The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I am trying to find a good book distributor. I wrote two children's books that teach life lessons. I have them in about 30 stores in Michigan but I want to focus my time on schools. I had a wholesaler but that didn't work out. I have read a lot about Independant Publishers Group. Has anyone heard anything about their services? or any other book distributor? I have spoke with a few authors and they seem to have problems getting paid for their books by distributors. I have only been in this business a year and a half. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for the thought provoking question. I see lots of answers - however several appear to think a distributor does different things. What do you want in a distributor. For instance, I see folks talking about theirs getting them in Barns & Noble. Unless they have been placed in several stores, I believe that just having the ISBN (with or without a UPC Code) puts you in their special order database...

If you are looking for a new place to list your book - especially if it is history or genealogy related - my publishing company offers a no fee, 20% commission drop ship program: - you keep control and don't have to worry about ISBN, barcodes, etc.
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to answer my question. Carrie, I do have a barcode on my children's books. I had my books in Barnes & Noble but I can't compete with large publishers. I didn't sell a lot of books there. You compete with a lot of classic children's book that have been around for 50 years. I do much better at independent book stores, gift shops, toy stores, and teacher stores. I also sell to libraries and school libraries. Sammie, I do nave a website I do sell books from my website and on

At this time, I have actually decided not to use a book distibutor (I had a wholesaler). I had a bad experience with one already. I live in Michigan, and have my books in over 50 stores in this state. I did it all by myself! Sure, it's takes a lot of time, but I don't mind. I sell books and I get paid. My books teach children life lessons, so I am pretty passionate about getting that message out. I am really happy with how things are going right now!

Again, thank you all for answering my question!

I use CreateSpace. I have no problem getting paid.

Have you tired Amy Collins at New Shelves. I use them. Tell them Emma Right sent you. 


Emma, thanks for the heads-up about New Shelves. 

I wen through Xlibris publishing company at first and they too wanted a lot of money but you live and learn. Now I use Create Space and could not be happier. I have so much more control over my own work.


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