
Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I have a number of books published, the latest are works of fiction, "Magdalena's Song" and "No Choice But Freedom". For the past thirty years, I've written fiction and non-fictional works, lifestyle and travel articles. I find that the easy part is writing the books. The hardest task is marketing and promoting my works, even with a full-service publishing house on-side and doing their bit to sell the titles. My advice to those who tell me that they just know that they have a book in 'em and just need the time to write it is - "Don't quit your day job - just yet", but do have fun writing.

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  • Mary J. Dressel

    Well, it's not the same rock, but a rock formed the same way. It's in Lassen National Park in Northern California. Mt. Lassen last blew a hundred years ago, and the rock I mentioned was from that. I think my rock was actually almost black, and maybe a little bigger, but the same shape. I like the history that goes along with yours! Thanks...
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Thanks for leaving me a note. I checked out both your websites and look forward to networking with you.
  • Stonehome

    Thanks for being in touch. I'll look forward to your free report - free is good. I hear via th grape vine that the book industry in both Canada and the U.S.A. is in the pits these days because of the economic situation. Few now have the money for wants. Books are last on a list of desires when needs include a roof over one's head and food on the table. So, any sage information your can impart will be much appreciated.