Rita Schiano


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I work as a freelance writer and editor. My recent novel, "Painting The Invisible Man," is a contemporary historical fiction that explores the complex dynamics of an Italian family on the fringes of the Mafia.

What gives this story an added twist is that it is based on true events. In 2001, a keying error led me to discover dozens of news articles written in the 1990s that referenced my father. This would not have been all that strange except for the fact he died in 1976. The headline that caught my attention mention how the FBI had audio tapes of a mob enforcer talking about a 20-year murder he "got away with." The "enforcer" on the tapes was acquitted of my father's murder.

Want to learn more about the book? Tune in to my interview with David Ewen (BlogTalk Radio) posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5-Mrt82hGw&feature=channel_page

SIgn up for my free e-newsletter at www.ritaschiano.com. I will not share your address and you may opt out at any time.

To learn more about the story go to www.paintingtheinvisibleman.com
Visit my blog: Rita's Not-So-Daily Blog http://ritaschiano.blogspot.com

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  • Rita Schiano

    Hi Tom,
    If you don't mind, sign up for my e-newsletter. It will contain live links that you can click on. Go to www.ritaschiano.com. The sign up box is on the left.

    I'm hoping you'll consider being a guest.
  • Dennis McCurdy

    Rita love your Talk to Me show on Talk Blog Radio
  • Bert Martinez

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