shirley dicks

83, Female

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:

I moved to Tn when my oldest son was wrongly convicted and sent to death row. I started writing at this time and wrote our story and then went on to write other books. My life story was the third one published after Death Row, and Victims. Then I wrote From Vietnam To Hell, Congregation of the Condemned, Young Blood, Road Angels, Long Journey Home, The Choice Is Yours and A Mothers Torment.

I wrote articles that were published in magazines and was on Geraldo, Maury, Sally, Jerry Springer, Rolonda and The Shirley SHow in Canada. The BBC then did a documentary on my life that was play ed overseas.

My youngest son and I spoke out on the Journey of Hope each year in a different state. That's two weeks of speaking out against the death penalty and more violence, creating more victims. Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking also speaks out on the Journey as does Sam Shepperd who is the son of Dr Sam Shepherd convicted of killing his mother and sentenced to die. Sam has spent his whole life trying to prove his innocence. The movie, THe Fugitive is based on his story.

I also went on TN death row and five of the guys came out to do a DVD called The Choice Is Yours where they talk to the kids about the dangers of doing drugs, alcohol and hanging in gangs, and wiht the wrong kind of people. The video I take to schools and speak to the kids to try and stop them before they end up in prison, or death row.

When my oldest son was killed in 99, I started the Jeff Dicks Coalition, to save prisoners from medical neglect, and to stop the murdering of these prisoners by being denied their medication.

Last year I lost my youngest and only son left, and since then I haven't been able to speak out. I will be sending out my book to see about getting it made into a movie. I never knew which company took out the option so will just have to send it out blind....

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  • Sandra Dutton

    Thank you for the invitation.
    Sandra Dutton
  • Annie Lawrence

    Hi Shirley,
    Thanks for the invitation to be your friend. I just returned from TN for a family reunion. I grew up there and hadn't been back in a while.

    Thanks for the work that you are doing. It is great when people take a tragedy and turn it into a mission to help and do great work. I know that our youth will benefit from the work that you are doing.

    Annie Lawrence
  • N.W. Smith

    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Deborah J. Fischer

    Hello Shirley!
    Thanks for your invite, and I'd be honored to be your friend!
  • Jane Castillo

    Thanks for the invitation.

  • Stephanie Gunning

    Thanks for the invitation. If it's at all helpful to you as a writer, there are some free resources for authors that are accessible on my website:
    Good luck with your marketing efforts.
    Stephanie Gunning
  • Judy H. Wright

    hello from beautiful Montana: I am sorry you have suffered the loss of two sons. That is every mother's worst nightmare.

    Judy H. Wright
  • david b mclaughlin

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Dawn Anfuso

    Hi Shirley:
    check out TriCoast Studios

    someone just sent me this message:

    TriCoast Studios ... is looking for new authors so if you want to send some unpublished or self published authors (murder, romance, mystery types) you can send them our way. Authors coming our way will have a better chance to have their works looked at for movies and or TV possibilities as the studio is always looking for new works. The new authors will have a better possibility of getting their work looked by our studio than a traditional publishing company which has to publish the works then search for another outlet if they are so inclined. Or, have an authors agent do it. This way should make it easier for authors than the traditional way.

    Have them check out the studio website: and then send e-mail queries to me at: . or call 310-458-7707.

    i hope this helps,

  • Donna Gunter

    Hi Shirley--

    Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)
  • Judith Shahverdian

    Dear Shirley,

    Thank you for the invitation. What you have gone through and what you have accomplished is a testimony to your strength.

    I look forward to speaking with you
  • Frances Hunter

    Thanks so much for the invitation. We look forward to being part of the network!

    Liz Clare
    co-author, To the Ends of the Earth: The Last Journey of Lewis and Clark
    Silver Medalist, 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards
    book trailer:
  • Ann Stewart

    You bet I want to be your friend, Shirley! You're some lady and doing a lot of good through your writing and standing for the Truth!

    Bless you and trust you will touch many!

    Ann Stewart
  • Jack Elias

    Thanks for asking to be my friend! If you would like to receive my free ezine, Finding True Magic Hypno Tips, please go to my homepage,, and subscribe.

  • William R. Patterson


    Thank you for the invite.

    As my compliments, here are four FREE wealth-building gifts valued at $297 -

    With every good wish,
    William R. Patterson
    Award-Winning Lecturer
    Bestselling Co-author of The Baron Son
  • Frances Hunter

    Shirely, collaboration as sisters is the most fun we have ever had. Hope you and your sister decide to pursue the romance novel!

    Liz Clare
    co-author, To the Ends of the Earth: The Last Journey of Lewis and Clark
    Silver Medalist, 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards
    book trailer:
  • Reecy Aresty

    Hello Shirley!

    Thanks for contacting me.

    I’m Reecy Aresty, a financial advisor since 1977, creator of The High School, The College, and author of How To Pay For College Without Going Broke, an invaluable, critically-acclaimed, parent/student manual. Presented in two parts (admissions & paying for college), it is the only book of its kind also available in Spanish.

    My e-books, reports, and consulting services offer students, parents and grandparents of high school and/or college students (a niche market in the10’s of millions), time-tested techniques to get into the college of their choice, and legal strategies to pay less than they ever dreamed possible.

    Unless your list is mainly the under 40 crowd, I definitely have something to offer you - commissions as high as 50%! Please visit my website, To sign-up as an Affiliate, go to, and we’d sure appreciate your passing this on to any of your affiliates you think may be interested. We pay overrides on two levels of commissions.

    Next week we will have the official launching of and

    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing this with you in greater detail.


    Reecy Aresty
  • Judith Shahverdian

    Hi Shirley!

    I know marketing is hard. I have a heavy traffic web site but sales are slim. I'm looking to revamp my sales page and get into more exposure. Have you tired social bookmarking like stumble or delicious? . It's a great way to get exposure . I know they helped with my main website so I'm now using them for my book sales page. Also set up a page on squidoo that helps too.
    Have a great day
  • ladyewolfe69


    Thanks for the invite!
    Your book sounds very emotional and inspirational!

  • John Fielder

    Hi Shirley,
    My heart goes out to you. We all think we have it hard at times. I feel very blessed that alongside of yours my problems fall into insgnificance.
  • Linda Alexander


    Thx for the friend invite. You appear to be an amazing woman, strong beyond your awareness. I appreciate having the chance to meet you.

    Blessings -- Linda Alexander
    Books for The Thinking Reader
  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you, Shirley, for inviting me to be in your friends' circle! I am looking forward to interacting with you!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • Raffa Predieri

    Hello Shirley, thank you for inviting me to your circle of friends!
    I read a bit of your story on your blog. Don't know what to say, cannot even begin imagining what it would be like to go through what you've been through. And yet, I only see positiveness and I admire you for your subsequent actions - like educating kids using first hand death row experiences. Well done and well doing!
  • Peter Bowerman

    Thanks Shirley,

    Wow - what an incredible story. Can't imagine... I wish you the best with all of it.

  • Pamela Petruschke

    You have certainly had more than your share of personal hardship. I wish you healing and encouragment in your struggle to move on.

  • Elisa Mayo


    Through your heartache, I am sure, many words of wisdom have come--enabling you to reach out to others in pain. God Bless.

    To God Be The Glory,

    Elisa --
  • Miriam Jacobs

    Hello sweet friend!

    Just passing through to wish you love, peace, joy and blessings!

  • R. C. BECKOM

    May the power of the Living God bestow upon you his blessing in love,riches and glory . thanks , I would love 2 b your friend, may you stay strong in your struggle to keep keeping on.
  • Judith Briles

    I cringe when I read stories such as yours; when there is a nano-chance that someone has been wrongly accused, everything needs to be done to verify it...too many screw-ups happen. Here's to your tenacity Shirley.
  • Deborah W.

    I am so very pleased to meet are phenomenal.
  • Kelly Komm

    Nice to meet you, Shirley!
  • Jeremy Twigg

    Hi Shirley,

    Great content on your page. Thanks for sharing.
  • Malinda Mitchell

    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for the invitation to be your friend. I gladly accept. Your books should do really well.

    I wish you the very best,

  • tpier

    Hi Shirley, thanks for the invitation. I'm delighted to be your friend.

  • PG Forte

    hi, Shirley. Thanks for the add. Your books sound very inspiring. Good luck to you!
  • Gene McVay

    Dear Shirley, How do you set up a book signing event in the first place? I read your book signing tips, thanks.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    thanks 4 the invite , like some of your method, wish you well
  • Gene McVay

    Thanks for providing the insight on setting up a book signing. My book, Top Gun Management, is available online at etc. It takes a long time to get in local bookstores, if ever. I am in demand as a public speaker and my book is always mentioned when I am introduced. Several people want to know where they can get a copy and many are not Internet literate. I just explained this in a letter to a local Waldenbooks store in the mall and asked if they would carry my book on consignment. I am interested in their response.
  • Abe F. March

    Your work is impressive. It is amazing what one can do with persistence.
    I wish you continued success.
  • Rosemary Morris


    Thank you for asking me to be your friend.

    My heart goes out to you,

    All the best,
    Rosemary Morris
  • Dennis Lindey


    Thanks for the invite!

    What an amazing story of love and persistance. I'll look forward to getting to know you and learning from your insights!

    Vaya con Dios!
  • Helen Wisocki

    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for the invite! You are an amazing woman!!

  • Helen Wisocki

    Your new book sounds great--and will be a new direction for your writing. It sounds like a lot of fun!
  • Valerie Anne Faulkner

    Shirley, Thank you for the invite. I always like to check out everyone I meet and I must say....after seeing your web-site... I'm moved, and I am glad you are my friend.
    Thanks again, Valerie

    P.S. I have a son......I felt your pain, God be with you.
  • Dennis Lindey


    After losing my Mom, almost 4 years ago. I've come to the understanding that I will be happy for the sadness that comes with losing someone special. Because that means they had brought joy to my life. Not just another person passing through my life that either didn't matter. Or someone that had made my life a little worse for their presence and brightened it when they left.

    So, I'll be happy for the sadness you feel because it's only in your heart because you had great joy while they were here with you.
  • Helen Wisocki

    Hi Shirley,
    I had a thought about finding the men over 50 for your next book--go back to the women in your book and see if they know a man who will give you the same kind of input. Best of luck on your new adventure--may it be a happy and fulfilling one!
  • Dennis Lindey


    Thank you for your kind remarks about my book! As you know it means a lot when it comes from another author!

    I saw a little of Road Angels. What kind of Honda did you ride? This is my 5th bike it's a Honda VTX-1300C, with a few mods... imagine that.
  • Theresa E. Grant

    Hi shirley,
    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • Alex Beecroft

    Thanks for adding me as a friend, Shirley! I was interested to read what you wrote about virtual book tours. It's good to know :)
  • Gloria Jean Richmond

    Dearest Shirley,

    My heart and prayers go out to you as you continue to seek way to express your truly God-Given-Gift. Thanks for inviting me into your circle.

    Peace & Love,
    Gloria Jean