Rita Schiano


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I work as a freelance writer and editor. My recent novel, "Painting The Invisible Man," is a contemporary historical fiction that explores the complex dynamics of an Italian family on the fringes of the Mafia.

What gives this story an added twist is that it is based on true events. In 2001, a keying error led me to discover dozens of news articles written in the 1990s that referenced my father. This would not have been all that strange except for the fact he died in 1976. The headline that caught my attention mention how the FBI had audio tapes of a mob enforcer talking about a 20-year murder he "got away with." The "enforcer" on the tapes was acquitted of my father's murder.

Want to learn more about the book? Tune in to my interview with David Ewen (BlogTalk Radio) posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-Mrt82hGw&feature=channel_page

SIgn up for my free e-newsletter at www.ritaschiano.com. I will not share your address and you may opt out at any time.

To learn more about the story go to www.paintingtheinvisibleman.com
Visit my blog: Rita's Not-So-Daily Blog http://ritaschiano.blogspot.com

Comment Wall:

  • Rita Schiano

    Hello everyone, over the next few days I intend to get my page up and rolling. What an excellent venue for writers. Thanks, Nadia, for pointing me in this direction.
  • Rita Schiano

    Visit my direct blog: www.rita.schiano@blogspot.com
  • Sheila Roberts

    Rita, your story sounds fascinating. Is this your first book?
  • SusieSunshine

    Hi, Rita!

    Your story sounds so interesting. I look forward to sharing more with you.

    As for my publishing company, it started out to be just for me, but it seems that God has other plans. Because of my endeavor and struggles with Weaving Dreams Publishing (the name of my company) I am able to help those who are contemplating writing, authoring, publishing, and all facets in the book venue.

    Thank you for the support. I do appreciate it!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Hi Rita,
    Looking forward to knowing you better!
  • Rita Schiano

    HI everyone,
    Sorry I've been away from this site for a while. I'm home now for a bit and plan to catch up. I do want to invite folks to sign up for my free e-newletter with marketing and writing tips, ideas for driving more traffic to your web site, and more.

    To sign up, go to http://www.ritaschiano.com and type your e-mail address in the box provided on the left. It’s that simple!
    I will never share your e-mail address and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    Please feel free to pass this e-mail along to any associates whom you think will benefit.

    Have a great holiday and a very successful New Year!
  • Sarah Butland

    Just reading about your book has me intrigued. I want to read this right away and will someday and let you know what I think :)

    Keep it up!
  • Sarah Butland

    Beautiful! I really appreciate that. Going to be after Christmas is over with but definitely will be getting it soon. Already added your website to my favourites :)
  • Ricky Fico

    Thank you, Rita

    Monuments 4 Life
  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Hi Rita,
    Just popping in to say “Hi” and see what you have been up to lately!
    Visit the storefront where I sell my books:

    Africa’s Amazing ABC (children’s)

    African Dust on the Soles Of my Feet (poetry)
  • Margaret Guthrie

    Your book sounds like a fascinating story - and personal. Good luck with it! Margaret