Linore Rose Burkard

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Linore Rose Burkard is an Inspirational Christian Romance author with an interest in historical and contemporary fiction. She is currently working on a novel which incorporates the idea of purity and sexual integrity as the only tenable way of life in the 21st Century, especially for Christians. Linore has five kids of her own and lives with her husband in Ohio, after being born and raised in New York.

Comment Wall:

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hello to everyone on the Network, I'm happy to join you!
    I already wrote about my main writing interests, (in my profile) but I should also note that I publish a monthly ezine about Regency England for fans of Regency fiction, writers, history buffs, Anglophiles, Janeites, and period fashion fans. I invite anyone reading (YOU!) to sign up and give it a try. (It's completely free--a $97 value). You can always unsubscribe if you aren't happy with it. (I have lots of fun filling it with colorful illustrations, though, so I think you'll enjoy each issue.) And if you think I'm biased in favor of my ezine--why, you'd be absolutely right!

    Before I go, just want to add that I appreciate those who have already extended a warm welcome by inviting me to be a friend--and all those who will.

    Thanks much,

    PS: SIgn up here;
    It's fast, free, and easy!
    It's fast, free, and easy!
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hi Linore, thanks for your friendship. So glad to hear that you enjoy poetry as well. I also love Robert Frost and some of the classics - Yeats, Shelley, and Shakespearean sonnets. But I adore Billy Collins! If you haven't read any of his, check him out. His poetry makes me smile, he has such a unique way of observing every day life that just tickles me! I will be sure to visit your website.
    Take care,
  • Stacey Kannenberg

    Hey Linore -

    I am so happy to finally find you on Book Market. You know I'm already a huge fan of yours!!! You are amazing!!!

    Love ya!!!
    Smiles - Stacey
  • Rachel

    Thanks for the kind words! Hope all is well.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    Thank you for the comment. Your work also seems very interesting, and I wholeheartedly agree with you on the integrity and purity issue. I also like your book cover. I will soon be featuring the work of Pat Simmons who is also a Christian Romance author in Featured Books section of the website and hope you would consider having your book featured as well.
  • John Oarc

    hello Linore. thanks for the friend invitation. I also agree in purity and sexual integrity. I applaud your work and hope your word spreads like fire. I myself have two daughters and we are doing everything we can to make sure they understand how very important this is. +
    John Oarc
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Linore, you are so right! There are many talented writers and authors on here. It will definitely take me some time to review my friends work and/or services from many of the authors here.

    About being featured-- copy and paste this link and click on the "Author" section and you will see the information on there.

    Let me know if you have any questions?

  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    Linore, I have three, not four published. I have four written, but not published. Thank you for your nice comments. Your new project "which incorporates the idea of purity and sexual integrity as the only tenable way of life in the 21st Century," sound very, very interesting, and may I say, probably sorely needed . . . I'll be watching this event . . . Thank you again . . .
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    Thanks for the suggestion. Ironically, I was in the process of doing the same thing you suggested. I'm late, but I am sending Osteen a copy of my book. I wanted to mention that his sermon inspired the book's title and title poem, but not the book itself.

    I would love to exchange books! Although, I couldn't do so at this time. I currently don't have any available copies and won't be getting any soon. I will definitely let you know when I have copies available.

    I would also like to write a novel or screenplay and it would be Christian Romance. I already have the concept and storyline of what I want to write about:) But it won't be published anytime soon, though. My next book would be poetry.

    Talk to you soon.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    I finally made a book trailer. Let me know what you think?

  • John Oarc

    Keep up the good work yourself, women need guidance more than ever these days as do men you know.

    I will keep in touch with any new developments,

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Linore, here is the link to view my trailer:

    You can also just click on my page and scroll down on the to left corner then click video.

    I hope you like it.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Linore, it doesn't work that way. This is my first time uploading any video on You Tube, but like in all things, you have to promote it to other You Tube subscribers to really get any traction. Although you never know who can see it regardless.

    I would love to do another video reading a few of my poems.

  • Dianne Schwartz

    Thanks so much for the invitation. I lived in Ohio for 9 years!

    I like the idea of your book. Very much needed.
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hello, I looked at your ezine and was really impressed. What a great idea! How do you set something up like this? Which software do you use? Keep up the great work! I write as a columnist for Today s Zaman an English national and international newspaper printed in Turkey and on the web. You can read one of my articles if you go to: Hope you enjoy it!
  • Dianne Schwartz

    Since my book has been out for 7 years, I'm not sure a review would help but I'm currently working on another book and might ask for your help when it's finished. Thanks!
  • Ane Mulligan

    I can help some there, Linore. I co-own two popular blogs, Novel Journey and Novel Reviews, where we interview authors and review their novels. Most are CBA authors, but some are ABA (but the work must be G rated). Google Novel Journey and you'll find us.

    The other thing I'd love to recommend is ACFW (American Christian Fiction writers). We're actually an international group now, with 1400 members. Joining ACFW was the best thing I ever did for my writing. Our members are some of the best-selling authors like Angela Hunt, Karen Kingsbury, Deb Raney, and others you see here, too. But there are also a lot of pre-pubilshed authors. You'll get the best writing and marketing advice ever!!

    So check it out at You'll be glad you did. :o) It's a great community of Christian authors.
  • Ann Stewart

    Hi Lenore,

    Always looking to network with Christian authors. I found you on Ane Mulligan's site and would like you to be my friend,

    Ann Stewart
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Linore,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. This week’s featured author is Nikki Leigh. Nikki shared some excellent tips on how an author can market themselves.

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage

    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Ane Mulligan

    ACFW is perfect, Linore. We're even working on local chapters, and the annual conference is the premiere fiction conference! You'll be glad you joined.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    When you get a chance send me a bio of yourself (perhaps something you have not already listed in your profile) and I will add it to my blog on BMK.

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Ok, will do, Nadia, and thank you. Oh, and I got your address, thanks for that, also.
    You are keeping busy, girl!
    Talk to you again soon,

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hi, fellow authors. Isn't this the truth?
    Book research can take you into places you'd never *normally* consider venturing. In my current book project, the hero, Jason, owns a Harley Davidson. Online snooping around just wasn't answering all my questions, so I went to a meeting of a local group of Motorcyclists--and met some fabulous people.

    The group was a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, called "Warriors for Christ." I was able to ask questions to my heart's content, and was even given a nice close-up inspection of a sporty Harley as well as a few "dressed out" bikes. This is going to be perfect for my heroine's first ride on Jason's bike.

    I do remember my one--and only--ride on a motorcycle. I was visiting my cousin and dear friend Carol at her brother's house in Vermont. Just being in Vermont was an amazing eye-opener for this city girl. (Seeing pictures of a place just isn't the same as being there!)

    Anyway, Kurt, (Carol's older brother) took me for a "spin" almost the moment I set foot in his house. It was extraordinary. I was terrified, but also exhilarated. The beauty of the mountains took my breath away, and the winding country roads, empty except for us, were surreal. The unfamiliar climbs up steep, mountainous strips of road, lined thickly with dense forest, was simply unforgettable. Kurt was having fun showing off his beautiful adopted state, and I was clinging to him for dear life. When we halted atop a nearby summit for an awe-inspiring view of mountain tops, I might just as well have been in the Alps! To me, this was like another country. I just couldn't believe the beauty.

    Even so, it was a relief to climb off that bike. But that was over twenty-five years ago. (Yikes! Time flies.)
    After seeing so many beautiful shiny bikes up close, and putting my newest fictional heroine on one, I'm starting to think it's high time for another ride myself.

    Want to "haul" a rider, anyone? (Just kidding. That's biker-speak for carrying a passenger. See? You learn important stuff when you do face-to-face research!)


  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    I've added your bio to my blog. Thanks.

    Have a Great Weekend!

  • Ane Mulligan

    Linore, that's wonderful! I'm SO delighted you joined!! Be sure to get plugged into the e-loop. You'll receive an e-letter from the secretary explainin all about getting plugged in, and then one from ME :o) telling you about the zones. I'm the zone officer on the board. I'll be looking for you on the loop!

    Our conference is in Dallas this year from 9/20-23. I go on the 18th for some pre-conference board meetings. The loop will be a bit quiet while a bunch of us are at the conference, but we'll be blogging about it, so be sure to visit the blogs. :o)
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    I'll definitely check it out, and thanks for letting me know. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.

  • Ane Mulligan

    My blog partner, Gina, set up the subscription thing on Novel Journey, but it's readily available. I'll find out for you. :o)

    Email me at
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    I just stopped by to check up on you and to see how you were doing.

    Btw, I have used your book cover in a few ads.

    Take care.

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for accepting my friend request. I look forward to seeing how the Lord leads us to support, encourage and partner with each other. I invite your visit to our site, where you'll find a safe place to receive support, encouragement, information and gentle challenge when life gets hard. Perhaps you will feel led to link to us there as well.

    Pastor Sharon
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others adn self
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Inspiration and romance.. love it. Good luck to you.
  • Julie Eller

    Hi, Linore! Thanks for checking out the trailer, and for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm a member of ACFW as well, though I don't spend much time there.....

    Are you a member of ShoutLife ( It's a great place to connect with fellow Christian authors and musicians, and lovers of books and music. If not, check it out--I've met some wonderful friends there.

    I'll also stop by and check out your "real" website when I have a few minutes sometime, and invite you to do the same (

    I'm always looking for new ideas for marketing/promotion--hope we can bounce some off of each other :)

    Have a great day!

  • Julie Eller

    Hi, Linore. Gosh, thanks for the invitation!! I'll see if I can't come up with something. Loving the Christmas season as I do, it shouldn't be too much of a challenge!!

    I did check out your website; it's great! I'm definitely going to order the Regency Christmas book! I love historicals, and that period in time especially :)

    Hope your day's going well!

  • Rick Frishman

    hi- you left a comment for me about my 1st author networking call on Oct 1- but I can't find it
    how can I help you
    it is at 3:00 pm ET 620 294 4000
    then 222089#
  • Brian Hale

    please check out our new book just released I Am Co authors Brian Hale and Matt Hale it will give you a new look at how we talk to God and His real Name
    May God bless you and your whole family B Hale
  • Rick Frishman

    now I see your message from the other day
    thanks so much
    so nice to meet you!
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    Thank you so much for your good wishes! Leeanne
  • Mary Akpala

    Hi Linore,

    It is very nice to be connected with you.

    Regarding your question about our intranet solutions, it includes useful intranet applications, including database manager, document manager, task manager, shared calendar, contacts and members directory, announcements, discussion forums, opinion polls, expense reports, web meetings, web mail and more.

    You can view the larger photos here on Ning at

    You can see more information at
    If you want to, you can try it out free for 30 days.
    And free really means free. No conditions, no obligations, no quibbles.

    And now about that book.......
    It is coming along slowly but surely.

    Best regards
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Linore,

    I'm just letting you know that the book has already been shipped, so you should get some time next week.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Marta Stephens

    Hi Linore,

    Thanks for the invite into your group. I think I've been to Waynesville. How far is it from the Indiana line?
  • Anne Whitfield

    Thanks for your comment.
    I agree with you that short story ebooks can be a great way to build a profile.
    I have three short stories out, soon to be four.

    Good luck with your Christmas book.