Pastor Sharon Billington


Williams, Arizona

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My husband George and I are ordained and serve as Christian Counselors who are passionate about helping hurting seekers and believers recover emotionally. We were inspired to develop a truly unique and effective counseling tool that we use in our sessions that can also be used privately in self help situations. It's an emotional recovery workbook called Encouraging Words for Christian Emotional Recovery. It's easy to follow, it's simply written, and it's transformed many lives. We pray it ministers to you and those you care about.

We distribute the book, so email us for ordering details.

Warmly, with all love and blessings
Pastor Sharon Billington
Providing Godly encouragement for life's tough times

Comment Wall:

  • Terry Whalin


    I'm delighted to know about your recovery workbook. Keep up the good work. We're all learning as we go,

  • Jim Cermak

    Hi Sharon,

    Great to hear from you! I would love to read your book, and I would like for you to read mine. Given the feedback I have received, I believe both books can serve the same audience, but in different ways. Would you be willing to do a book exchange? Let me know.

    Jim Cermak
  • Julie Eller

    Hi, Sharon. Just stopping by to introduce myself and tell you how wonderful your recovery workbook sounds. There's such need in our society for people such as yourself who minister to the hurting.

  • Tena Fanning

    I apologize that you could not open our site. If you would, try these:, OR
    In the mean time, I will look at your site and I will mail you our information kit and some book samples. Helping kids become happy, healthy adults is our main goal and I am happy to help your organization. Smiles, Tena
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Big Wally, thanks for your reply. I would love to be your friend. Small world. George and I fellowshipped at an Open Bible congregation for quite a while!

    Sharon Billington
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for the idea, Nicole. No, these chapters were inspired writing and had really nothing to do with planning, believe it or not. This has been God's ministry and work, and we've been His skilled, willing instruments! Actually, in our practice we use the serenity prayer as an emotional recovery tool that has helped so very many. Regarding press releases and marketing, we're getting re-started and welcome input big time! Thanks!
  • Ann Stewart

    Hi Sharon,

    Bless you for encouraging others through the Word. Having witnessed God's miracle working power firsthand, the Holy Spirit prompted me to write my first book, a testimonial to the greatness and healing power of our God.

    My ezine: Embracing All the Promises of God aims at encouraging others to stand and grow in their faith to tap into His power and blessings.

    Bless you and look forward to networking together,

    Ann Stewart
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hi Ann!
    Just posted on your page, but couldn't let this go unanswered! I look forward to sharing and encouraging you in your ministry just as you have committed to do the same for us. God is amazing! I, too, have experienced first hand the awesome power of His healing love, since the medical people say I shouldn't be here to write this!

    In His love,
  • Cindy Jost


    I have added the link to your site on my website...good luck and I am glad there are lots of people that feel the way we do still trying to help others.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks, Cindy! I pray that this leads to much emotional recovery.

    Blessings, Sharon
  • Cindy Jost

    Hi Sharon....I read your description above my link which you added to your site (thank you for that) mentioned it does not have God anywhere, but in my book I do mention "your creator" a number of times...just thought I would let you know...thanks again.
  • Cindy Jost

    thanks again Sharon....the best of luck with your endeavours....
  • Cindy Jost

    Hi sharon....I just thought about it and perhaps my mention of "your creator" does not exactly refer to God himself...I apologize for making you think you had made an error...again I thank you for adding my link to your site. God Bless
  • Cindy Jost

    Hi Sharon....thank you very much...and again I apologize for making you think you had made an fact you did what you thought was right and it was not my intention to question your thoughts...
  • Stacey Kannenberg

    Sharon -

    Thanks for the invite. What an inspiration!!! Keep on keeping on and empowering others!!!

    Smiles - Stacey
  • Stacey Kannenberg

    Yes, I will definitely share your mission!
    Smiles - Stacey
  • Marion James


    Thanks for the invite. If you are ever thinking about at overseas tour ... we would love to host you in Istanbul Turkey!
  • Kathleen Gage

    Thank you for the invitation.

    My best
  • Mario S. Fedele

    Thank you for adding me as a friend.

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Wow, Sharon, I love what you do for others. Every single one of your posts looks inviting and intriguing. When I get just the right blog entry for my book blog
    ( I'll add a link to you or one of your articles. (I didn't include the link for promotion, but to show you that it isn't related to my regency romance writing!) Your stuff will fit right in on new book's blog, since it's about Women's Issues.
    Thanks for finding me and inviting me as a friend.
    Keep up the good work!

  • Jim Potter

    What a super service to give to people who are looking for answers and insight!
    Peace out,
  • Lynn C. Johnston


    You are truly doing God's work (but you probably already know that). Good luck to you and God Bless.

    "Angel's Dance: A Collection of Uplifting and Inspirational Poetry."
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    I haven't but I will. Thanks for accepting my invitation.
  • Reason

    thanks for the invite, would you be interested in participating in an online bible study/fellowship group?
  • Jennarosa

    Nice to meet, new friends in new places. I myself am a Youth Counselor through Ministry. Your work is blessed indeed.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    thank you, God blesses those that become a light for other. God bless you and your husband. just for being who you are
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Sharon...would be honored to be your friend. If you would like to join my website, it's at: and another one at: Thanks...Penni
  • Allen Ketchersid

    Hi Sharon,

    Your book sounds like a good one. I'm currently publishing a book authored by four couples, "Preventative Maintenance," which outlines how to have a successful couples group.
  • Pamela June Kimmell

    Hi Sharon....thanks for the "friend" invitation - I happily accept. Blessings to you and your hubby for the work you do to help others.
  • Reason

    thanks ill be sure ot check it out. as afar as the fellowship its still something kind of in the development phase. i first launched it on a forum board last year where members you share testamonies/uplifting messages, prayer requests, have like an online Bible Study where members would take turns each week bringing a lesson to the board, and lastly there was a spot to stay current with Christian events
  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you, Sharon, for inviting me to be a part of your friends circle. I will check out your website later today when I have more time.

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • SusieSunshine

    I went to your site, Sharon. It is very nice and informative.

    Thanks for the inspiring words. I am going through a major transition, and all prayers are deeply welcome and appreciated. I truly thank God for you and your ministry.

    Thanks, Sharon.
    As I attempt to ride out this storm, i relize there is more strength in numbers [2 can put 10,000 to flight].
    I will contact you at the assigned designation, in the AM. OK?
    Thanks, and God bless.

    Good morning, Sharon. I am thanking God for you and your family ministry.
    I am going through major changes in my life, and need prayer to encourage me and my family to see through the trials.
    Will you remember me and my family this day, as you pray, a brother in Christ on a mission to help his fellow man? A new job, a bipolar daughter who may rejoin our household, and a teenage daughter who is confused about her future.
    Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed by it all.

    Thank you for taking the time to labor before the Lord on my behalf. I will never forget it. You have my sincere gratitude.
    There IS a Friend who is closer than a brother.
    Thanks for being a friend in need.

    Thanks, Sharon! How are you, today? Still going through, but I know for sure:
    What you read is an excerpt from Shame's Anatomy"
    [chapter 24,p.296]
    It was inspired by my mother, who always reminded me:
    "Boy, don't let nobody see your shame!"
    She told me this repeatedly, before I went to college.
    Some things stay with you for life.
    Be blessed, always. And thanks for taking time out to pray for a soul in a moment of weakness.
    I will always treasure that, as well.

    Thank you, Sister!
    We are on the brink of a divine revelation, and God is calling all the saints together for prayer, fasting and unity for what he has planned for us. You are in my prayers as well.I thank God for you always,as you are indeed a friend that is closer than a brother.
    When you mentioned your own trial, I was assured of one thing:
    "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's suffering; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye shall be glad also with exceeding joy.
    Stay blessed and secure in the faith.
    Your brother always

  • R. C. BECKOM

    Hi Sharon , glad to know of another Saint in waiting, bless you , and welcome abroad.,Jesus the Christ said, " Seek Him while he is available" at this time in my life the spirit has informed me to seek Wisdom and it(Wisdom) has revealed itself to me and has allow me to understand and realize that It Wisdom is a She and is here for me to be filled with it so that I can live the life that God(Yahweh) intended for all of his creation.
  • Annmarie Edwards

    Hello Sharon,
    Thanks for your invite.
  • P. M. Morris

    Greetings From Chicago!

    I look forward to networking with you!

    Happy Reading!
  • Darlene Walker

    Hello Sharon,
    Thanks for the invite.

  • C. D. Williams

    Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to learning more about the site and working in support of the common good any way that I can.
  • Lutishia Lovely

    Thank you Sharon:

    Blessings to you as well and positve thoughts your way for a wonder-filled week!

    Lutishia Lovely
    Author, Sex In The Sanctuary
    Love Like Hallelujah
  • Tina Rhodes

    Thank you so-much....
  • Donna Rogers

    It was the sixth anniversary of my daughter's death the twenty-first of September, and every year it takes so much out of me just thinking about how much I miss her.
    I am so greatful that she left me her son, for he is my salvation.
    God Bless,