shirley dicks

83, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:

I moved to Tn when my oldest son was wrongly convicted and sent to death row. I started writing at this time and wrote our story and then went on to write other books. My life story was the third one published after Death Row, and Victims. Then I wrote From Vietnam To Hell, Congregation of the Condemned, Young Blood, Road Angels, Long Journey Home, The Choice Is Yours and A Mothers Torment.

I wrote articles that were published in magazines and was on Geraldo, Maury, Sally, Jerry Springer, Rolonda and The Shirley SHow in Canada. The BBC then did a documentary on my life that was play ed overseas.

My youngest son and I spoke out on the Journey of Hope each year in a different state. That's two weeks of speaking out against the death penalty and more violence, creating more victims. Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking also speaks out on the Journey as does Sam Shepperd who is the son of Dr Sam Shepherd convicted of killing his mother and sentenced to die. Sam has spent his whole life trying to prove his innocence. The movie, THe Fugitive is based on his story.

I also went on TN death row and five of the guys came out to do a DVD called The Choice Is Yours where they talk to the kids about the dangers of doing drugs, alcohol and hanging in gangs, and wiht the wrong kind of people. The video I take to schools and speak to the kids to try and stop them before they end up in prison, or death row.

When my oldest son was killed in 99, I started the Jeff Dicks Coalition, to save prisoners from medical neglect, and to stop the murdering of these prisoners by being denied their medication.

Last year I lost my youngest and only son left, and since then I haven't been able to speak out. I will be sending out my book to see about getting it made into a movie. I never knew which company took out the option so will just have to send it out blind....

Comment Wall:

  • Judi Lake

    Welcome to this network, Shirley! I find your story compelling and... well you got yourself a customer because I intend on purchasing your book! Unlike many, it does sound as though you've got a basis for a movie here and if you haven't you should consider revising this into a screenplay -- the best to you and God bless you!
    —Judi Lake
  • shirley dicks

    Thanks Judi. Actually there was an option taken on the first book which ended twenty years ago and was published by New Horizon Press. However, they changed names and places and took things out, and so I rewrote the book, changed the title and brought it up to date the past twenty five years, added photos and just published it.

    Since it's a true story, I wanted all the real names put in, plus I wanted the whole story told and not what a publishing company wanted to have included. the only way to do that was to publish it myself, which I did this year. It's been a hard twenty five years, and I lost two sons, my last one last year.....and so I keep on trying to reach teens about drugs, alcohol, gangs and getting in with the wrong people with the video I did up on Tn death row called The Choice Is Yours....

    I hope to save other mothers from what I had to go through and other kids from losing their lives like both of my boys...
  • Judi Lake

    You certainally sound like a remarkable woman and one with a mission -- good for you by going your own route -- unless an author knows, as you experienced first hand, publishers really do have the right to change things around and I admire you for 'sticking to your guns'. Being a mom myself, my heart goes out to you enormously, however, you don't have to be a mom to want to help the kids out there -- too much prison, drugs and sex -- they are sleepwalking through life -- I am anxious to see your video but am on a tight deadline right now and would rather view it when I can concentrate. Again, Shirley Dicks, God bless you!!!
  • Judi Lake

    Yes, Lifetime or perhaps the Oxygen channel would be ideal -- I would send an eye-catching package with your book to the producers and follow-up a lot... -- you have a story that needs to be told -- I am sure you went the route to protect all of your work -- Through your tragedy, unfortunately, others can be helped --
  • Margaret Guthrie

    Shirley, this is the kind of thing that Oprah does so well, but I don't know a thing about getting her or her staff interested. I am against the death penalty and your story should be of interest to lots of people. Another book I'm going to have to read. And don't feel old. I have a dozen years on you. Take care. Margaret Guthrie
  • shirley dicks

    I keep getting email that says I have a message but then when I click on the envelope it says no messages. So if someone sends me a message and I don't answer it, my email is

    I know I don't know how this all works yet so I'm probably messing up but hopefully I will figure it out. I think when I get a message it would be on my least that's where it takes me when I click on the line that says I have something there.... Shirley
  • Judi Lake

    You surely have been living the title of your book, A Mother's Torment' -- The media is a funny animal to work with... Actually, Oprah is co-founder of the Oxygen Channel... A production company you may want to contact is 'Bearing The Fruit Communications' -- they produce movies and your story may be a fit with them -- (url: -- Also, Icon Productions (Mel Gibson's company) -- since postage is expensive two routes you may want to go: your media kit with a digitized version of your book burned on a cd or a simple post card campaign --
  • shirley dicks

    thanks Judi...I will check out the web site. I wasn't aware they'd even look at a book sent on CD. That would save a lot if they'd look at it or read parts of it that way. Is there any where that tells how to submit something for a movie. I thought I had to send the book itself.

    I wonder if I could get any reviews by sending the book on CD. That would be so much cheaper both for postage and making it. That's a great idea. I may send out a few and see what they say about it.

    What else would I put in there. A photo of me, a bio and a synopsis of the book's hard for me to promote my own books because I feel like I'm bragging about myself and then again, I know that so many people will criticize all the things I did to try and save my son's life.....

    I used to do talk radio shows but I'll tell you the men were the worst of all people with the things they'd say to me on the air. The death penalty is a hot issue and when I myself went against the law to raise money for Jeff's defense, the attorneys wanted a hundred thousand and up to a million to do his case. And that was because when he turned himself in, he told the whole truth with a statement, and no attorney present. We found out you don't do that. Always have an attorney present or else you'll go down. And I was so stupid at 38 I didn't even know that...

    So it's hard for me to say something good about myself, other than I love my kids more than life and there isn't anything I wouldn't do to save one of them... SHirley
  • Judi Lake

    shirley -- i've been doing the book and media kits on dvd for awhile with a pretty good response -- the key is to always follow up developing relationships with the producers, etc... its all about relationships, relationships, relationships and, of course, presence and persistance -- (basically, Shirley, its really a lot of smoke and mirrors) you can see a sample of what I put into media kits on and check out the media kit link and you can follow the format if you want -- also, when sending out initial packages I always make the outside of the package memorable so it stands out from the crowd -- years ago, I was an art director for mtv and trust me, these packages and press releases get lost unless they stand out. Another route to get your message out there might be to check out show formats on satellite radio and create your own show.
  • shirley dicks

    I'll check it out Judi. When sending out, do you send it from yourself or do you put a publicist name on it.. I couldn't afford one as I live on disability, but in the past I've sent it from my daughter as being my publicist.

    Would you put your book on one CD, and the media kit on another one, newspapers, reviews etc....or do you put them all one one CD that you send out.

    I thought I'd done a lot of promotions on the three of my books I thought would sell pretty good. Most of them are on crime and punishment and those only a certain few will ever buy.

    On the Choice is YOurs DVD and book, I've sent out thousands of emails about it to all the schools I've found on line. I think I have ten thousand emails of principals and teachers which I'm going to put on CD and sell as well as a pdf file on a cd. It took a year to get those which are all the christian and kids at risk emails. I'm working now on regular schools state by state. But even after sending out to all of those I've only sold like eight of them so far.

    My Road Angels book, I sent to motorcycle shops in three states and still didnt sell many of those...and then the last one I thought should sell quite well was my life story and I sent that out to the colleges to the law dept, criminology and psychology depts.

    I've spent the past years getting all these emails to send out wiht a mail program, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. I will put my book and media kit on a CD and start sending to a few movie producers. Do you have any other ideas on how to get out there....

    I personally don't want to do many book signings.....unless I have someone else to do it with me. I know it sounds silly at my age of sixty six, but my health isn't that good for one thing and it's hard to promote myself with the things I did to save my I try to do it all online.

    I could go back to speaking out, both on anti violence and also on the death penalty issue. I never got paid for it but one time, but I know a lot of people who make big money speaking at the colleges and schools for money. I only did it because I believed in what I was speaking about. I see now we should have taken the money for those speaking engagements....
    thanks, I'm going to check out your site... Shirley
  • shirley dicks

    I tried to see the media kit but my computer isn't that good to do videos, so it just stopped and wouldn't go any farther....
  • shirley dicks

    Do you find that blogs help sell books Karina. I've read before how they help get people out there, but I didn't try to do one until recently from my writers site. But I don't see as people have been there yet....

    I'm going to try and do a few signings next month when my friend comes back to do them with me. I really hate to do them. I guess i've been met with such hostility in talk radio and the talk shows because my first books were on the death penalty, and victims of crime that oppose the death penalty that people were just hateful. I always kept my cool and never said anything hateful back but it was hard at times.

    But with these books, I'm hoping it won't bring that reaction, although by putting my name in the search engine they'd come up with my work with prisoners, my ministry for those on death row and I'd still have to explain that I feel prisoners are put in prison to pay for their crimes and not to be abused, medically or physically. And I have to speak up for what I believe in although its not the popular thing to do today. With the Jeff Dicks Coalition I fight for medical care for prisoners.

    It would be easier if I could have been on the other side of the issue, and then people would buy all my books. Oh well, I'm going to start collecting the motorcycle shops emails so I can send out flyers on my motorcycle book for women. Perhaps that will work for that book. I only did one state and send them out and sold a few but nothing to write home about....

    I'm getting a few orders from the schools, but I sent out eight thousand emails to the teachers and principals and thought I'd get more replies than I did...but every little bit helps...
  • John Kremer

    Re: I never could figure out my space but I like this one. One question I have is there any way to redo the spot that says book marketing....I thought it was to put up a synopsis about one of our books but I've noticed many others list all their books there. I couldn't find any place to edit this box..

    I'm not sure how to modify that box. You can edit blogs. You should be able to edit it at any time, but I don't see an edit link on your box. I don't know why. Sorry.

    On second thought, perhaps only you can see the edit link. It should be at the top right of that box in the gold header. It will be very light and say edit.
  • shirley dicks

    no, there isn't any place to edit that column. Can anyone else edit theirs. The only place I can edit is my profile one or the blog. I guess I have to leave it then. Wish I'd have looked around before filling that one in...I made it too long.

    In the chatter one, are we supposed to delete some of these by clicking on the small x at the bottom so the column does't get too long...
  • shirley dicks

    I did find the edit on it when I turned my computer off and back on. Not sure why it wasn't there before as I looked. Anyway, I got it changed to including my books and not just one of them..
  • shirley dicks

    I think this site is great as well. It gives us a chance to meet others, and to share ideas and tips on writing, and marketing. It's the marketing I need as there has to be something I'm not doing to get out there better....

    I also like that we get to meet so many different people, with different types of books.....I'd like to have one of each, but of course that would be too much money, but it's good to check out the new sites of everyone. Although I'm probably spending way too much time on this site, it's fun. Shirley
  • shirley dicks

    Yes DJ, my brother who still lives up there said the winter was mild, but they got snow last week....if I could live up there I least half a year and then half a year in NC with the rest of the family

    Youll get to meet a lot of people here and learn a lot as's great. I spend too much time here myself but it's so interesting that I can't stop myself....
  • Spiros Sideris

    Hi Shirley. Thanks for wanting to be one of my friends. I read your profile and it is very touching. God bless you.
    I myself have written a true life story that is similar in nature to a parent's love for their child and their unbelievable struggles as in your book "A Mother's Torment" and could truly use yor insight on getting our story out there as you have done. My website is
    Thank you and welcome,
    Spiros Sideris
  • Linda LeBlanc

    Hm. That's curious. I didn't get an email from my web site. I wonder if it's working?
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi SHirley,

    On email marketing, one of the keys to success is to market to people who have expressed an interest in your material. To send unsolicited emails can result in very disappointing response rates.

    There are a few routes you might consider.

    1. Host a live presentation at local schools specific to the topic of the book. (You mentioned school age children would benefit from your information). Before the presentation send out media releases about the event. This will not only get you some visibility in your local market, you never know who might read about the event and tell others.

    2. Try using Web Radio resources as a way to get the word out. Web Radio is fast becoming a great resource to tap into various markets.

    3. Set up something on your website (haven't visted your site so I don't know if you hvae this or not) where people can download something specific to the book that requires they leave their contact information. Perhaps weekly tips, a white paper, a report, an ezine, a free teleseminar, etc. Now you are building a database of folks who are interested in your information.

    4. Write articles specific to the topic of the book(s) with a resource box at the end of the article encouraging people to visit your website.

    There is much more to Internet and email marketing than meets the eye. A lot of foundation work must be done in order for campaigns to be successful. I would like to invite you to access a free copy of my eBook - The Truth about Making Money on the Internet. Although you may not be thinking about making money with your books directly from the Internet, the book is full of great information on how to position yourself and your books (or other products or services) on the Net.

    It is probably one of the best resources you will find for many of the email questions you have (if I may say so myself. :-) )

    Best of luck.

    I think it is important for all of us to realize that people are on information overload. When they get unsolicited information, in most cases they just don't pay attention to it.

    We may know what we have to offer is great, but the magic formula is to show benefit to others.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Dear Shirley:

    I see you are working on book tours. I'm just learning how to use a site like this but I want you to know that my THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER might be just what you need for dozens of other free or nearly free book promotions. I wish I had it when I was trying to get my literary work off the ground (I now teach in the UCLA Extension Writers' Program.). Thank you for inviting me. Hope we can keep in touch.

    Carolyn H0ward-Johnson
  • Anita

    Wow. What a journey! You go sister!
  • Joanne Victoria

    Congrats on your journey. I write articles and respond to blogs such as this one to promote me, my books and my services.

    Joanne Victoria
  • Terry Whalin

    Hello Shirley,

    Thank you for the invitation. Nice to meet you here.

  • Louise Lewis

    Hi Shirley!
    Thank you for the invite! New to this site and look forward to learing more.
    take care,
  • Michelle Rosado

    Hi Shirley, thank you for the invitation. Your page is amazing.
  • Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant

    You have worked so hard from so much passion. Congratulations on all you've achieved!
  • Jim Potter

    Thanks for sharing your life full of experiences. Writing is a form of therapy or at least it helps me focus or get away. My choice.
  • James R. Olson

    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for offering friendship. I sincerely hope you can come to terms with the tragedy in your life. I look forward to being your friend.
  • deborah maragopoulos

    Thanks for the invite, Shirley,

    What a wonderful place to share your heart. Blessings to you,

  • Craig O. Thompson

    Hi Shirley,

    You've taken quite a journey through life. You are blessed to be able to pull through all your difficulties and share your experiences with those who need your advice and support.

    Craig O. Thompson
  • Patricia Dischler

    Sounds like you've had one of those "Forrest Gump" kind of lives - me too. It's wonderful you've found how to turn these trials into something good by sharing your experiences in your books.

    I try to do this as well. My book "From Babysitter To Business Owner" is on running a professional daycare, "Because I Loved You" is my experience in placing my son for adoption in 1985 - and the first GOOD story on adoption by a birthmother. You can check them out at

    I'll have to check out your Road Angels book - I am also an avid rider. I had a motorcycle for 5 years before I bought my first car!

    Thanks for the friend invite, best to you!
  • VictoriaLee

    Shirley, You are an amazing woman. Life can sure throw us some questionable curves. Continue to share with others - you never know what is right around the corner.
    Be Blessed and Continually made Whole, Victoria
  • Bea Vanni

    Shirley, thanks for the invite and sharing your very interesting book titles. I spent over 20 years in the police profession with a specialty in violence. I think your books would be a great read and glad you let me know. No one knows what secrets we hold in our hearts about our lives. Best to you!
  • Dan Bessie

    We welcome the invite, Shirley. Your book sounds most interesting. You can see ours on our publishing website,

    Our best, Dan and Jeanne
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Shirley, I am so sorry your life has been so hard, and I look forward to supporting you and sharing with you as things come up. I have so much to learn, and I look forward to hearing about your experiences on the major tv shows. Thanks for asking me to be your friend. I pray that ours indeed can be a fulfilling relationship.

    Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balnaced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self.
  • Paidra Delayno

    Thank you for your invite to add me to your circle of friends. You are obviouly very knowledgable in many things which interest me and I look forward to learning from you.
    Paidra Delayno
  • The Voice

    Thanks for the invite Shirley.

    I'm so sorry for your losses and hope you find your voice to speak out again.

    I look forward to networking and possibly working together with you someday. Aside from that though, I look forward to getting to know new friend.

    Eric H Hollaway Sr