Anne Mitchell

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I work full time as an Investigator for a Sheriff's Office and investigate all felony crimes ranging from murder to theft. I investigate a lot of Domestic Violence Crimes against women. Working with victims gives me a sense of relief when I lay my head down at night just knowing that I have helped others to do the same without fear of Violence. I spent several years in a violent marriage and never had help from anyone then one day after fighting back, I was raising my children in a better atmosphere. Now I am proud to say that I can make a difference in some one's life and maybe they will be more fortunate than I was.
I am proud to anounce my new book "Held Against Her Will" which promises to be one of the best thriller's you ever read. This is a fiction book but is based on Violence Against Women and I hope to let every woman out there know that you really never know what is going to happen in the future. When you take long trips by your self, always think of who is standing next to you and who may be watching you. This is why "Held Against Her Will" was written. To let you know.

Comment Wall:

  • Daryl Grigsby

    wow - glad to hear about your work. much needed. i have 2 daughters and the global century-old epidemic of violence against women freaks me out. your work to break the cycle is awesome. i will pass the word. if you get a chance check my book out on amazon 'in their footsteps' - reflections on black history featuring 366 folks - 1 for every day - and i deliberately included as many women as i could find - not easy when you go back in history.
  • Daryl Grigsby

    hey anne - i was in portland wordstock (book festival) and heard about book about domestic violence - 'color me butterfly; by L Y Marlow. thought about u and your work; by the way how is your book doing and where is it available?
  • Anne Mitchell

    Hello Daryl - I was on yesterday and noticed it was on there!!! yeah!! I couldnt believe it. It's also available on Barnes & Nobles. I am so excited!! I will have to check out the book "color me butterfly" and thanks for the tip!
  • Dyan Garris

    Anne: This is very important work. Thank you for the friend invitation. I'm honored.
  • Shelagh Watkins