he really is, he realizes that the boundaries set by human thinking are no longer his limits. Order your copy of AM Better Than You Think at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 14, 2019 at 11:44am

Jan Hurst is a widow, mother, and retired executive, who built a business career over 30 very eclectic years in multiple business disciplines. She and her husband, Steve, were married 44 years, the first 24 years following his Air Force career. They had two daughters, who both became accomplished professional women and dedicated wives and mothers.
Jan enjoyed her early marriage as a homemaker, until their younger daughter started school. As returning adult students, Jan and Steve both completed college while working and supporting a family. Once Steve retired from the Air Force, Jan began her career, no longer having the interruptions of moving and job hopping.
She continued her education to earn an MBA and PhD in Business Administration Management. Jan focused on a personal ministry in business to lead organizations and share management approaches to incorporate Christian values.
Having grown up as an Air Force dependent, her passion was to show people that clicks and good ol’ boy approaches are not as productive or rewarding. She and her husband were both passionate about helping others and worked to live as they believed. They shared a special respect and admiration for each other up until the day they were parted. Jan is a witness willing to share her faith, love of God, and story. Losing her husband did not diminish her faith. Her faith has strengthened.
Get your copy of His Sunrise My Sunset: A True Story of Love and Loss as a download ...

Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on January 14, 2019 at 7:19am

Cupid’s Schemes - Volume 2

A Collection of Sweet Romances

In these 12 flash fiction vignettes, Cupid’s arrow hits the mark and ignites a spark between two strangers—whether or not they’re looking for romance. Their unusual meetings lead to new beginnings and new chances at love.

Sweet stories of couples falling under Cupid’s spell include:

* a photographer falls for a sexy cowboy in a supposedly abandoned ghost town
* new neighbors discover that romance can happen when you least expect it
* a long-lost love returns in an unexpected setting

These lighthearted mini-romances are perfect reads for a quick lunchtime escape or an after-work indulgence.

Order Cupid’s Schemes - Volume 2 here:


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I hope you’ll check it out. These mini-romances are fun, quick reads.


Don’t miss Cupid’s Schemes - Volume 1 containing 16 more love stories.


All other platforms:   

Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on December 21, 2018 at 1:50pm

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 4, 2018 at 9:21pm

A Prayer Study Guide by Dr. Willie B. White is designed as an effective, yet insightful and encouraging guide to increasing understanding and knowledge of prayer. “Exploring the prayer from Biblical and scriptural (using the King James Version), practical and relational viewpoints that speak of, “…prayer from its history, phenomenon, philosophy, practices, patterns, the practices of prayer, the many different kinds of prayer and what can hinder a prayer's effectiveness.”
Many want their prayers to be answered. There is not doubt that is “why” we pray. This book gives a much deeper understanding as to what prayer is. Prayer is communion, worship, praise and adoration of God. There are ways to pray effectively and there are things in our life or attitudes of heart that will hinder prayer. Unlocking these guidelines, the Bible, the Psalms and many patriarchs from the Old and New Testament, to include Jesus as our example give us insight as to what an effective prayer life looks like.
This book will increase your faith as you explore and learn to approach prayer in a fresh, new way that will invigorate your relationship with God, bring exciting answers and give you a mature approach to prayer. For many this book will be a catalyst to seeing God move mountains in their life. This author has researched the Scriptures thoroughly and while this works is an exhaustive commentary, it is a complete joy to read that is founded on the Word of God.
With the inclusion of many strong Biblical patriarchs (such as Abraham, David, Solomon, etc), their predicaments and/or prayer that relates how these are written for our instruction. For example, do you need wisdom?  The author takes a look at Solomon, relates the story of Solomon asking God for wisdom. Concisely, the author then reiterates how “we” as believers are to understand the themes and scriptures pertaining to wisdom, gives additional discussion questions, and extrapolates other verses, and provides a guide of “how” we are to ask for wisdom, giving the benefit thereof. The author’s ability in her book unveils a strong preaching anointing, which really gives readers keen understanding, teaching and exhortation in understanding Biblical concepts and Kingdom principles.
This book comes as a MUST-READ for all Christians new and mature alike. I cannot recommend the absolute importance of this book to the readers’ faith.
Get your copy of A Prayer Study Guide at Amazon. You may also visit the author at Uplifting Insights.
A Prayer Study Guide
Dr. Willie B. White
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 3, 2018 at 6:52pm

Hell & The Devil 

This book discusses whether the devil, or call him what you like, actually exists. It gives a detailed discussion on the pesky lost souls that cause troubles and illnesses to many people. There is a brief discussion on the present residents of hell.
Get your copy of Hell & The Devil at Amazon.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 20, 2018 at 6:18pm

This book is a fantastic way to tell kids…don’t go surfing if you don’t know how. ~ CBM 
Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach by Craig T. Feigh is a colorfully illustrated children’s book depicting love-able characters and their pets that introduces children metaphorically to computers and the dangers of surfing the Web. Creating word pictures, namely, that the Web is much like a huge ocean, parents can use this book as an aid in educating their children about computers and the Internet.
Simple, fun and cute, children will make the connection to the Internet and the main parts of computers with each page. A hidden image of a bone on each page makes the book fun and interactive (secretly my favorite part). With adventure, Little Bit and his crew set out for a day of play at the beach. Little Bit Romie, the main character alongside Click, Browser (the “chip’s” pets) go to the beach with his big brother, Big Byte. Joy, his sister, Kay Board and Webster also join in at the beach to build sandcastles.
With little notice, trouble comes through sly characters Vi and Russ, who are looking to crash any party. The author creates a unique and creative “day at the beach” which is saved by a big wave…thankfully. Memorable and inspiring, this little book will help children understand to surf intelligently and with skilled “know how.”
Children and parents alike will love the illustrations, giving way for parents to teach their kids about computers. The author has presented an ingenious way to speak the dangers of surfing the Web to young children that they will enjoy.
This little book comes highly recommended to all parents when beginning to educate their children about computers, or when school starts children on computers.
You may get your copy of Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach at Amazon.
Title: Little Bit & Big Byte: A Day at the Beach
By: Craig T. Feigh
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars


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