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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 12, 2017 at 4:34pm
Abraham Joseph Ajenifuja
The VIP Christian 
There is a gap in our gospel that is creating an environment of division along the lines of race, class, ethnicity, culture, language, age, and socio-economic status. But deep down in the core of our being is a VIP Light that wants to shine to bring the broken pieces together. Songs have been composed about it; sonnets and poems have been written about it; philosophers have pondered on it; and prophets have spoken of it.
The cross section of humanity in all social structures of women, children, and men from all cultures, languages, and color cry for this light to shine. If this light is to break out and pierce the pockets of darkness in of our social structures (family, education, business, media/politics, arts/entertainment, government/military, and religion), God's VIP Christians will have to lead the way.
When Jesus asked "Who do people say I am" Peter said "You are Christ the Son of the Living God." If we were to ask our families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and coworkers, "Who do people say we are," would people know us as God's VIP Christians? Check your VIP status and see the gap in your gospel and be the successful Christian God has created from eternity.
The VIP Christian is first in the VIP Series consisting of the "The VIP Prayer," "The VIP Family," The VIP Education," The VIP Church" and the "VIP Business"
You may get your copy of The VIP Christian at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 11, 2017 at 12:13am
Start each day anew and bring increased intimacy with Christ, in this discernment devotional by Bea Lamb. ~ CBM
A Discernment Devotional: 141 Bible Verses for Your Discernment Journey by Bea Lamb sheds light on God’s Word and encourages readers in their daily discernment journey that brings spiritual growth. Developed to bring a closer walk with God and an intimate knowledge of the Word, each short commentary speaks on 141 Bible verses that will assist readers in bringing peace, joy and love into their lives. Focusing on the importance of Biblical wisdom in our daily lives, the author has carefully selected key scriptures that give keen insight into Christ’s teachings, instructing readers in valuable Kingdom principles. The author shares her insight into the knowledge of the Word of God and wants others to be transformed in their minds and hearts by the richness of the Word of God.
Gleaning from Old and New Testament books, such as: Proverbs, Psalms, Revelation, Matthew, Romans, Hebrews, this discernment journey presents a wide-range of subjects that reveal different aspects of God’s Holy Word that makes this daily devotional a well-balanced read. Easy-to-read, the book is encompassed by 9 separate chapters on such Christian values as: Faith, Knowing Yourself, Understanding God’s Ways, Trusting in God, Continual Growth, Becoming Wise, Being Humble, The Importance of Giving and Receiving Love, and Being Joyful. Interactive and engaging, at the end of each devotional the author asks thought-provoking questions that will bring transformation and positive change to your life.
This is a highly recommended read that fosters spiritual growth and Biblical wisdom through an easy-to-use daily devotional.
A Discernment Devotional: 
141 Bible Verses for Your Discernment Journey
By: Bea Lamb
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Visit me at Author Bea Lamb.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 4, 2017 at 11:35am
As a parent, do any of you struggle like we did trying to find interesting kids books that teach obedience or telling the truth, sharing, being a good friend without being preachy or boring. We bought an entire series of kids books and would dread when our kids asked us to read one of them because they were hard to read and frankly not very interesting or realistic.
There are great kids books out there but the ones that make me want to pick them up again and again are the ones that are more realistic and even make me laugh a little because it may be real but it’s humorous. 
You read a kids book and a scene from the book makes you smile and say, “Yep, mine have done that,” or “I can see mine doing that too.” You can relate.  It’s like the author actually has kids and has gone through what you are experiencing and knows how you feel.
Even if your child is already reading on their own, doesn’t it make you smile when you hear them laugh because they are reading and enjoying it. When they ask questions about a character who goes through some of these examples, that opens up conversations for you to share about honesty, bullying, obedience, selfishness, gossiping and so much more.
Sometimes kids have a hard time admitting they make many of these mistakes but if you can take the character and talk about them and how they were a bad sport or they were wasteful, or greedy, or destructible with their toys, it helps the child realize how they have been doing the same thing. It can open up conversations for you to share with your child the right way to handle a certain situation.
As a parent of three, I wanted my children and others as well to be able to enjoy reading while learning a valuable lesson about real life situations. 
Please check out Changed By a Catch and have fun reading about a young boy named JJ and his two sisters. JJ is prone to mischief but learns valuable lessons in the end. He deals with disobedience, strangers, and not judging others by outward appearance.
Stay tuned for Book two called Caught in a Cycle which deals with lying and bullying, both prevalent in today’s society!
Happy Reading! - Amy B. Crowe
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 31, 2017 at 3:22pm
The Hidden Puzzle in Marriage: The Twist Against Choice by Samuel Adjeipong unlocks secrets from a Biblical perspective to reveal the purpose, creation and institution of marriage.
Offering readers a deep understanding of marriage, the author has written a detailed book that gives married couples and single individuals leading and instruction on God’s grand design. The author ties the marriage institution to the first marriage of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Shedding light on why some marriages are strong, and why some fail, readers will appreciate this book as it gives the pathway to a bright and hopeful future with God, His grand design for your life and the institution of marriage.
Unveiling a twist to choice that is in submission to the will of God, the author delves into the mystery of the Word of God, as God made woman from man.
Digging deeper into the meaning of this creation of woman, the author also asks intricate questions in the book such as: “Can it be possible that God Almighty had the forethought of our satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment in marriage when He initiated it in the Garden of Eden?” “And also what are His thoughts of intimacy in marriage?” “Can intimacy be nurtured?” “Should the choice of a spouse be my own or God’s” With these thoughts in mind, the author then considers the “puzzle” of marriage and how the pieces fit together between a man and a woman from a multi-dimensional view.
Excerpts from the Bible examine the lives of Abraham and Sarah, Rebekah and Eliezer, Ruth and Boaz, Jacob, and others to give further insight into the will of God and choices made from a Biblical perspective, providing insights into keys for success of marriage – unveiling heart attitudes and motives. Additionally addressing issues that singles and married couples face, the understanding of intimacy, and what makes a marriage thrive makes for an enthusiastic read designed to assist singles to be placed with their right mate and help couples connect, reconcile, and come together through prayer as one. 
This is a highly recommended and insightful must-read for those considering marriage that includes young adults, singles, and couples.
Get your copy of The Hidden Puzzle in Marriage: The Twist Against Choice at Amazon or as a download in Kindle. You may visit the author at Samuel Adjeipong
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 31, 2017 at 11:38am
 The Victims Cry is an encouraging book that exposes truth from a Christian perspective to help readers find lasting healing and freedom from past offenses, pain and unforgiveness.
As the author presents steps to dealing with past offenses, disappointment and deep bitterness, the author writes from his own journey after separation in his own marriage.
Offering Biblical knowledge, and additionally sharing some of the reasons why we suffer in this world, the author writes a concise, yet simple book to discover hope and healing through the power of Christ.
Full of Scripture and Biblical insights on the issues of forgiveness, heart attitudes and judgments are examined that presents to readers refreshment to the soul, giving them practical solutions to seek after God and His plan for healing. 
As the author highlights this statement from the Lord, “I want you to write a book about My plan of rescue for people who have been hurt. Many of my people are bound up, and I will use this book to help set them free.” The author offers hope to those who feel like victims. What is quite unique is that he begins with the definition of a victim. As it turns out, we all have been victims at one time or another. With heartfelt compassion, the author’s hope and prayer in reading this book is that individuals will find lasting freedom in Christ and come to an understanding that they are more than conquerors in Christ. 
Divided into 5 Open and Shut Steps to Freedom, such issues as selfishness, bitterness, anger, hatred, judgments address heart attitudes that help readers identify these feelings and emotions, turning to God for help. Once identified through a godly lens, the truth of God’s Word is applied and a renewing of the mind begins, refreshing and cleansing the troubled heart and emotions. This is a wonderful book that gives the keys to finding restoration in one’s soul that brings a transformed life, and in turn transformed relationships through forgiveness. Readers will find that broken relationships can be repaired.
I cannot recommend this book enough, in that it gives the Biblical steps to finding restoration in relationships and helps readers take a look at their own heart, inspiring them to look up to God. Reading this book also produce godly character by presenting to readers a practical application of God’s Word. Freedom will be found if the steps are applied and the person submits to God. Increased intimacy with Christ will also be developed and lasting peace, love and joy will be found as people are set free.
For those struggling with anger, resentment, depression and unforgiveness, this book will help those individuals release these feelings and find relief. I have to say to the author, “Thank You,” for hearing from God and having the courage to follow through. His testimony of how he clearly heard from God and obeyed is inspiring!
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 30, 2017 at 8:11pm
Divorce & Re-marry: Is Man’s Alternative Not God’s Plan by Anthony Onochie Akpati discusses God’s plan on the subject of marriage, divorce and re-marriage. With a dual approach, his book addresses God’s original intent for man in marriage and addresses many practical conflict resolutions that offer solutions, roles and accountability to each other and the Word of God.
Adding that the Church today has a divorce rate over 50%, it is clear, Christians are not exempt from facing divorce. Giving the readers a Biblical platform and view, the author lays out a plan that is much different than the world’s. The world advocates divorce and re-marrying, even in a repeat fashion. As Christians and children of God, the author mentions that we live in the world, but are not of the world as the Scriptures states. With honesty and integrity, the author helps people understand the causes for divorce and offers real solutions for real problems experienced by real people.
This is a well-balanced read that points to the Bible as the authorative source as to how to live our lives. Divorce is common, but the author warns that this is not the plan of God for married couples. He gives scriptural advice that can help people smooth out such issues as communication, agreement, submission and authority in a marriage, as well as giving a foundational read on the covenant of marriage.
This book comes highly recommended for couples that are in trouble and considering divorce. Pastors and marriage counselors might also consider having this read in their library to offer to clients. His perspective on accountability on each partner is practical and Biblical.
Title: Divorce & Re-marry: Is Man’s Alternative Not God’s Plan
By: Anthony Onochie Akpati
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 20, 2017 at 8:56pm
Changed by a Catch - With delightful humor and fun illustrations, children can engage in this endearing tale of a young sweet boy named J.J, who quickly learns that obeying the rules and your parents is better than his way.
With a smile readers find out that fruit punch turns white dogs red, that it’s easy to ruin things like dad’s briefcase with a chocolate bar, and that gum is really sticky! J.J. also learns that it is best to not let strangers into the house, and to not let his entire class know the code for the house alarm and that following directions is a really good idea! In the end, J.J. learns to obey the first time after he is Changed by a Catch. Come experience the fun!   


Born and raised in Alabama, Amy Crowe has enjoyed writing since the tender age of ten and still remembers winning her first writing contest. Since then, her work has been published in various newspapers and alumni magazines.  Being a very active mother in the lives of her three young children,Amy delights in the Lord, her family and children, as oftentimes they are the inspiration for her funny stories. With a positive influence, writing is Amy’s way of inspiring children and parents alike with life-lessons that increase their joy and faith. This book gives readers easily relatable characters that get the message across in an entertaining way. Amy wants her books and reading to be fun for children, so they are captivated and interested while learning valuable lessons at the same time. She is currently working on her second book in the same series.
You may order your copy of this wonderful  children's book Changed By a Catch at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 18, 2017 at 12:52pm
Christian Basic Training: The Basic Foundational Principles of the Christian Faith by Craig T. Feigh helps new and mature believers alike get back to the basics of their faith.
As the author states, “Like fire tests gold and silver, God commands us to test ourselves daily (2 Corinthians 13:5) to be sure that our heart is right with Him and that we can defend and articulate our faith.  Testing our faith is essentially getting back to the basics and building for ourselves a strong foundation.”
This is the premise of this foundational book that will build faith, instruct believers in sound Biblical doctrine and provide a keen understanding of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As a child of God and a believer in Jesus Christ, one understands that decisions made here upon Earth have an effect on our eternity in heaven. In this book, Craig T. Feigh reveals some alarming statistics of Americans polled in regards to their faith. An alarming 66% of the 89% Americans polled are not sure whether they will get to heaven or not. This makes it necessary for Christians to understand the basics of their faith and what the cross did for them.
In addition, the author reveals through scriptural interpretation your identity in Christ. This is a simple way to understand many of the questions you have about the Bible that gives not only firm scriptural truths, but gives a firm foundation to build upon. Whether just coming to Christ, or as a well-seasoned believer, the foundations never change and it almost guaranteed that readers will learn something in this book.
Created for individual use and within a group setting the author offers classes on Christian Basic Training and encourages all to understand the truth of God’s Word. This is a highly recommended read that covers a broad spectrum of the key foundational principles of the Christian faith that enlightens many facets of the Gospel in an easy-to-understand and fascinating read.
Title: Christian Basic Training
By: Craig T. Feigh
ISBN # ( to be added )
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 16, 2017 at 9:34am
America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible: A Select Study on America’s Christian Origin by Stephen A. Flick, Ph.D. shares America’s rich biblical history and Christian heritage.
Focusing on the American Revolution and afterwards, the author writes that America was founded on Christian principles and biblical practices that our Founding Fathers instituted, stemming from the formation of our government and the Continental Congress.
Unwaveringly the author also reveals contrary claims by secularists and irreligionists that America was founded and “arose from the barrenness of secularism,” give way to an intriguing book that gives insight into America’s beginnings, formation as a nation and the underlying Christian legacy of America as a nation.
Divided into three sections: The Continental Congress and the Bible, Three Founding Fathers on the Bible, After the American Revolution, Conclusion: American Renaissance and coupled with three Reading Sections -  Defense of the use of the Bible as a SchoolBook, President of Congress Starts Bible Society & By the Bible or By the Bayonet, the author sheds light on the legacy of freedom, commitment to the Christian faith and the Bible, that helps readers understand and presents a brief glimpse into the motivations and truths from which our Founding Fathers relied upon.
With this perspective in mind, this book also provides viewpoints propagated from American Academia, jurisprudence and other disciplines that seem to ignore the facts. Further giving an overview of the initial thirteen colonies that sparked America’s growth and the first decrees of fasts and thanksgivings originally declared, coupled with the ensuing American Revolution, the author shows that America is a country that is nationally based upon the Bible. As the author states,Rather, both private and public writings overwhelmingly demonstrate that America's Founding Fathers intended and did establish American government upon biblical principles and practices.” 

This simple, yet historically accurate read comes highly recommended to all Americans, Patriots, Christians, college students and to the general public that serves as a reminder to get back to the foundational principles our country was founded on. Knowing your heritage and history is important and this book presents a keen understanding of “how” our great nation came to be. Concise and to the point, factual information presents and relates the importance of the Christian faith and the Bible in America.  History’s past can be confusing, yet this book is one of those books every American should read, know and understand. It is our privilege, duty and honor to take a stand for what was so costly – our freedom.

You may get your copy of America’s Founding Fathers and the Bible at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores. Visit Christian Heritage Fellowship for further information and some amazing ministry.
Comment by Cliff Ball on March 8, 2017 at 5:33pm

Times of Turmoil, which is book one of seven in my series The End Times Saga is free on Kindle, Nook, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and Google Play.

The Evans family tries to destroy Christian influence in the US.

Google Play:

or get it directly from me on my website in epub or mobi/kindle formats:


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