Winona Rasheed

72, Female

Washington DC

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a children's writer. First, I self-published three titles. I love writing fairytales for our young folks. You can see these books at:
I am also proud to say that I also have two new books out for children that are on cds. How cool is that? For me, this is an exciting time.

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Winona,

    It's nice to meet you, and I appreciate your kind words. I look forward to us networking together as well. I believe you will find BMN to be quite useful for authors. I hope to learn more about your books.

  • Winona Rasheed

    Thank you Nadia. I am going to enjoy the "Bookmarket". I am sure we can learn something new everyday here.
    As far as my books, they are children stories, mainly fairytales. Though I did write something for older kids and it has been accepted for publishing at Writer's Exchange. Right now, it is going through the editing que, so it may be awhile before it is released. I am proud of this story too because it is about a Cherokee Indian boy. I can't wait to see the illustrations for this one. I also have one at Guardian Angel publisher, and it is still being considered. Ahhh, the agony of the wait. But, since we have time on our hands, what does it hurt to wait a little while longer?
    Oh, I just thought of something, Do you do interviews? Perhaps I can interview you for my webpage. I never done anything like this before, but it sounds like a good thing to do, what do you think?
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Congratulations on your books. I'll check out your site!

  • Colleen Breuning

    Congrats on your children's books, Winona! How did you like your experience with lulu? I am finishing up a poetry book and trying to decide on publishers. I'd love to have your opinion on the process with lulu. Thanks!
    Take care,
  • Donna Rogers

    Thank you so much for sharing your compassion with me. My daughter left six years ago on September twenty-first. Every year on that date I take it very hard, therefore forgive me for not writing to you sooner.
    Donna Rogers
  • Shelagh Watkins

  • Shara Smock

    Hi Winona,

    Dahris sent me. I just stopped by to see what you're up to and to let you know about Florida Writers Assn. It's national too!


    * Quarterly issue of The Florida Writer magazine.

    * Extra exposure for your writing by submission of articles and poems to the Florida Writer newsletter.

    * A link to your website on the FWA website.

    * The opportunity to interact with other writers by attending Writers Group meetings in your area.

    * The opportunity to attend and participate in the annual FWA Conferences.

    * Even more exposure for you as writer through participation in the annual Awards Program for published and unpublished writers.

    * Access to MEMBERS-ONLY e-group where members share publishing, writing, and marketing tips..

    * Special members-only rates on advertising in The Florida Writer magazine.

    * The opportunity to participate in FWA-sponsored book signing and promotional events held throughout the year.

    * Leadership opportunities as a Writers Group Leader, Regional Director or FWA officer.

    * SPEAKING Opportunities!

    Hope you check out the site and consider joining!

    FWA Secretary