Deborah J. Fischer

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
The VERY brief bio: The daughter of an Air Force Chaplain, she lived overseas in Taiwan and Turkey before moving to the state of Utah at age fourteen, where she resided for the next fifteen years. She is a graduate of the University of Utah with a degree in music and a ten year veteran of home schooling. She, her husband of 25 years, and two daughters make their home in Colorado Springs.

The book: I am a pre-published author now 18 months into working on a fiction novel. Drawing from my 15 years of living among Utah Mormons and a heart to reach out to the vast numbers of those who 1. feel trapped; and/or 2. feel abandoned by the LDS church, this is ultimately a message of hope; Truth is a person: Jesus Christ.

My mixed genre fiction novel explores the theme of freedom through the eyes of a young college woman born into mainstream Mormonism (NOT FLDS). It is the story of why she leaves the faith of her youth and what she discovers along the way in her search for ultimate truth and fulfillment.

A website will be set up closer to the book's completion, and the url will be posted at that time.

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  • Deborah J. Fischer

    Hey ya'll!
    Just a quick note to let you know I didn't fall off the planet! - Our youngest has developed some health issues which have taken and continue to take so much of my free time. The book is progressing well - my research continues to unearth so much that I hope it will interest a publisher for a series when this first one is complete. I'll take my time to get it right, though - such a delicate subject deserves gentle handling.
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