
Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I have a number of books published, the latest are works of fiction, "Magdalena's Song" and "No Choice But Freedom". For the past thirty years, I've written fiction and non-fictional works, lifestyle and travel articles. I find that the easy part is writing the books. The hardest task is marketing and promoting my works, even with a full-service publishing house on-side and doing their bit to sell the titles. My advice to those who tell me that they just know that they have a book in 'em and just need the time to write it is - "Don't quit your day job - just yet", but do have fun writing.

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Stonehome,

    I couldn't agree more with your comments. Thanks for accepting my friend request, and welcome to BMN! I enjoyed reading your profile, and you are correct--marketing is a tough job! I currently run a resource directory for authors. It also includes a "featured books" section. I hope you will check it out and consider having your book featuring your book or books.

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Yes, promoting is challenging. I mistakenly thought the hard part was over when I finished writing my book. You may also want to check out It's a new site dedicated to help authors succeed through cross promotion. Good luck to you here.
  • Stonehome

    Hi Lynn. Thanks for letting me know about bookpromotionnetwork. I'll check it out. I do a lot of guerilla marketing for my various titles which does pay off on many an occasion. Do you know that antique auto and farm equipment shows are some of the best places to sell fictional works. Wives are SO bored during a weekend show of that type that they welcome an author who has a book to sell - usually I'm invited to occupy a table in the craft area/building. I have a lot of fun during these weekends, meet interesting people and sell a lot of books. "No Choice But Freedom" and "Magdalena's Song" seem to be the favourites although my cookbook moves well too.
  • Mary J. Dressel


    I think I sat on that same rock! Where is it? LOL, really!